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Star Health and Allied Insurance

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3. When health issues can't be predicted, health insurance is the best option available to overcome the heavy financial loss that occurs in the form of hospitalization and medical expenses. The right decision of purchasing a health insurance policy should complement the wise move of picking the right one. Precise to say , having a policy that of fers complete protection is more essential than just having a health insurance cover . Presenting ST AR Comprehensive Insurance Policy with renewed features. This policy is carefully crafted to of fer complete protection against all health care eventualities for an entire family on individual and floater basis. μ Eligibility Ø Entry age between 3 months and 65 years Ø Lifelong renewals guaranteed Ø No exit age Ø Policy T ype: Individual / Floater (Family Size: Maximum 2 Adults + 3 Dependent Children) Ø Dependent children (those who are economically dependent on their parents) can be covered upto 25 years of age μ Sum Insured Options: Rs.5,00,000 ; Rs.7,50,000 ; Rs.10,00,000 ; Rs.15,00,000 ; Rs.20,00,000 ; Rs.25,00,000; Rs.50,00,000 ; Rs.75,00,000 ; Rs.1,00,00,000. μ Policy T erm: 1 year / 2 year / 3 year . For policies more than one year , the Basic Sum Insured is for each year , without any carry over benefit thereof. μ Instalment Facility available: Premium can be paid Monthly , Quarterly , Half-yearly. Premium can also be paid Annually , Biennial (Once in 2 years) and T riennial (Once in 3 years). μ Pre-acceptance medical screening: No Pre-acceptance medical screening. μ Day Care Procedures: All Day Care Procedures are covered. μ Midterm inclusion of newly married / wedded spouse and New Born Baby is permissible on paying additional premium. The intimation about the marriage / new born should be given within 60 days from the date of marriage or new born. The cover will be from the date of payment of premium. μ Coverage (Section 1) A. Room (Private Single A/C room), Boarding and Nursing Expenses Hospitalisation cover: N o t e : H o s p i t a l i z a t i o n E x p e n s e s w h i c h v a r y b a s e d o n t h e r o o m r e n t o c c u p i e d b y t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n w i l l b e c o n s i d e r e d i n p r o p o r t i o n t o t h e r o o m r e n t l i m i t / r o o m c a t e g o r y s t a t e d i n t h e p o l i c y s c h e d u l e o r a c t u a l s w h i c h e v e r i s l e s s . B. Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner , Consultants, Specialist Fees C. Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, ICU charges, Surgical Appliances, Medicines and Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray , diagnostic imaging modalities, Dialysis, Chemotherapy , Radiotherapy , cost of Pacemaker D. Road ambulance expenses: Subject to an admissible hospitalization claim, road ambulance expenses incurred for the following are payable; i. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service to go to hospital when this is needed for medical reasons or ii. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service from one hospital to another hospital for better medical treatment or iii. for transportation of the insured person from the hospital where treatment is taken to their place of residence provided the requirement of an ambulance to the residence is certified by the medical practitioner E. Air Ambulance expenses up to Rs.2,50,000/- per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period F . Pre-Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period not exceeding 60 days prior to the date of hospitalization G. Post Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period up to 90 days from the date of discharge from the hospital H. Outpatient Medical Consultation: Expenses on Medical Consultations as an Out Patient incurred in a Networked Facility for other than Dental and Ophthalmic treatments, up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of benefits with a limit of Rs.300/- per consultation. This benefit will not reduce the sum insured Note: Payment of any claim under shall not be construed as a waiver of Company's right to Outpatient Medical Consultation repudiate any claim on grounds of non disclosure of material fact or pre-existing disease, for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the policy contract. I . C o v e r a g e f o r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t ( i n c l u d i n g A Y U S H ) f o r a p e r i o d e x c e e d i n g t h r e e d a y s , f o r a n D o m i c i l i a r y h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n : i l l n e s s / d i s e a s e / i n j u r y , w h i c h i n t h e n o r m a l c o u r s e , w o u l d r e q u i r e c a r e a n d t r e a t m e n t a t a H o s p i t a l b u t , o n t h e a d v i c e o f t h e a t t e n d i n g M e d i c a l P r a c t i t i o n e r , i s t a k e n w h i l s t c o n f i n e d a t h o m e u n d e r a n y o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c i r c u m s t a n c e s ; i. The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a Hospital, or ii. The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital However , this benefit shall not cover Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic Nephritis and Nephritic Syndrome, Diarrhoea and all types of Dysenteries including Gastro-enteritis, Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus, Epilepsy , Hypertension, Influenza, Cough and Cold, all Psychiatric or Psychosomatic Disorders, Pyrexia of unknown origin for less than 10 days, T onsillitis and Upper Respiratory T ract infection including Laryngitis and Pharingitis, Arthritis, Gout and Rheumatism. μ Delivery and New Born (Section 2) A. Expenses incurred as in-patient for Delivery including Delivery by Caesarean section B. T reatment of the New Born C. V accination expenses for the new born baby are payable up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, until the new born baby completes one year of age and is added in the policy on renewal. Claim under this is admissible only if claim under A of Section-2 above has been admitted and while the policy is in force Coverage under this section is subject to a waiting period of 24months and payable only while the policy is in force. μ Out-patient Dental and Ophthalmic T reatment (Section 3): Expenses incurred on acute treatment to a natural tooth or teeth or Eye are payable, once in every block of 3 years of continuous coverage. The treatment can be taken as an Outpatient. For limits please refer schedule of Benefits. This is in addition to sum insured. Note: Payment of any claim under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of Company's right to repudiate any claim on grounds of non disclosure of material fact or pre-existing disease, for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the policy contract. μ Organ Donor Expenses (Section 4): In patient hospitalization expenses incurred for organ transplantation from the Donor to the Recipient Insured Person are payable provided the claim for transplantation is payable. In addition, the expenses incurred by the Donor , (if any) for the complications that necessitate a Redo Surgery / ICU admission will be covered. The coverage limit under this section is over and above the Limit of Coverage and up to the Basic Sum Insured. This additional Sum Insured can be utilized by the Donor and not by the Insured. μ Hospital Cash Benefit (Section 5) Ø Payable for each completed day of Hospitalisation up to 7 days per occurrence and maximum of 120 days during the entire policy period Ø This benefit is subject to an excess of first 24 hours of Hospitalization for each and every claim. Claims under this section will not reduce the Sum Insured μ Health Check Up (Section 6): This Benefit is payable for every claim free year up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of benefits. μ Bariatric Surgery (Section 7) a) The expenses incurred on hospitalization for bariatric surgical procedure and its complications thereof are payable upto the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, during the policy period b) This maximum limit of Rs.2,50,000/- and Rs.5,00,000/- are inclusive of pre-hospitalization and post hospitalization expenses c) The limit of cover for Bariatric Surgery forms part of sum insured under Section 1 d) Coverage under this section is subject to a waiting period of 36 months and payable only while the policy is in force μ Option for Second Medical Opinion (Section 8): The Insured Person is given the facility of obtaining a Second Medical Opinion from a Doctor in the Company's network of Medical Practitioners. To utilized this benefit all medical records should be forwarded to the mail id μ A YUSH T reatment (Section 9): In patient hospitalization expenses incurred on treatment under A yurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a Government Hospital or in any institute recognized by the government and/or accredited by the Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health as in patient is payable up to the limits mentioned in the Schedule of Benefits. Note: 1) Payment under this benefit forms part of the sum insured and also will impact the Bonus 2) Y oga and Naturopathy systems of treatment are excluded from the scope of coverage under A YUSH treatment μ Accidental Death and Permanent T otal Disablement (Section 10) 1. Accidental Death 2. Permanent T otal Disability following an accident 3. Dependent children and persons above 70 years can be covered under accidental death and permanent total disablement upto the sum insured of Rs.10,00,000/- * The sum insured for this cover is separately indicated in schedule of benefits. Cover is available for one insured person opted by the proposer Special Features Ø This program intends to promote, incentivize and to reward the Insured Persons' Star W ellness Program (Section 1 1): healthy life style through various wellness activities. The wellness activities as detailed in the website are designed to help the Insured person to earn wellness reward points which will be tracked and monitored by the Company . The wellness points earned by the Insured Person(s) under the wellness program, can be utilized to get discount in premium. The following table shows the discount on premium available under the W ellness Program; For more information, Please visit our website : www Ø T h e p r o s p e c t h a s t h e o p t i o n t o o p t f o r r e d u c t i o n o f w a i t i n g p e r i o d i n r e s p e c t o f B u y B a c k P r e - E x i s t i n g D i s e a s e ( S e c t i o n 1 2 ) : P r e - E x i s t i n g D i s e a s e s f r o m 3 6 m o n t h s t o 1 2 m o n t h s o n p a y m e n t o f a d d i t i o n a l p r e m i u m . T h i s o p t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e o n l y i f t h e f i r s t p u r c h a s e o f a n i n d e m n i t y i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y i s a S t a r C o m p r e h e n s i v e I n s u r a n c e P o l i c y a n d a l s o o n l y u p t o S u m I n s u r e d c h o s e n a t t h a t t i m e . T h i s o p t i o n i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r r e n e w a l o r p o l i c i e s p o r t e d f r o m o t h e r I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n i e s . T h e p r o s p e c t h a s t o u n d e r g o p r e - a c c e p t a n c e m e d i c a l s c r e e n i n g a t C o m p a n y ' s n o m i n a t e d c e n t r e . A t p r e s e n t 1 0 0 % o f c o s t o f t h e p r e - a c c e p t a n c e m e d i c a l s c r e e n i n g w i l l b e b o r n e b y t h e C o m p a n y . T h e C o m p a n y m a y r e q u i r e t h e p r o s p e c t t o s h a r e t h i s c o s t ( m a x i m u m 5 0 % ) . μ Coverage for Modern T reatments (Section 13) : Expenses are subject to the limits. (For details please refer website: www μ Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured (Applicable for Section 1 Only): There shall be automatic restoration of the Basic Sum Insured by 100% immediately upon exhaustion of the Basic Sum Insured and accrued Cumulative Bonus if any , once during the policy period. I t i s m a d e c l e a r t h a t s u c h r e s t o r e d S u m I n s u r e d c a n b e u t i l i z e d f o r t h e s u b s e q u e n t h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n e v e n f o r t h e i l l n e s s / d i s e a s e f o r w h i c h c l a i m / s w a s / w e r e a l r e a d y m a d e . S u c h r e s t o r a t i o n w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e f o r s e c t i o n 1 o t h e r t h a n S e c t i o n 1 H . T h i s b e n e f i t i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r M o d e r n T r e a t m e n t s . μ Cumulative Bonus (Applicable for Section 1 other than 1H, Section 4, Section 7, Section 9, Section 12 and Section 13): Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.5,00,000/-, the insured person would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 50% of the basic sum insured under this policy following after every claim free year up to a maximum of 100%. Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.7,50,000/-or above, the insured person would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 100% of the basic sum insured under this policy following a claim free year . The maximum benefit of bonus is 100% of the basic sum insured. Special Conditions for Cumulative Bonus 1. The Cumulative Bonus will be calculated on the expiring Basic Sum Insured or on the renewed Basic Sum Insured whichever is less 2. If the insured opts to reduce the Basic Sum Insured at the subsequent renewal, the limit of indemnity by way of such Cumulative Bonus shall not exceed such reduced basic sum insured 3. In the event of a claim resulting in; i. Partial utilization of Basic Sum Insured, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued ii. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and nil utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued iii. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and partial utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be the balance cumulative bonus available and will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued iv . Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and full utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be “nil” or “zero μ Exclusions A. The Company shall not be liable to make any payments under this policy in respect of any expenses what so ever incurred by the insured person in connection with or in respect of; 1. Pre-Existing Diseases - Code Excl 01 A . E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o t h e t r e a t m e n t o f a p r e - e x i s t i n g D i s e a s e ( P E D ) a n d i t s d i r e c t c o m p l i c a t i o n s s h a l l b e e x c l u d e d u n t i l t h e e x p i r y o f 3 6 m o n t h s o f c o n t i n u o u s c o v e r a g e a f t e r t h e d a t e o f i n c e p t i o n o f t h e f i r s t p o l i c y w i t h i n s u r e r B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the extent of sum insured increase. C. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under the portability norms of the extant IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, then waiting period for the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage D. Coverage under the policy after the expiry of 36 months for any pre-existing disease is subject to the same being declared at the time of application and accepted by Insurer 2. Specified disease / procedure waiting period - Code Excl 02 A. Expenses related to the treatment of the following listed Conditions, surgeries/treatments shall be excluded until the expiry of 24 months of continuous coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us. This exclusion shall not be applicable for claims arising due to an accident B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the extent of sum insured increase C. If any of the specified disease/procedure falls under the waiting period specified for pre-existing diseases, then the longer of the two waiting periods shall apply D. The waiting period for listed conditions shall apply even if contracted after the policy or declared and accepted without a specific exclusion E . I f t h e I n s u r e d P e r s o n i s c o n t i n u o u s l y c o v e r e d w i t h o u t a n y b r e a k a s d e f i n e d u n d e r t h e a p p l i c a b l e n o r m s o n p o r t a b i l i t y s t i p u l a t e d b y I R D A I , t h e n w a i t i n g p e r i o d f o r t h e s a m e w o u l d b e r e d u c e d t o t h e e x t e n t o f p r i o r c o v e r a g e F . List of specific diseases/procedures i. T reatment of Cataract and diseases of the anterior and posterior chamber of the Eye, Diseases of ENT , Diseases related to Thyroid, Benign diseases of the breast ii. Subcutaneous Benign Lumps, Sebaceous cyst, Dermoid cyst, Mucous cyst lip / cheek, Carpal T unnel Syndrome, T rigger Finger , Lipoma, Neurofibroma, Fibroadenoma, Ganglion and similar pathology iii. All treatments (Conservative, Operative treatment) and all types of intervention for Diseases related to T endon, Ligament, Fascia, Bones and Joint Including Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty / Joint Replacement [other than caused by accident] iv . All types of treatment for Degenerative disc and V ertebral diseases including Replacement of bones and joints and Degenerative diseases of the Musculo-skeletal system, Prolapse of Intervertebral Disc (other than caused by accident) v . All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related to Hepato-pancreato- biliary diseases including Gall bladder and Pancreatic calculi. All types of management for Kidney and Genitourinary tract calculi vi. All types of Hernia vii. Desmoid T umor , Umbilical Granuloma, Umbilical Sinus, Umbilical Fistula viii. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related to all Diseases of Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Uterine Bleeding, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases ix. All Diseases of Prostate, Stricture Urethra, all Obstructive Uropathies x. Benign T umours of Epididymis, Spermatocele, V aricocele, Hydrocele xi. Fistula, Fissure in Ano, Hemorrhoids, Pilonidal Sinus and Fistula, Rectal Prolapse, Stress Incontinence xii. V aricose veins and V aricose ulcers x i i i . A l l t y p e s o f t r a n s p l a n t a n d r e l a t e d s u r g e r i e s ( O t h e r t h a n B o n e M a r r o w T r a n s p l a n t f o r a c u t e h e m a t o l o g i c a l m a l i g n a n c i e s a n d a c u t e m e d i c a l e m e r g e n c i e s w h e n i n d i c a t e d ) xiv . Congenital Internal disease / defect 3. 30-day waiting period - Code Excl 03 A. Expenses related to the treatment of any illness within 30 days from the first policy commencement date shall be excluded except claims arising due to an accident, provided the same are covered B . T h i s e x c l u s i o n s h a l l n o t , h o w e v e r , a p p l y i f t h e I n s u r e d P e r s o n h a s c o n t i n u o u s c o v e r a g e f o r m o r e t h a n t w e l v e m o n t h s C. The within referred waiting period is made applicable to the enhanced sum insured in the event of granting higher sum insured subsequently 4. Investigation & Evaluation - Code- Excl 04 A. Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation purposes only are excluded B . A n y d i a g n o s t i c e x p e n s e s w h i c h a r e n o t r e l a t e d o r n o t i n c i d e n t a l t o t h e c u r r e n t d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t a r e e x c l u d e d 5. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care - Code Excl 05: Expenses related to any admission primarily for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also includes; 1. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either by skilled nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons 2. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs 6. Obesity / W eight Control - Code Excl 06: Expenses related to the surgical treatment of obesity that does not fulfill all the below conditions; A. Surgery to be conducted is upon the advice of the Doctor B. The surgery/Procedure conducted should be supported by clinical protocols C. The member has to be 18 years of age or older and D. Body Mass Index (BMI); 1. greater than or equal to 40 or 2. greater than or equal to 35 in conjunction with any of the following severe co-morbidities following failure of less invasive methods of weight loss; a. Obesity-related cardiomyopathy b. Coronary heart disease c. Severe Sleep Apnea d. Uncontrolled T ype2 Diabetes 7 . C h a n g e - o f - G e n d e r t r e a t m e n t s - C o d e E x c l 0 7 : E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o a n y t r e a t m e n t , i n c l u d i n g s u r g i c a l m a n a g e m e n t , t o c h a n g e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e b o d y t o t h o s e o f t h e o p p o s i t e s e x . 8. Cosmetic or plastic Surgery - Code Excl 08: Expenses for cosmetic or plastic surgery or any treatment to change appearance unless for reconstruction following an Accident, Burn(s) or Cancer or as part of medically necessary treatment to remove a direct and immediate health risk to the insured. For this to be considered a medical necessity , it must be certified by the attending Medical Practitioner . 9 . H a z a r d o u s o r A d v e n t u r e s p o r t s - C o d e E x c l 0 9 : E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o a n y t r e a t m e n t n e c e s s i t a t e d d u e t o p a r t i c i p a t i o n a s a p r o f e s s i o n a l i n h a z a r d o u s o r a d v e n t u r e s p o r t s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o , p a r a - j u m p i n g , r o c k c l i m b i n g , m o u n t a i n e e r i n g , r a f t i n g , m o t o r r a c i n g , h o r s e r a c i n g o r s c u b a d i v i n g , h a n d g l i d i n g , s k y d i v i n g , d e e p - s e a d i v i n g . 10. Breach of law - Code Excl 10: Expenses for treatment directly arising from or consequent upon any Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a breach of law with criminal intent. 1 1. Excluded Providers - Code Excl 1 1: Expenses incurred towards treatment in any hospital or by any Medical Practitioner or any other provider specifically excluded by the Insurer and disclosed in its website / notified to the policyholders are not admissible. However , in case of life threatening situations or following an accident, expenses up to the stage of stabilization are payable but not the complete claim. 1 2 . - C o d e E x c l 1 2 T r e a t m e n t f o r A l c o h o l i s m , d r u g o r s u b s t a n c e a b u s e o r a n y a d d i c t i v e c o n d i t i o n a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s t h e r e o f 13. T reatments received in health hydros, nature cure clinics, spas or similar establishments or private beds registered as a nursing home attached to such establishments or where admission is arranged wholly or partly for domestic reasons - Code Excl 13 14. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription, including but not limited to V itamins, minerals and organic substances unless prescribed by a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or day care procedure - Code Excl 14 15. Refractive Error - Code Excl 15: Expenses related to the treatment for correction of eye sight due to refractive error less than 7. 5 dioptres 16. Unproven T reatments - Code Excl 16: Expenses related to any unproven treatment, services and supplies for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven treatments are treatments, procedures or supplies that lack significant medical documentation to support their ef fectiveness. 17. Sterility and Infertility - Code Excl 17: Expenses related to sterility and infertility . This includes; a. Any type of contraception, sterilization b. Assisted Reproduction services including artificial insemination and advanced reproductive technologies such as IVF , ZIFT , GIFT , ICSI c. Gestational Surrogacy d. Reversal of sterilization 18. Maternity - Code Excl 18 a. Medical treatment expenses traceable to childbirth (including complicated deliveries and caesarean sections incurred during hospitalization) except ectopic pregnancy and to the extent covered under Section 2 b. Expenses towards miscarriage (unless due to an accident) and lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the policy period 19. Circumcision (unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded under this policy or necessitated due to an accident), Preputioplasty , Frenuloplasty , Preputial Dilatation and Removal of SMEGMA - Code Excl 19 20. - Congenital External Condition / Defects / Anomalies (except to the extent provided under Section 2 for New Born) Code Excl 20 21. - Code Excl 21 Convalescence , general debility , run-down condition, Nutritional deficiency states 22. - Code Excl 22 Intentional self injury 23. - Code Excl 23 V enereal Disease and Sexually T ransmitted Diseases(Other than HIV) 24. Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war , invasion, act of foreign enemy , warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) - Code Excl 24 25. - Code Excl 25 Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons/materials 26. Expenses incurred on Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy and related therapies, Chelation therapy , Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy , Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy , V AX-D, Low level laser therapy , Photodynamic therapy - Code Excl 26 27. - Code Excl 27 Unconventional, Untested, Experimental therapies 28. Autologous derived Stromal vascular fraction, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures using Platelet Rich plasma and Intra articular injection therapy - Code Excl 28 29. - Biologicals, except when administered as an in-patient, when clinically indicated and hospitalization warranted Code Excl 29 30. - Code Excl 30 All treatment for Priapism and erectile dysfunctions 3 1 . - C o d e E x c l 3 1 I n o c u l a t i o n o r V a c c i n a t i o n ( e x c e p t f o r p o s t – b i t e t r e a t m e n t a n d f o r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t f o r t h e r a p e u t i c r e a s o n s ) 32. Dental treatment or surgery (in excess of what is specifically provided) unless necessitated due to accidental injuries and requiring hospitalization - Code Excl 32 33. - Code Excl 33 Medical and / or surgical treatment of Sleep apnea, treatment for endocrine disorders 34. - Hospital registration charges, admission charges, record charges, telephone charges and such other charges Code Excl 34 35. Cochlear implants and procedure related hospitalization expenses. Cost of spectacles and contact lens(in excess of what is specifically provided), hearing aids, walkers and crutches, wheel chairs, CP AP , BIP AP , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, infusion pump and such other similar aids - Code Excl 35 36. - Code Excl 36 Any hospitalizations which are not Medically Necessary / does not warrant Hospitalization 37. - Code Excl 37 Other Excluded Expenses as detailed in the website www 38. Existing disease/s, disclosed by the insured and mentioned in the policy schedule (based on insured's consent), for specified ICD codes - Code Excl 38 B. Applicable for Section 10 1. Any claim relating to events occurring before the commencement of the cover or otherwise outside the Period of Insurance - Code Sec10 Excl 01 2. - Code Sec10 Excl 02 Any injuries/conditions which are Pre-existing conditions 3. - Code  Sec10  Excl 03 Any claim arising out of Accidents that the Insured Person has caused i. intentionally or ii. by committing a crime / involved in it or iii. as a result of / in a state of drunkenness or addiction (drugs, alcohol) 4. Insured Person engaging in Air T ravel unless he/she flies as a fare-paying passenger on an aircraft properly licensed to carry passengers. For the purpose of this exclusion Air T ravel means being in or on or boarding an aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting there from - Code Sec10 Excl 04 5. Accidents that are results of war and warlike occurrence or invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war , rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power , seizure capture arrest restraints detainments of all kings princes and people of whatever nation, condition or quality whatsoever - Code Sec10 Excl 05 6. Participation in riots, confiscation or nationalization or requisition of or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or local authority - Code Sec10 Excl 06 7. Any claim resulting or arising from or any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising from - Code Sec10 Excl 07 a) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from combustion (including any self sustaining process of nuclear fission) of nuclear fuel b) Nuclear weapons material c) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof d) Nuclear , chemical and biological terrorism 8. Any claim arising out of sporting activities in so far as they involve the training or participation in competitions of professional or semi-professional sports persons - Code Sec10 Excl 08 9. - Code Sec10 Excl 09 Participation in Hazardous Sport / Hazardous Activities 10. - Code Sec10 Excl 10 Persons who are physically challenge unless specifically agreed and endorsed in the policy 1 1. Any loss arising out of the Insured Person's actual or attempted commission of or willful participation in an illegal act or any violation or attempted violation of the law - Code Sec10 Excl 1 1 12. Any payment in case of more than one claim under the policy during the period of insurance by which the maximum liability of the Company in that period would exceed the amount specified in the Schedule - Code Sec10 Excl 12 13. Any other claim after a claim has been admitted by the Company and becomes payable for Death or Permanent T otal Disablement, as mentioned In T able - Code Sec10 Excl 13 1 4 . A n y c l a i m a r i s i n g o u t o f a n a c c i d e n t r e l a t e d t o p r e g n a n c y o r c h i l d b i r t h , i n f i r m i t y , w h e t h e r d i r e c t l y o r i n d i r e c t l y - C o d e S e c 1 0 E x c l 1 4 15. Any claim for Death or Permanent T otal Disablement of the Insured Person from self-endangerment unless in self- defense or to save human life - Code Sec10 Excl 15 μ Moratorium Period: After completion of eight continuous years under the policy no look back to be applied. This period of eight years is called as moratorium period. The moratorium would be applicable for the sums insured of the first policy and subsequently completion of 8 continuous years would be applicable from date of enhancement of sums insured only on the enhanced limits. After the expiry of Moratorium Period no health insurance claim shall be contestable except for proven fraud and permanent exclusions specified in the policy contract. The policies would however be subject to all limits, sub limits, co-payments, deductibles as per the policy contract. μ C o - P a y m e n t : T h i s p o l i c y i s s u b j e c t t o C o - p a y m e n t o f 1 0 % o f e a c h a n d e v e r y c l a i m a m o u n t f o r f r e s h a s w e l l a s r e n e w a l p o l i c i e s f o r i n s u r e d p e r s o n s w h o s e a g e a t t h e t i m e o f e n t r y i s 6 1 y e a r s a n d a b o v e . T h i s c o - p a y m e n t w i l l n o t a p p l y f o r t h o s e i n s u r e d p e r s o n s w h o h a v e e n t e r e d t h e p o l i c y b e f o r e a t t a i n i n g 6 1 y e a r s o f a g e a n d r e n e w t h e p o l i c y c o n t i n u o u s l y w i t h o u t a n y b r e a k . T h i s c o - p a y m e n t i s a p p l i c a b l e f o r S e c t i o n 1 A t o 1 G , 1 I , S e c t i o n 4 , S e c t i o n 7 , S e c t i o n 9 , S e c t i o n 1 2 a n d S e c t i o n 1 3 . μ Renewal : The policy shall ordinarily be renewable except on grounds of fraud, misrepresentation by the Insured Person; 1. The Company shall endeavor to give notice for renewal. However , the Company is not under obligation to give any notice for renewal 2 . R e n e w a l s h a l l n o t b e d e n i e d o n t h e g r o u n d t h a t t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n h a d m a d e a c l a i m o r c l a i m s i n t h e p r e c e d i n g p o l i c y y e a r s 3 . R e q u e s t f o r r e n e w a l a l o n g w i t h r e q u i s i t e p r e m i u m s h a l l b e r e c e i v e d b y t h e C o m p a n y b e f o r e t h e e n d o f t h e p o l i c y p e r i o d 4. At the end of the policy period, the policy shall terminate and can be renewed within the Grace Period of 30 days to maintain continuity of benefits without break in policy 5. Coverage is not available during the grace period 6. No loading shall apply on renewals based on individual claims experience μ Possibility of Revision of T erms of the Policy lncluding the Premium Rates: The Company , with prior approval of lRDAl, may revise or modify the terms of the policy including the premium rates. The insured person shall be notified three months before the changes are ef fected. μ Revision in Sum Insured: Any revision in sum insured is permissible only at the time of renewal. The Insured Person can propose such revision and may be allowed subject to Company's approval and payment of appropriate premium. μ Free Look Period: The Free Look Period shall be applicable on new individual health insurance policies and not on renewals or at the time of porting/migrating the policy . The insured person shall be allowed free look period of fifteen days from date of receipt of the policy document to review the terms and conditions of the policy , and to return the same if not acceptable. lf the insured has not made any claim during the Free Look Period, the insured shall be entitled to; i. a refund of the premium paid less any expenses incurred by the Company on medical examination of the insured person and the stamp duty charges or ii. where the risk has already commenced and the option of return of the policy is exercised by the insured person, a deduction towards the proportionate risk premium for period of cover or iii. where only a part of the insurance coverage has commenced, such proportionate premium commensurate with the insurance coverage during such period μ Disclosure to information norms: The policy shall become void and all premium paid thereon shall be forfeited to the Company , in the event of mis-representation, mis description or non-disclosure of any material fact by the policy holder . μ Cancellation: The policyholder may cancel this policy by giving 15 days written notice and in such an event, the Company shall refund premium for the unexpired policy period as detailed below; Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21263V062021 W ellness Points Earned Discount in Premium 200 to 350 2% 351 to 600 5% 601 to 750 7% 751 to 1000 10% 1 Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 1 Y ear without instalment option Period on risk R a t e o f p r e m i u m t o b e r e t a i n e d Up to one month 2 2 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding one month up to 3 months 3 7 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 5 7 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 8 0 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 9 months F u l l o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m 2 4 3 6 5 127.50 mm 127.50 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 210.00 mm 735.00 mm

4. When health issues can't be predicted, health insurance is the best option available to overcome the heavy financial loss that occurs in the form of hospitalization and medical expenses. The right decision of purchasing a health insurance policy should complement the wise move of picking the right one. Precise to say , having a policy that of fers complete protection is more essential than just having a health insurance cover . Presenting ST AR Comprehensive Insurance Policy with renewed features. This policy is carefully crafted to of fer complete protection against all health care eventualities for an entire family on individual and floater basis. μ Eligibility Ø Entry age between 3 months and 65 years Ø Lifelong renewals guaranteed Ø No exit age Ø Policy T ype: Individual / Floater (Family Size: Maximum 2 Adults + 3 Dependent Children) Ø Dependent children (those who are economically dependent on their parents) can be covered upto 25 years of age μ Sum Insured Options: Rs.5,00,000 ; Rs.7,50,000 ; Rs.10,00,000 ; Rs.15,00,000 ; Rs.20,00,000 ; Rs.25,00,000; Rs.50,00,000 ; Rs.75,00,000 ; Rs.1,00,00,000. μ Policy T erm: 1 year / 2 year / 3 year . For policies more than one year , the Basic Sum Insured is for each year , without any carry over benefit thereof. μ Instalment Facility available: Premium can be paid Monthly , Quarterly , Half-yearly. Premium can also be paid Annually , Biennial (Once in 2 years) and T riennial (Once in 3 years). μ Pre-acceptance medical screening: No Pre-acceptance medical screening. μ Day Care Procedures: All Day Care Procedures are covered. μ Midterm inclusion of newly married / wedded spouse and New Born Baby is permissible on paying additional premium. The intimation about the marriage / new born should be given within 60 days from the date of marriage or new born. The cover will be from the date of payment of premium. μ Coverage (Section 1) A. Room (Private Single A/C room), Boarding and Nursing Expenses Hospitalisation cover: N o t e : H o s p i t a l i z a t i o n E x p e n s e s w h i c h v a r y b a s e d o n t h e r o o m r e n t o c c u p i e d b y t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n w i l l b e c o n s i d e r e d i n p r o p o r t i o n t o t h e r o o m r e n t l i m i t / r o o m c a t e g o r y s t a t e d i n t h e p o l i c y s c h e d u l e o r a c t u a l s w h i c h e v e r i s l e s s . B. Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner , Consultants, Specialist Fees C. Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, ICU charges, Surgical Appliances, Medicines and Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray , diagnostic imaging modalities, Dialysis, Chemotherapy , Radiotherapy , cost of Pacemaker D. Road ambulance expenses: Subject to an admissible hospitalization claim, road ambulance expenses incurred for the following are payable; i. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service to go to hospital when this is needed for medical reasons or ii. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service from one hospital to another hospital for better medical treatment or iii. for transportation of the insured person from the hospital where treatment is taken to their place of residence provided the requirement of an ambulance to the residence is certified by the medical practitioner E. Air Ambulance expenses up to Rs.2,50,000/- per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period F . Pre-Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period not exceeding 60 days prior to the date of hospitalization G. Post Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period up to 90 days from the date of discharge from the hospital H. Outpatient Medical Consultation: Expenses on Medical Consultations as an Out Patient incurred in a Networked Facility for other than Dental and Ophthalmic treatments, up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of benefits with a limit of Rs.300/- per consultation. This benefit will not reduce the sum insured Note: Payment of any claim under shall not be construed as a waiver of Company's right to Outpatient Medical Consultation repudiate any claim on grounds of non disclosure of material fact or pre-existing disease, for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the policy contract. I . C o v e r a g e f o r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t ( i n c l u d i n g A Y U S H ) f o r a p e r i o d e x c e e d i n g t h r e e d a y s , f o r a n D o m i c i l i a r y h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n : i l l n e s s / d i s e a s e / i n j u r y , w h i c h i n t h e n o r m a l c o u r s e , w o u l d r e q u i r e c a r e a n d t r e a t m e n t a t a H o s p i t a l b u t , o n t h e a d v i c e o f t h e a t t e n d i n g M e d i c a l P r a c t i t i o n e r , i s t a k e n w h i l s t c o n f i n e d a t h o m e u n d e r a n y o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c i r c u m s t a n c e s ; i. The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a Hospital, or ii. The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital However , this benefit shall not cover Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic Nephritis and Nephritic Syndrome, Diarrhoea and all types of Dysenteries including Gastro-enteritis, Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus, Epilepsy , Hypertension, Influenza, Cough and Cold, all Psychiatric or Psychosomatic Disorders, Pyrexia of unknown origin for less than 10 days, T onsillitis and Upper Respiratory T ract infection including Laryngitis and Pharingitis, Arthritis, Gout and Rheumatism. μ Delivery and New Born (Section 2) A. Expenses incurred as in-patient for Delivery including Delivery by Caesarean section B. T reatment of the New Born C. V accination expenses for the new born baby are payable up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, until the new born baby completes one year of age and is added in the policy on renewal. Claim under this is admissible only if claim under A of Section-2 above has been admitted and while the policy is in force Coverage under this section is subject to a waiting period of 24months and payable only while the policy is in force. μ Out-patient Dental and Ophthalmic T reatment (Section 3): Expenses incurred on acute treatment to a natural tooth or teeth or Eye are payable, once in every block of 3 years of continuous coverage. The treatment can be taken as an Outpatient. For limits please refer schedule of Benefits. This is in addition to sum insured. Note: Payment of any claim under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of Company's right to repudiate any claim on grounds of non disclosure of material fact or pre-existing disease, for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the policy contract. μ Organ Donor Expenses (Section 4): In patient hospitalization expenses incurred for organ transplantation from the Donor to the Recipient Insured Person are payable provided the claim for transplantation is payable. In addition, the expenses incurred by the Donor , (if any) for the complications that necessitate a Redo Surgery / ICU admission will be covered. The coverage limit under this section is over and above the Limit of Coverage and up to the Basic Sum Insured. This additional Sum Insured can be utilized by the Donor and not by the Insured. μ Hospital Cash Benefit (Section 5) Ø Payable for each completed day of Hospitalisation up to 7 days per occurrence and maximum of 120 days during the entire policy period Ø This benefit is subject to an excess of first 24 hours of Hospitalization for each and every claim. Claims under this section will not reduce the Sum Insured μ Health Check Up (Section 6): This Benefit is payable for every claim free year up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of benefits. μ Bariatric Surgery (Section 7) a) The expenses incurred on hospitalization for bariatric surgical procedure and its complications thereof are payable upto the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, during the policy period b) This maximum limit of Rs.2,50,000/- and Rs.5,00,000/- are inclusive of pre-hospitalization and post hospitalization expenses c) The limit of cover for Bariatric Surgery forms part of sum insured under Section 1 d) Coverage under this section is subject to a waiting period of 36 months and payable only while the policy is in force μ Option for Second Medical Opinion (Section 8): The Insured Person is given the facility of obtaining a Second Medical Opinion from a Doctor in the Company's network of Medical Practitioners. To utilized this benefit all medical records should be forwarded to the mail id μ A YUSH T reatment (Section 9): In patient hospitalization expenses incurred on treatment under A yurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a Government Hospital or in any institute recognized by the government and/or accredited by the Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health as in patient is payable up to the limits mentioned in the Schedule of Benefits. Note: 1) Payment under this benefit forms part of the sum insured and also will impact the Bonus 2) Y oga and Naturopathy systems of treatment are excluded from the scope of coverage under A YUSH treatment μ Accidental Death and Permanent T otal Disablement (Section 10) 1. Accidental Death 2. Permanent T otal Disability following an accident 3. Dependent children and persons above 70 years can be covered under accidental death and permanent total disablement upto the sum insured of Rs.10,00,000/- * The sum insured for this cover is separately indicated in schedule of benefits. Cover is available for one insured person opted by the proposer Special Features Ø This program intends to promote, incentivize and to reward the Insured Persons' Star W ellness Program (Section 1 1): healthy life style through various wellness activities. The wellness activities as detailed in the website are designed to help the Insured person to earn wellness reward points which will be tracked and monitored by the Company . The wellness points earned by the Insured Person(s) under the wellness program, can be utilized to get discount in premium. The following table shows the discount on premium available under the W ellness Program; For more information, Please visit our website : www Ø T h e p r o s p e c t h a s t h e o p t i o n t o o p t f o r r e d u c t i o n o f w a i t i n g p e r i o d i n r e s p e c t o f B u y B a c k P r e - E x i s t i n g D i s e a s e ( S e c t i o n 1 2 ) : P r e - E x i s t i n g D i s e a s e s f r o m 3 6 m o n t h s t o 1 2 m o n t h s o n p a y m e n t o f a d d i t i o n a l p r e m i u m . T h i s o p t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e o n l y i f t h e f i r s t p u r c h a s e o f a n i n d e m n i t y i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y i s a S t a r C o m p r e h e n s i v e I n s u r a n c e P o l i c y a n d a l s o o n l y u p t o S u m I n s u r e d c h o s e n a t t h a t t i m e . T h i s o p t i o n i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r r e n e w a l o r p o l i c i e s p o r t e d f r o m o t h e r I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n i e s . T h e p r o s p e c t h a s t o u n d e r g o p r e - a c c e p t a n c e m e d i c a l s c r e e n i n g a t C o m p a n y ' s n o m i n a t e d c e n t r e . A t p r e s e n t 1 0 0 % o f c o s t o f t h e p r e - a c c e p t a n c e m e d i c a l s c r e e n i n g w i l l b e b o r n e b y t h e C o m p a n y . T h e C o m p a n y m a y r e q u i r e t h e p r o s p e c t t o s h a r e t h i s c o s t ( m a x i m u m 5 0 % ) . μ Coverage for Modern T reatments (Section 13) : Expenses are subject to the limits. (For details please refer website: www μ Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured (Applicable for Section 1 Only): There shall be automatic restoration of the Basic Sum Insured by 100% immediately upon exhaustion of the Basic Sum Insured and accrued Cumulative Bonus if any , once during the policy period. I t i s m a d e c l e a r t h a t s u c h r e s t o r e d S u m I n s u r e d c a n b e u t i l i z e d f o r t h e s u b s e q u e n t h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n e v e n f o r t h e i l l n e s s / d i s e a s e f o r w h i c h c l a i m / s w a s / w e r e a l r e a d y m a d e . S u c h r e s t o r a t i o n w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e f o r s e c t i o n 1 o t h e r t h a n S e c t i o n 1 H . T h i s b e n e f i t i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r M o d e r n T r e a t m e n t s . μ Cumulative Bonus (Applicable for Section 1 other than 1H, Section 4, Section 7, Section 9, Section 12 and Section 13): Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.5,00,000/-, the insured person would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 50% of the basic sum insured under this policy following after every claim free year up to a maximum of 100%. Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.7,50,000/-or above, the insured person would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 100% of the basic sum insured under this policy following a claim free year . The maximum benefit of bonus is 100% of the basic sum insured. Special Conditions for Cumulative Bonus 1. The Cumulative Bonus will be calculated on the expiring Basic Sum Insured or on the renewed Basic Sum Insured whichever is less 2. If the insured opts to reduce the Basic Sum Insured at the subsequent renewal, the limit of indemnity by way of such Cumulative Bonus shall not exceed such reduced basic sum insured 3. In the event of a claim resulting in; i. Partial utilization of Basic Sum Insured, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued ii. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and nil utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued iii. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and partial utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be the balance cumulative bonus available and will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued iv . Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and full utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be “nil” or “zero μ Exclusions A. The Company shall not be liable to make any payments under this policy in respect of any expenses what so ever incurred by the insured person in connection with or in respect of; 1. Pre-Existing Diseases - Code Excl 01 A . E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o t h e t r e a t m e n t o f a p r e - e x i s t i n g D i s e a s e ( P E D ) a n d i t s d i r e c t c o m p l i c a t i o n s s h a l l b e e x c l u d e d u n t i l t h e e x p i r y o f 3 6 m o n t h s o f c o n t i n u o u s c o v e r a g e a f t e r t h e d a t e o f i n c e p t i o n o f t h e f i r s t p o l i c y w i t h i n s u r e r B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the extent of sum insured increase. C. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under the portability norms of the extant IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, then waiting period for the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage D. Coverage under the policy after the expiry of 36 months for any pre-existing disease is subject to the same being declared at the time of application and accepted by Insurer 2. Specified disease / procedure waiting period - Code Excl 02 A. Expenses related to the treatment of the following listed Conditions, surgeries/treatments shall be excluded until the expiry of 24 months of continuous coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us. This exclusion shall not be applicable for claims arising due to an accident B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the extent of sum insured increase C. If any of the specified disease/procedure falls under the waiting period specified for pre-existing diseases, then the longer of the two waiting periods shall apply D. The waiting period for listed conditions shall apply even if contracted after the policy or declared and accepted without a specific exclusion E . I f t h e I n s u r e d P e r s o n i s c o n t i n u o u s l y c o v e r e d w i t h o u t a n y b r e a k a s d e f i n e d u n d e r t h e a p p l i c a b l e n o r m s o n p o r t a b i l i t y s t i p u l a t e d b y I R D A I , t h e n w a i t i n g p e r i o d f o r t h e s a m e w o u l d b e r e d u c e d t o t h e e x t e n t o f p r i o r c o v e r a g e F . List of specific diseases/procedures i. T reatment of Cataract and diseases of the anterior and posterior chamber of the Eye, Diseases of ENT , Diseases related to Thyroid, Benign diseases of the breast ii. Subcutaneous Benign Lumps, Sebaceous cyst, Dermoid cyst, Mucous cyst lip / cheek, Carpal T unnel Syndrome, T rigger Finger , Lipoma, Neurofibroma, Fibroadenoma, Ganglion and similar pathology iii. All treatments (Conservative, Operative treatment) and all types of intervention for Diseases related to T endon, Ligament, Fascia, Bones and Joint Including Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty / Joint Replacement [other than caused by accident] iv . All types of treatment for Degenerative disc and V ertebral diseases including Replacement of bones and joints and Degenerative diseases of the Musculo-skeletal system, Prolapse of Intervertebral Disc (other than caused by accident) v . All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related to Hepato-pancreato- biliary diseases including Gall bladder and Pancreatic calculi. All types of management for Kidney and Genitourinary tract calculi vi. All types of Hernia vii. Desmoid T umor , Umbilical Granuloma, Umbilical Sinus, Umbilical Fistula viii. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related to all Diseases of Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Uterine Bleeding, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases ix. All Diseases of Prostate, Stricture Urethra, all Obstructive Uropathies x. Benign T umours of Epididymis, Spermatocele, V aricocele, Hydrocele xi. Fistula, Fissure in Ano, Hemorrhoids, Pilonidal Sinus and Fistula, Rectal Prolapse, Stress Incontinence xii. V aricose veins and V aricose ulcers x i i i . A l l t y p e s o f t r a n s p l a n t a n d r e l a t e d s u r g e r i e s ( O t h e r t h a n B o n e M a r r o w T r a n s p l a n t f o r a c u t e h e m a t o l o g i c a l m a l i g n a n c i e s a n d a c u t e m e d i c a l e m e r g e n c i e s w h e n i n d i c a t e d ) xiv . Congenital Internal disease / defect 3. 30-day waiting period - Code Excl 03 A. Expenses related to the treatment of any illness within 30 days from the first policy commencement date shall be excluded except claims arising due to an accident, provided the same are covered B . T h i s e x c l u s i o n s h a l l n o t , h o w e v e r , a p p l y i f t h e I n s u r e d P e r s o n h a s c o n t i n u o u s c o v e r a g e f o r m o r e t h a n t w e l v e m o n t h s C. The within referred waiting period is made applicable to the enhanced sum insured in the event of granting higher sum insured subsequently 4. Investigation & Evaluation - Code- Excl 04 A. Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation purposes only are excluded B . A n y d i a g n o s t i c e x p e n s e s w h i c h a r e n o t r e l a t e d o r n o t i n c i d e n t a l t o t h e c u r r e n t d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t a r e e x c l u d e d 5. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care - Code Excl 05: Expenses related to any admission primarily for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also includes; 1. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either by skilled nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons 2. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs 6. Obesity / W eight Control - Code Excl 06: Expenses related to the surgical treatment of obesity that does not fulfill all the below conditions; A. Surgery to be conducted is upon the advice of the Doctor B. The surgery/Procedure conducted should be supported by clinical protocols C. The member has to be 18 years of age or older and D. Body Mass Index (BMI); 1. greater than or equal to 40 or 2. greater than or equal to 35 in conjunction with any of the following severe co-morbidities following failure of less invasive methods of weight loss; a. Obesity-related cardiomyopathy b. Coronary heart disease c. Severe Sleep Apnea d. Uncontrolled T ype2 Diabetes 7 . C h a n g e - o f - G e n d e r t r e a t m e n t s - C o d e E x c l 0 7 : E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o a n y t r e a t m e n t , i n c l u d i n g s u r g i c a l m a n a g e m e n t , t o c h a n g e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e b o d y t o t h o s e o f t h e o p p o s i t e s e x . 8. Cosmetic or plastic Surgery - Code Excl 08: Expenses for cosmetic or plastic surgery or any treatment to change appearance unless for reconstruction following an Accident, Burn(s) or Cancer or as part of medically necessary treatment to remove a direct and immediate health risk to the insured. For this to be considered a medical necessity , it must be certified by the attending Medical Practitioner . 9 . H a z a r d o u s o r A d v e n t u r e s p o r t s - C o d e E x c l 0 9 : E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o a n y t r e a t m e n t n e c e s s i t a t e d d u e t o p a r t i c i p a t i o n a s a p r o f e s s i o n a l i n h a z a r d o u s o r a d v e n t u r e s p o r t s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o , p a r a - j u m p i n g , r o c k c l i m b i n g , m o u n t a i n e e r i n g , r a f t i n g , m o t o r r a c i n g , h o r s e r a c i n g o r s c u b a d i v i n g , h a n d g l i d i n g , s k y d i v i n g , d e e p - s e a d i v i n g . 10. Breach of law - Code Excl 10: Expenses for treatment directly arising from or consequent upon any Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a breach of law with criminal intent. 1 1. Excluded Providers - Code Excl 1 1: Expenses incurred towards treatment in any hospital or by any Medical Practitioner or any other provider specifically excluded by the Insurer and disclosed in its website / notified to the policyholders are not admissible. However , in case of life threatening situations or following an accident, expenses up to the stage of stabilization are payable but not the complete claim. 1 2 . - C o d e E x c l 1 2 T r e a t m e n t f o r A l c o h o l i s m , d r u g o r s u b s t a n c e a b u s e o r a n y a d d i c t i v e c o n d i t i o n a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s t h e r e o f 13. T reatments received in health hydros, nature cure clinics, spas or similar establishments or private beds registered as a nursing home attached to such establishments or where admission is arranged wholly or partly for domestic reasons - Code Excl 13 14. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription, including but not limited to V itamins, minerals and organic substances unless prescribed by a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or day care procedure - Code Excl 14 15. Refractive Error - Code Excl 15: Expenses related to the treatment for correction of eye sight due to refractive error less than 7. 5 dioptres 16. Unproven T reatments - Code Excl 16: Expenses related to any unproven treatment, services and supplies for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven treatments are treatments, procedures or supplies that lack significant medical documentation to support their ef fectiveness. 17. Sterility and Infertility - Code Excl 17: Expenses related to sterility and infertility . This includes; a. Any type of contraception, sterilization b. Assisted Reproduction services including artificial insemination and advanced reproductive technologies such as IVF , ZIFT , GIFT , ICSI c. Gestational Surrogacy d. Reversal of sterilization 18. Maternity - Code Excl 18 a. Medical treatment expenses traceable to childbirth (including complicated deliveries and caesarean sections incurred during hospitalization) except ectopic pregnancy and to the extent covered under Section 2 b. Expenses towards miscarriage (unless due to an accident) and lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the policy period 19. Circumcision (unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded under this policy or necessitated due to an accident), Preputioplasty , Frenuloplasty , Preputial Dilatation and Removal of SMEGMA - Code Excl 19 20. - Congenital External Condition / Defects / Anomalies (except to the extent provided under Section 2 for New Born) Code Excl 20 21. - Code Excl 21 Convalescence , general debility , run-down condition, Nutritional deficiency states 22. - Code Excl 22 Intentional self injury 23. - Code Excl 23 V enereal Disease and Sexually T ransmitted Diseases(Other than HIV) 24. Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war , invasion, act of foreign enemy , warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) - Code Excl 24 25. - Code Excl 25 Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons/materials 26. Expenses incurred on Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy and related therapies, Chelation therapy , Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy , Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy , V AX-D, Low level laser therapy , Photodynamic therapy - Code Excl 26 27. - Code Excl 27 Unconventional, Untested, Experimental therapies 28. Autologous derived Stromal vascular fraction, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures using Platelet Rich plasma and Intra articular injection therapy - Code Excl 28 29. - Biologicals, except when administered as an in-patient, when clinically indicated and hospitalization warranted Code Excl 29 30. - Code Excl 30 All treatment for Priapism and erectile dysfunctions 3 1 . - C o d e E x c l 3 1 I n o c u l a t i o n o r V a c c i n a t i o n ( e x c e p t f o r p o s t – b i t e t r e a t m e n t a n d f o r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t f o r t h e r a p e u t i c r e a s o n s ) 32. Dental treatment or surgery (in excess of what is specifically provided) unless necessitated due to accidental injuries and requiring hospitalization - Code Excl 32 33. - Code Excl 33 Medical and / or surgical treatment of Sleep apnea, treatment for endocrine disorders 34. - Hospital registration charges, admission charges, record charges, telephone charges and such other charges Code Excl 34 35. Cochlear implants and procedure related hospitalization expenses. Cost of spectacles and contact lens(in excess of what is specifically provided), hearing aids, walkers and crutches, wheel chairs, CP AP , BIP AP , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, infusion pump and such other similar aids - Code Excl 35 36. - Code Excl 36 Any hospitalizations which are not Medically Necessary / does not warrant Hospitalization 37. - Code Excl 37 Other Excluded Expenses as detailed in the website www 38. Existing disease/s, disclosed by the insured and mentioned in the policy schedule (based on insured's consent), for specified ICD codes - Code Excl 38 B. Applicable for Section 10 1. Any claim relating to events occurring before the commencement of the cover or otherwise outside the Period of Insurance - Code Sec10 Excl 01 2. - Code Sec10 Excl 02 Any injuries/conditions which are Pre-existing conditions 3. - Code  Sec10  Excl 03 Any claim arising out of Accidents that the Insured Person has caused i. intentionally or ii. by committing a crime / involved in it or iii. as a result of / in a state of drunkenness or addiction (drugs, alcohol) 4. Insured Person engaging in Air T ravel unless he/she flies as a fare-paying passenger on an aircraft properly licensed to carry passengers. For the purpose of this exclusion Air T ravel means being in or on or boarding an aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting there from - Code Sec10 Excl 04 5. Accidents that are results of war and warlike occurrence or invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war , rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power , seizure capture arrest restraints detainments of all kings princes and people of whatever nation, condition or quality whatsoever - Code Sec10 Excl 05 6. Participation in riots, confiscation or nationalization or requisition of or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or local authority - Code Sec10 Excl 06 7. Any claim resulting or arising from or any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising from - Code Sec10 Excl 07 a) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from combustion (including any self sustaining process of nuclear fission) of nuclear fuel b) Nuclear weapons material c) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof d) Nuclear , chemical and biological terrorism 8. Any claim arising out of sporting activities in so far as they involve the training or participation in competitions of professional or semi-professional sports persons - Code Sec10 Excl 08 9. - Code Sec10 Excl 09 Participation in Hazardous Sport / Hazardous Activities 10. - Code Sec10 Excl 10 Persons who are physically challenge unless specifically agreed and endorsed in the policy 1 1. Any loss arising out of the Insured Person's actual or attempted commission of or willful participation in an illegal act or any violation or attempted violation of the law - Code Sec10 Excl 1 1 12. Any payment in case of more than one claim under the policy during the period of insurance by which the maximum liability of the Company in that period would exceed the amount specified in the Schedule - Code Sec10 Excl 12 13. Any other claim after a claim has been admitted by the Company and becomes payable for Death or Permanent T otal Disablement, as mentioned In T able - Code Sec10 Excl 13 1 4 . A n y c l a i m a r i s i n g o u t o f a n a c c i d e n t r e l a t e d t o p r e g n a n c y o r c h i l d b i r t h , i n f i r m i t y , w h e t h e r d i r e c t l y o r i n d i r e c t l y - C o d e S e c 1 0 E x c l 1 4 15. Any claim for Death or Permanent T otal Disablement of the Insured Person from self-endangerment unless in self- defense or to save human life - Code Sec10 Excl 15 μ Moratorium Period: After completion of eight continuous years under the policy no look back to be applied. This period of eight years is called as moratorium period. The moratorium would be applicable for the sums insured of the first policy and subsequently completion of 8 continuous years would be applicable from date of enhancement of sums insured only on the enhanced limits. After the expiry of Moratorium Period no health insurance claim shall be contestable except for proven fraud and permanent exclusions specified in the policy contract. The policies would however be subject to all limits, sub limits, co-payments, deductibles as per the policy contract. μ C o - P a y m e n t : T h i s p o l i c y i s s u b j e c t t o C o - p a y m e n t o f 1 0 % o f e a c h a n d e v e r y c l a i m a m o u n t f o r f r e s h a s w e l l a s r e n e w a l p o l i c i e s f o r i n s u r e d p e r s o n s w h o s e a g e a t t h e t i m e o f e n t r y i s 6 1 y e a r s a n d a b o v e . T h i s c o - p a y m e n t w i l l n o t a p p l y f o r t h o s e i n s u r e d p e r s o n s w h o h a v e e n t e r e d t h e p o l i c y b e f o r e a t t a i n i n g 6 1 y e a r s o f a g e a n d r e n e w t h e p o l i c y c o n t i n u o u s l y w i t h o u t a n y b r e a k . T h i s c o - p a y m e n t i s a p p l i c a b l e f o r S e c t i o n 1 A t o 1 G , 1 I , S e c t i o n 4 , S e c t i o n 7 , S e c t i o n 9 , S e c t i o n 1 2 a n d S e c t i o n 1 3 . μ Renewal : The policy shall ordinarily be renewable except on grounds of fraud, misrepresentation by the Insured Person; 1. The Company shall endeavor to give notice for renewal. However , the Company is not under obligation to give any notice for renewal 2 . R e n e w a l s h a l l n o t b e d e n i e d o n t h e g r o u n d t h a t t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n h a d m a d e a c l a i m o r c l a i m s i n t h e p r e c e d i n g p o l i c y y e a r s 3 . R e q u e s t f o r r e n e w a l a l o n g w i t h r e q u i s i t e p r e m i u m s h a l l b e r e c e i v e d b y t h e C o m p a n y b e f o r e t h e e n d o f t h e p o l i c y p e r i o d 4. At the end of the policy period, the policy shall terminate and can be renewed within the Grace Period of 30 days to maintain continuity of benefits without break in policy 5. Coverage is not available during the grace period 6. No loading shall apply on renewals based on individual claims experience μ Possibility of Revision of T erms of the Policy lncluding the Premium Rates: The Company , with prior approval of lRDAl, may revise or modify the terms of the policy including the premium rates. The insured person shall be notified three months before the changes are ef fected. μ Revision in Sum Insured: Any revision in sum insured is permissible only at the time of renewal. The Insured Person can propose such revision and may be allowed subject to Company's approval and payment of appropriate premium. μ Free Look Period: The Free Look Period shall be applicable on new individual health insurance policies and not on renewals or at the time of porting/migrating the policy . The insured person shall be allowed free look period of fifteen days from date of receipt of the policy document to review the terms and conditions of the policy , and to return the same if not acceptable. lf the insured has not made any claim during the Free Look Period, the insured shall be entitled to; i. a refund of the premium paid less any expenses incurred by the Company on medical examination of the insured person and the stamp duty charges or ii. where the risk has already commenced and the option of return of the policy is exercised by the insured person, a deduction towards the proportionate risk premium for period of cover or iii. where only a part of the insurance coverage has commenced, such proportionate premium commensurate with the insurance coverage during such period μ Disclosure to information norms: The policy shall become void and all premium paid thereon shall be forfeited to the Company , in the event of mis-representation, mis description or non-disclosure of any material fact by the policy holder . μ Cancellation: The policyholder may cancel this policy by giving 15 days written notice and in such an event, the Company shall refund premium for the unexpired policy period as detailed below; Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21263V062021 W ellness Points Earned Discount in Premium 200 to 350 2% 351 to 600 5% 601 to 750 7% 751 to 1000 10% 1 Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 1 Y ear without instalment option Period on risk R a t e o f p r e m i u m t o b e r e t a i n e d Up to one month 2 2 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding one month up to 3 months 3 7 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 5 7 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 8 0 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 9 months F u l l o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m 2 4 3 6 5 127.50 mm 127.50 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 210.00 mm 735.00 mm

2. When health issues can't be predicted, health insurance is the best option available to overcome the heavy financial loss that occurs in the form of hospitalization and medical expenses. The right decision of purchasing a health insurance policy should complement the wise move of picking the right one. Precise to say , having a policy that of fers complete protection is more essential than just having a health insurance cover . Presenting ST AR Comprehensive Insurance Policy with renewed features. This policy is carefully crafted to of fer complete protection against all health care eventualities for an entire family on individual and floater basis. μ Eligibility Ø Entry age between 3 months and 65 years Ø Lifelong renewals guaranteed Ø No exit age Ø Policy T ype: Individual / Floater (Family Size: Maximum 2 Adults + 3 Dependent Children) Ø Dependent children (those who are economically dependent on their parents) can be covered upto 25 years of age μ Sum Insured Options: Rs.5,00,000 ; Rs.7,50,000 ; Rs.10,00,000 ; Rs.15,00,000 ; Rs.20,00,000 ; Rs.25,00,000; Rs.50,00,000 ; Rs.75,00,000 ; Rs.1,00,00,000. μ Policy T erm: 1 year / 2 year / 3 year . For policies more than one year , the Basic Sum Insured is for each year , without any carry over benefit thereof. μ Instalment Facility available: Premium can be paid Monthly , Quarterly , Half-yearly. Premium can also be paid Annually , Biennial (Once in 2 years) and T riennial (Once in 3 years). μ Pre-acceptance medical screening: No Pre-acceptance medical screening. μ Day Care Procedures: All Day Care Procedures are covered. μ Midterm inclusion of newly married / wedded spouse and New Born Baby is permissible on paying additional premium. The intimation about the marriage / new born should be given within 60 days from the date of marriage or new born. The cover will be from the date of payment of premium. μ Coverage (Section 1) A. Room (Private Single A/C room), Boarding and Nursing Expenses Hospitalisation cover: N o t e : H o s p i t a l i z a t i o n E x p e n s e s w h i c h v a r y b a s e d o n t h e r o o m r e n t o c c u p i e d b y t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n w i l l b e c o n s i d e r e d i n p r o p o r t i o n t o t h e r o o m r e n t l i m i t / r o o m c a t e g o r y s t a t e d i n t h e p o l i c y s c h e d u l e o r a c t u a l s w h i c h e v e r i s l e s s . B. Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner , Consultants, Specialist Fees C. Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, ICU charges, Surgical Appliances, Medicines and Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-ray , diagnostic imaging modalities, Dialysis, Chemotherapy , Radiotherapy , cost of Pacemaker D. Road ambulance expenses: Subject to an admissible hospitalization claim, road ambulance expenses incurred for the following are payable; i. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service to go to hospital when this is needed for medical reasons or ii. for transportation of the insured person by private ambulance service from one hospital to another hospital for better medical treatment or iii. for transportation of the insured person from the hospital where treatment is taken to their place of residence provided the requirement of an ambulance to the residence is certified by the medical practitioner E. Air Ambulance expenses up to Rs.2,50,000/- per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period F . Pre-Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period not exceeding 60 days prior to the date of hospitalization G. Post Hospitalization medical expenses incurred for a period up to 90 days from the date of discharge from the hospital H. Outpatient Medical Consultation: Expenses on Medical Consultations as an Out Patient incurred in a Networked Facility for other than Dental and Ophthalmic treatments, up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of benefits with a limit of Rs.300/- per consultation. This benefit will not reduce the sum insured Note: Payment of any claim under shall not be construed as a waiver of Company's right to Outpatient Medical Consultation repudiate any claim on grounds of non disclosure of material fact or pre-existing disease, for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the policy contract. I . C o v e r a g e f o r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t ( i n c l u d i n g A Y U S H ) f o r a p e r i o d e x c e e d i n g t h r e e d a y s , f o r a n D o m i c i l i a r y h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n : i l l n e s s / d i s e a s e / i n j u r y , w h i c h i n t h e n o r m a l c o u r s e , w o u l d r e q u i r e c a r e a n d t r e a t m e n t a t a H o s p i t a l b u t , o n t h e a d v i c e o f t h e a t t e n d i n g M e d i c a l P r a c t i t i o n e r , i s t a k e n w h i l s t c o n f i n e d a t h o m e u n d e r a n y o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c i r c u m s t a n c e s ; i. The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a Hospital, or ii. The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital However , this benefit shall not cover Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic Nephritis and Nephritic Syndrome, Diarrhoea and all types of Dysenteries including Gastro-enteritis, Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus, Epilepsy , Hypertension, Influenza, Cough and Cold, all Psychiatric or Psychosomatic Disorders, Pyrexia of unknown origin for less than 10 days, T onsillitis and Upper Respiratory T ract infection including Laryngitis and Pharingitis, Arthritis, Gout and Rheumatism. μ Delivery and New Born (Section 2) A. Expenses incurred as in-patient for Delivery including Delivery by Caesarean section B. T reatment of the New Born C. V accination expenses for the new born baby are payable up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, until the new born baby completes one year of age and is added in the policy on renewal. Claim under this is admissible only if claim under A of Section-2 above has been admitted and while the policy is in force Coverage under this section is subject to a waiting period of 24months and payable only while the policy is in force. μ Out-patient Dental and Ophthalmic T reatment (Section 3): Expenses incurred on acute treatment to a natural tooth or teeth or Eye are payable, once in every block of 3 years of continuous coverage. The treatment can be taken as an Outpatient. For limits please refer schedule of Benefits. This is in addition to sum insured. Note: Payment of any claim under this section shall not be construed as a waiver of Company's right to repudiate any claim on grounds of non disclosure of material fact or pre-existing disease, for hospitalization expenses under hospitalization provisions of the policy contract. μ Organ Donor Expenses (Section 4): In patient hospitalization expenses incurred for organ transplantation from the Donor to the Recipient Insured Person are payable provided the claim for transplantation is payable. In addition, the expenses incurred by the Donor , (if any) for the complications that necessitate a Redo Surgery / ICU admission will be covered. The coverage limit under this section is over and above the Limit of Coverage and up to the Basic Sum Insured. This additional Sum Insured can be utilized by the Donor and not by the Insured. μ Hospital Cash Benefit (Section 5) Ø Payable for each completed day of Hospitalisation up to 7 days per occurrence and maximum of 120 days during the entire policy period Ø This benefit is subject to an excess of first 24 hours of Hospitalization for each and every claim. Claims under this section will not reduce the Sum Insured μ Health Check Up (Section 6): This Benefit is payable for every claim free year up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of benefits. μ Bariatric Surgery (Section 7) a) The expenses incurred on hospitalization for bariatric surgical procedure and its complications thereof are payable upto the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, during the policy period b) This maximum limit of Rs.2,50,000/- and Rs.5,00,000/- are inclusive of pre-hospitalization and post hospitalization expenses c) The limit of cover for Bariatric Surgery forms part of sum insured under Section 1 d) Coverage under this section is subject to a waiting period of 36 months and payable only while the policy is in force μ Option for Second Medical Opinion (Section 8): The Insured Person is given the facility of obtaining a Second Medical Opinion from a Doctor in the Company's network of Medical Practitioners. To utilized this benefit all medical records should be forwarded to the mail id μ A YUSH T reatment (Section 9): In patient hospitalization expenses incurred on treatment under A yurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a Government Hospital or in any institute recognized by the government and/or accredited by the Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health as in patient is payable up to the limits mentioned in the Schedule of Benefits. Note: 1) Payment under this benefit forms part of the sum insured and also will impact the Bonus 2) Y oga and Naturopathy systems of treatment are excluded from the scope of coverage under A YUSH treatment μ Accidental Death and Permanent T otal Disablement (Section 10) 1. Accidental Death 2. Permanent T otal Disability following an accident 3. Dependent children and persons above 70 years can be covered under accidental death and permanent total disablement upto the sum insured of Rs.10,00,000/- * The sum insured for this cover is separately indicated in schedule of benefits. Cover is available for one insured person opted by the proposer Special Features Ø This program intends to promote, incentivize and to reward the Insured Persons' Star W ellness Program (Section 1 1): healthy life style through various wellness activities. The wellness activities as detailed in the website are designed to help the Insured person to earn wellness reward points which will be tracked and monitored by the Company . The wellness points earned by the Insured Person(s) under the wellness program, can be utilized to get discount in premium. The following table shows the discount on premium available under the W ellness Program; For more information, Please visit our website : www Ø T h e p r o s p e c t h a s t h e o p t i o n t o o p t f o r r e d u c t i o n o f w a i t i n g p e r i o d i n r e s p e c t o f B u y B a c k P r e - E x i s t i n g D i s e a s e ( S e c t i o n 1 2 ) : P r e - E x i s t i n g D i s e a s e s f r o m 3 6 m o n t h s t o 1 2 m o n t h s o n p a y m e n t o f a d d i t i o n a l p r e m i u m . T h i s o p t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e o n l y i f t h e f i r s t p u r c h a s e o f a n i n d e m n i t y i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y i s a S t a r C o m p r e h e n s i v e I n s u r a n c e P o l i c y a n d a l s o o n l y u p t o S u m I n s u r e d c h o s e n a t t h a t t i m e . T h i s o p t i o n i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r r e n e w a l o r p o l i c i e s p o r t e d f r o m o t h e r I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n i e s . T h e p r o s p e c t h a s t o u n d e r g o p r e - a c c e p t a n c e m e d i c a l s c r e e n i n g a t C o m p a n y ' s n o m i n a t e d c e n t r e . A t p r e s e n t 1 0 0 % o f c o s t o f t h e p r e - a c c e p t a n c e m e d i c a l s c r e e n i n g w i l l b e b o r n e b y t h e C o m p a n y . T h e C o m p a n y m a y r e q u i r e t h e p r o s p e c t t o s h a r e t h i s c o s t ( m a x i m u m 5 0 % ) . μ Coverage for Modern T reatments (Section 13) : Expenses are subject to the limits. (For details please refer website: www μ Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured (Applicable for Section 1 Only): There shall be automatic restoration of the Basic Sum Insured by 100% immediately upon exhaustion of the Basic Sum Insured and accrued Cumulative Bonus if any , once during the policy period. I t i s m a d e c l e a r t h a t s u c h r e s t o r e d S u m I n s u r e d c a n b e u t i l i z e d f o r t h e s u b s e q u e n t h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n e v e n f o r t h e i l l n e s s / d i s e a s e f o r w h i c h c l a i m / s w a s / w e r e a l r e a d y m a d e . S u c h r e s t o r a t i o n w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e f o r s e c t i o n 1 o t h e r t h a n S e c t i o n 1 H . T h i s b e n e f i t i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r M o d e r n T r e a t m e n t s . μ Cumulative Bonus (Applicable for Section 1 other than 1H, Section 4, Section 7, Section 9, Section 12 and Section 13): Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.5,00,000/-, the insured person would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 50% of the basic sum insured under this policy following after every claim free year up to a maximum of 100%. Where the sum insured under the policy is Rs.7,50,000/-or above, the insured person would be entitled to the benefit of Cumulative Bonus calculated at 100% of the basic sum insured under this policy following a claim free year . The maximum benefit of bonus is 100% of the basic sum insured. Special Conditions for Cumulative Bonus 1. The Cumulative Bonus will be calculated on the expiring Basic Sum Insured or on the renewed Basic Sum Insured whichever is less 2. If the insured opts to reduce the Basic Sum Insured at the subsequent renewal, the limit of indemnity by way of such Cumulative Bonus shall not exceed such reduced basic sum insured 3. In the event of a claim resulting in; i. Partial utilization of Basic Sum Insured, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued ii. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and nil utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, such cumulative bonus so granted will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued iii. Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and partial utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be the balance cumulative bonus available and will be reduced at the same rate at which it has accrued iv . Full utilization of Basic Sum Insured and full utilization of cumulative bonus accrued, the cumulative bonus granted on renewal will be “nil” or “zero μ Exclusions A. The Company shall not be liable to make any payments under this policy in respect of any expenses what so ever incurred by the insured person in connection with or in respect of; 1. Pre-Existing Diseases - Code Excl 01 A . E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o t h e t r e a t m e n t o f a p r e - e x i s t i n g D i s e a s e ( P E D ) a n d i t s d i r e c t c o m p l i c a t i o n s s h a l l b e e x c l u d e d u n t i l t h e e x p i r y o f 3 6 m o n t h s o f c o n t i n u o u s c o v e r a g e a f t e r t h e d a t e o f i n c e p t i o n o f t h e f i r s t p o l i c y w i t h i n s u r e r B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the extent of sum insured increase. C. If the Insured Person is continuously covered without any break as defined under the portability norms of the extant IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, then waiting period for the same would be reduced to the extent of prior coverage D. Coverage under the policy after the expiry of 36 months for any pre-existing disease is subject to the same being declared at the time of application and accepted by Insurer 2. Specified disease / procedure waiting period - Code Excl 02 A. Expenses related to the treatment of the following listed Conditions, surgeries/treatments shall be excluded until the expiry of 24 months of continuous coverage after the date of inception of the first policy with us. This exclusion shall not be applicable for claims arising due to an accident B. In case of enhancement of sum insured the exclusion shall apply afresh to the extent of sum insured increase C. If any of the specified disease/procedure falls under the waiting period specified for pre-existing diseases, then the longer of the two waiting periods shall apply D. The waiting period for listed conditions shall apply even if contracted after the policy or declared and accepted without a specific exclusion E . I f t h e I n s u r e d P e r s o n i s c o n t i n u o u s l y c o v e r e d w i t h o u t a n y b r e a k a s d e f i n e d u n d e r t h e a p p l i c a b l e n o r m s o n p o r t a b i l i t y s t i p u l a t e d b y I R D A I , t h e n w a i t i n g p e r i o d f o r t h e s a m e w o u l d b e r e d u c e d t o t h e e x t e n t o f p r i o r c o v e r a g e F . List of specific diseases/procedures i. T reatment of Cataract and diseases of the anterior and posterior chamber of the Eye, Diseases of ENT , Diseases related to Thyroid, Benign diseases of the breast ii. Subcutaneous Benign Lumps, Sebaceous cyst, Dermoid cyst, Mucous cyst lip / cheek, Carpal T unnel Syndrome, T rigger Finger , Lipoma, Neurofibroma, Fibroadenoma, Ganglion and similar pathology iii. All treatments (Conservative, Operative treatment) and all types of intervention for Diseases related to T endon, Ligament, Fascia, Bones and Joint Including Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty / Joint Replacement [other than caused by accident] iv . All types of treatment for Degenerative disc and V ertebral diseases including Replacement of bones and joints and Degenerative diseases of the Musculo-skeletal system, Prolapse of Intervertebral Disc (other than caused by accident) v . All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related to Hepato-pancreato- biliary diseases including Gall bladder and Pancreatic calculi. All types of management for Kidney and Genitourinary tract calculi vi. All types of Hernia vii. Desmoid T umor , Umbilical Granuloma, Umbilical Sinus, Umbilical Fistula viii. All treatments (conservative, interventional, laparoscopic and open) related to all Diseases of Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Uterine Bleeding, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases ix. All Diseases of Prostate, Stricture Urethra, all Obstructive Uropathies x. Benign T umours of Epididymis, Spermatocele, V aricocele, Hydrocele xi. Fistula, Fissure in Ano, Hemorrhoids, Pilonidal Sinus and Fistula, Rectal Prolapse, Stress Incontinence xii. V aricose veins and V aricose ulcers x i i i . A l l t y p e s o f t r a n s p l a n t a n d r e l a t e d s u r g e r i e s ( O t h e r t h a n B o n e M a r r o w T r a n s p l a n t f o r a c u t e h e m a t o l o g i c a l m a l i g n a n c i e s a n d a c u t e m e d i c a l e m e r g e n c i e s w h e n i n d i c a t e d ) xiv . Congenital Internal disease / defect 3. 30-day waiting period - Code Excl 03 A. Expenses related to the treatment of any illness within 30 days from the first policy commencement date shall be excluded except claims arising due to an accident, provided the same are covered B . T h i s e x c l u s i o n s h a l l n o t , h o w e v e r , a p p l y i f t h e I n s u r e d P e r s o n h a s c o n t i n u o u s c o v e r a g e f o r m o r e t h a n t w e l v e m o n t h s C. The within referred waiting period is made applicable to the enhanced sum insured in the event of granting higher sum insured subsequently 4. Investigation & Evaluation - Code- Excl 04 A. Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation purposes only are excluded B . A n y d i a g n o s t i c e x p e n s e s w h i c h a r e n o t r e l a t e d o r n o t i n c i d e n t a l t o t h e c u r r e n t d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t a r e e x c l u d e d 5. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care - Code Excl 05: Expenses related to any admission primarily for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also includes; 1. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either by skilled nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons 2. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs 6. Obesity / W eight Control - Code Excl 06: Expenses related to the surgical treatment of obesity that does not fulfill all the below conditions; A. Surgery to be conducted is upon the advice of the Doctor B. The surgery/Procedure conducted should be supported by clinical protocols C. The member has to be 18 years of age or older and D. Body Mass Index (BMI); 1. greater than or equal to 40 or 2. greater than or equal to 35 in conjunction with any of the following severe co-morbidities following failure of less invasive methods of weight loss; a. Obesity-related cardiomyopathy b. Coronary heart disease c. Severe Sleep Apnea d. Uncontrolled T ype2 Diabetes 7 . C h a n g e - o f - G e n d e r t r e a t m e n t s - C o d e E x c l 0 7 : E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o a n y t r e a t m e n t , i n c l u d i n g s u r g i c a l m a n a g e m e n t , t o c h a n g e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e b o d y t o t h o s e o f t h e o p p o s i t e s e x . 8. Cosmetic or plastic Surgery - Code Excl 08: Expenses for cosmetic or plastic surgery or any treatment to change appearance unless for reconstruction following an Accident, Burn(s) or Cancer or as part of medically necessary treatment to remove a direct and immediate health risk to the insured. For this to be considered a medical necessity , it must be certified by the attending Medical Practitioner . 9 . H a z a r d o u s o r A d v e n t u r e s p o r t s - C o d e E x c l 0 9 : E x p e n s e s r e l a t e d t o a n y t r e a t m e n t n e c e s s i t a t e d d u e t o p a r t i c i p a t i o n a s a p r o f e s s i o n a l i n h a z a r d o u s o r a d v e n t u r e s p o r t s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o , p a r a - j u m p i n g , r o c k c l i m b i n g , m o u n t a i n e e r i n g , r a f t i n g , m o t o r r a c i n g , h o r s e r a c i n g o r s c u b a d i v i n g , h a n d g l i d i n g , s k y d i v i n g , d e e p - s e a d i v i n g . 10. Breach of law - Code Excl 10: Expenses for treatment directly arising from or consequent upon any Insured Person committing or attempting to commit a breach of law with criminal intent. 1 1. Excluded Providers - Code Excl 1 1: Expenses incurred towards treatment in any hospital or by any Medical Practitioner or any other provider specifically excluded by the Insurer and disclosed in its website / notified to the policyholders are not admissible. However , in case of life threatening situations or following an accident, expenses up to the stage of stabilization are payable but not the complete claim. 1 2 . - C o d e E x c l 1 2 T r e a t m e n t f o r A l c o h o l i s m , d r u g o r s u b s t a n c e a b u s e o r a n y a d d i c t i v e c o n d i t i o n a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s t h e r e o f 13. T reatments received in health hydros, nature cure clinics, spas or similar establishments or private beds registered as a nursing home attached to such establishments or where admission is arranged wholly or partly for domestic reasons - Code Excl 13 14. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription, including but not limited to V itamins, minerals and organic substances unless prescribed by a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or day care procedure - Code Excl 14 15. Refractive Error - Code Excl 15: Expenses related to the treatment for correction of eye sight due to refractive error less than 7. 5 dioptres 16. Unproven T reatments - Code Excl 16: Expenses related to any unproven treatment, services and supplies for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven treatments are treatments, procedures or supplies that lack significant medical documentation to support their ef fectiveness. 17. Sterility and Infertility - Code Excl 17: Expenses related to sterility and infertility . This includes; a. Any type of contraception, sterilization b. Assisted Reproduction services including artificial insemination and advanced reproductive technologies such as IVF , ZIFT , GIFT , ICSI c. Gestational Surrogacy d. Reversal of sterilization 18. Maternity - Code Excl 18 a. Medical treatment expenses traceable to childbirth (including complicated deliveries and caesarean sections incurred during hospitalization) except ectopic pregnancy and to the extent covered under Section 2 b. Expenses towards miscarriage (unless due to an accident) and lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the policy period 19. Circumcision (unless necessary for treatment of a disease not excluded under this policy or necessitated due to an accident), Preputioplasty , Frenuloplasty , Preputial Dilatation and Removal of SMEGMA - Code Excl 19 20. - Congenital External Condition / Defects / Anomalies (except to the extent provided under Section 2 for New Born) Code Excl 20 21. - Code Excl 21 Convalescence , general debility , run-down condition, Nutritional deficiency states 22. - Code Excl 22 Intentional self injury 23. - Code Excl 23 V enereal Disease and Sexually T ransmitted Diseases(Other than HIV) 24. Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war , invasion, act of foreign enemy , warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) - Code Excl 24 25. - Code Excl 25 Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons/materials 26. Expenses incurred on Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy and related therapies, Chelation therapy , Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy , Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy , V AX-D, Low level laser therapy , Photodynamic therapy - Code Excl 26 27. - Code Excl 27 Unconventional, Untested, Experimental therapies 28. Autologous derived Stromal vascular fraction, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures using Platelet Rich plasma and Intra articular injection therapy - Code Excl 28 29. - Biologicals, except when administered as an in-patient, when clinically indicated and hospitalization warranted Code Excl 29 30. - Code Excl 30 All treatment for Priapism and erectile dysfunctions 3 1 . - C o d e E x c l 3 1 I n o c u l a t i o n o r V a c c i n a t i o n ( e x c e p t f o r p o s t – b i t e t r e a t m e n t a n d f o r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t f o r t h e r a p e u t i c r e a s o n s ) 32. Dental treatment or surgery (in excess of what is specifically provided) unless necessitated due to accidental injuries and requiring hospitalization - Code Excl 32 33. - Code Excl 33 Medical and / or surgical treatment of Sleep apnea, treatment for endocrine disorders 34. - Hospital registration charges, admission charges, record charges, telephone charges and such other charges Code Excl 34 35. Cochlear implants and procedure related hospitalization expenses. Cost of spectacles and contact lens(in excess of what is specifically provided), hearing aids, walkers and crutches, wheel chairs, CP AP , BIP AP , Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis, infusion pump and such other similar aids - Code Excl 35 36. - Code Excl 36 Any hospitalizations which are not Medically Necessary / does not warrant Hospitalization 37. - Code Excl 37 Other Excluded Expenses as detailed in the website www 38. Existing disease/s, disclosed by the insured and mentioned in the policy schedule (based on insured's consent), for specified ICD codes - Code Excl 38 B. Applicable for Section 10 1. Any claim relating to events occurring before the commencement of the cover or otherwise outside the Period of Insurance - Code Sec10 Excl 01 2. - Code Sec10 Excl 02 Any injuries/conditions which are Pre-existing conditions 3. - Code  Sec10  Excl 03 Any claim arising out of Accidents that the Insured Person has caused i. intentionally or ii. by committing a crime / involved in it or iii. as a result of / in a state of drunkenness or addiction (drugs, alcohol) 4. Insured Person engaging in Air T ravel unless he/she flies as a fare-paying passenger on an aircraft properly licensed to carry passengers. For the purpose of this exclusion Air T ravel means being in or on or boarding an aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting there from - Code Sec10 Excl 04 5. Accidents that are results of war and warlike occurrence or invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war , rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power , seizure capture arrest restraints detainments of all kings princes and people of whatever nation, condition or quality whatsoever - Code Sec10 Excl 05 6. Participation in riots, confiscation or nationalization or requisition of or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or local authority - Code Sec10 Excl 06 7. Any claim resulting or arising from or any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising from - Code Sec10 Excl 07 a) Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from combustion (including any self sustaining process of nuclear fission) of nuclear fuel b) Nuclear weapons material c) The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof d) Nuclear , chemical and biological terrorism 8. Any claim arising out of sporting activities in so far as they involve the training or participation in competitions of professional or semi-professional sports persons - Code Sec10 Excl 08 9. - Code Sec10 Excl 09 Participation in Hazardous Sport / Hazardous Activities 10. - Code Sec10 Excl 10 Persons who are physically challenge unless specifically agreed and endorsed in the policy 1 1. Any loss arising out of the Insured Person's actual or attempted commission of or willful participation in an illegal act or any violation or attempted violation of the law - Code Sec10 Excl 1 1 12. Any payment in case of more than one claim under the policy during the period of insurance by which the maximum liability of the Company in that period would exceed the amount specified in the Schedule - Code Sec10 Excl 12 13. Any other claim after a claim has been admitted by the Company and becomes payable for Death or Permanent T otal Disablement, as mentioned In T able - Code Sec10 Excl 13 1 4 . A n y c l a i m a r i s i n g o u t o f a n a c c i d e n t r e l a t e d t o p r e g n a n c y o r c h i l d b i r t h , i n f i r m i t y , w h e t h e r d i r e c t l y o r i n d i r e c t l y - C o d e S e c 1 0 E x c l 1 4 15. Any claim for Death or Permanent T otal Disablement of the Insured Person from self-endangerment unless in self- defense or to save human life - Code Sec10 Excl 15 μ Moratorium Period: After completion of eight continuous years under the policy no look back to be applied. This period of eight years is called as moratorium period. The moratorium would be applicable for the sums insured of the first policy and subsequently completion of 8 continuous years would be applicable from date of enhancement of sums insured only on the enhanced limits. After the expiry of Moratorium Period no health insurance claim shall be contestable except for proven fraud and permanent exclusions specified in the policy contract. The policies would however be subject to all limits, sub limits, co-payments, deductibles as per the policy contract. μ C o - P a y m e n t : T h i s p o l i c y i s s u b j e c t t o C o - p a y m e n t o f 1 0 % o f e a c h a n d e v e r y c l a i m a m o u n t f o r f r e s h a s w e l l a s r e n e w a l p o l i c i e s f o r i n s u r e d p e r s o n s w h o s e a g e a t t h e t i m e o f e n t r y i s 6 1 y e a r s a n d a b o v e . T h i s c o - p a y m e n t w i l l n o t a p p l y f o r t h o s e i n s u r e d p e r s o n s w h o h a v e e n t e r e d t h e p o l i c y b e f o r e a t t a i n i n g 6 1 y e a r s o f a g e a n d r e n e w t h e p o l i c y c o n t i n u o u s l y w i t h o u t a n y b r e a k . T h i s c o - p a y m e n t i s a p p l i c a b l e f o r S e c t i o n 1 A t o 1 G , 1 I , S e c t i o n 4 , S e c t i o n 7 , S e c t i o n 9 , S e c t i o n 1 2 a n d S e c t i o n 1 3 . μ Renewal : The policy shall ordinarily be renewable except on grounds of fraud, misrepresentation by the Insured Person; 1. The Company shall endeavor to give notice for renewal. However , the Company is not under obligation to give any notice for renewal 2 . R e n e w a l s h a l l n o t b e d e n i e d o n t h e g r o u n d t h a t t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n h a d m a d e a c l a i m o r c l a i m s i n t h e p r e c e d i n g p o l i c y y e a r s 3 . R e q u e s t f o r r e n e w a l a l o n g w i t h r e q u i s i t e p r e m i u m s h a l l b e r e c e i v e d b y t h e C o m p a n y b e f o r e t h e e n d o f t h e p o l i c y p e r i o d 4. At the end of the policy period, the policy shall terminate and can be renewed within the Grace Period of 30 days to maintain continuity of benefits without break in policy 5. Coverage is not available during the grace period 6. No loading shall apply on renewals based on individual claims experience μ Possibility of Revision of T erms of the Policy lncluding the Premium Rates: The Company , with prior approval of lRDAl, may revise or modify the terms of the policy including the premium rates. The insured person shall be notified three months before the changes are ef fected. μ Revision in Sum Insured: Any revision in sum insured is permissible only at the time of renewal. The Insured Person can propose such revision and may be allowed subject to Company's approval and payment of appropriate premium. μ Free Look Period: The Free Look Period shall be applicable on new individual health insurance policies and not on renewals or at the time of porting/migrating the policy . The insured person shall be allowed free look period of fifteen days from date of receipt of the policy document to review the terms and conditions of the policy , and to return the same if not acceptable. lf the insured has not made any claim during the Free Look Period, the insured shall be entitled to; i. a refund of the premium paid less any expenses incurred by the Company on medical examination of the insured person and the stamp duty charges or ii. where the risk has already commenced and the option of return of the policy is exercised by the insured person, a deduction towards the proportionate risk premium for period of cover or iii. where only a part of the insurance coverage has commenced, such proportionate premium commensurate with the insurance coverage during such period μ Disclosure to information norms: The policy shall become void and all premium paid thereon shall be forfeited to the Company , in the event of mis-representation, mis description or non-disclosure of any material fact by the policy holder . μ Cancellation: The policyholder may cancel this policy by giving 15 days written notice and in such an event, the Company shall refund premium for the unexpired policy period as detailed below; Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21263V062021 W ellness Points Earned Discount in Premium 200 to 350 2% 351 to 600 5% 601 to 750 7% 751 to 1000 10% 1 Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 1 Y ear without instalment option Period on risk R a t e o f p r e m i u m t o b e r e t a i n e d Up to one month 2 2 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding one month up to 3 months 3 7 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 5 7 . 5 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 8 0 % o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m Exceeding 9 months F u l l o f t h e p o l i c y p r e m i u m 2 4 3 6 5 127.50 mm 127.50 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 210.00 mm 735.00 mm

5. Note: If the premium is paid Monthly , cancellation of policy will be on “No Refund Basis”. N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g a n y t h i n g c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n o r o t h e r w i s e , n o r e f u n d s o f p r e m i u m s h a l l b e m a d e i n r e s p e c t o f C a n c e l l a t i o n w h e r e , a n y c l a i m h a s b e e n a d m i t t e d o r h a s b e e n l o d g e d o r a n y b e n e f i t h a s b e e n a v a i l e d b y t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n u n d e r t h e p o l i c y . ii. The Company may cancel the policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by the insured person by giving 15 days written notice. There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts or fraud μ Instalment Premium Options: lf the insured person has opted for Payment of Premium on an instalment basis i.e.Half Y early , Quarterly or Monthly , as mentioned in the policy Schedule/Certificate of lnsurance, the following Conditions shall apply (notwithstanding any terms contrary elsewhere in the policy); i. Grace Period of 7 days would be given to pay the instalment premium due for the policy ii. During such grace period, coverage will not be available from the due date of instalment premium till the date of receipt of premium by Company iii. The insured person will get the accrued continuity benefit in respect of the "W aiting Periods", "Specific W aiting Periods" in the event of payment of premium within the stipulated grace Period iv . No interest will be charged lf the instalment premium is not paid on due date v. ln case of instalment premium due not received within the grace period, the policy will get cancelled vi. ln the event of a claim, all subsequent premium instalments shall immediately become due and payable v i i . T h e c o m p a n y h a s t h e r i g h t t o r e c o v e r a n d d e d u c t a l l t h e p e n d i n g i n s t a l l m e n t s f r o m t h e c l a i m a m o u n t d u e u n d e r t h e p o l i c y μ Migration: The insured person will have the option to migrate the policy to other health insurance products/plans of fered by the company by applying for migration of the Policy atleast 30 days before the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines on Migration. lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance product/plan of fered by the company , the insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on migration . For Detailed Guidelines on migration, kindly refer the link https://www .in/ADMINCMS/cms/frmGuidelines_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo3987 μ Portability: The insured person will have the option to port the policy to other insurers by applying to such insurer to port the entire policy along with all the members of the family , if any , at least 45 days before, but not earlier than 60 days from the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines related to portability . lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance policy with an lndian General/Health insurer , the proposed insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on portability . For details contact “” or call T elephone No +91-044-28288869. For Detailed Guidelines on portability , kindly refer the link https://www .in/ADMINCMS/cms/frmGuidelines_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo3987 BRO / COMP/ V .9 / 2020 SCHEDULE OF BENEFTIS S.No. Sum Insured (INR) 5 lacs 7.5 lacs 10 lacs 15 lacs 20 lacs 25 lacs 50 lacs 75 lacs 100 lacs 1 Room, Boarding and Nursing charges Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C 2 ICU/Operation Theatre Charges Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 3 Road Ambulance Charges (per policy period) Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 4 Air Ambulance (per policy period) Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period 5 Pre Hospitalisation Expenses incurred Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days 6 Post Hospitalisation Expenses incurred Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days 7a. Delivery Charges – Normal Delivery 15,000/- 25,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 7b. Delivery Charges – Caesarean Section 20,000/- 40,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 8 W aiting Period for Delivery 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 9 Coverage for New Born Child (Subject to a valid claim under 7a or 7b above) Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- 10 V accination Expenses for New Born (Subject to a valid claim under 7a or 7b above) 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 1 1 Out Patient Dental/Ophthal Coverage- Once in a block of every 3 years of continuous renewal Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- 12 Out Patient Medical Consultation Coverage other than Out Patient Dental/ Ophthal Up to 1,200/- (per Consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 1,500/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 2,100/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 2,400/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 3,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 3,3 00/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) 13 Hospital Cash upto 7 days per occurrence & upto 120 days per policy period. (1 day time excess) 500/- per day 750/- per day 750/- per day 1000/- per day 1000/- per day 1500/- per day 2500/- per day 2500/- per day 2500/- per day 14 Health Check Up once in a block of every claim free years of continuous renewal Up to 2,000/- Up to 2,500/- Up to 3,000/- Up to 4,000/- Up to 4,500/- Up to 4,500/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- 15 Restoration benefit after exhaustion of sum insured(Applicable for Section 1 only) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 16 Bariatric Surgery (per policy period) 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 17 Cover for Accidental Death and Permanent T otal Disablement 5,00,000/- 7,50,000/- 10,00,000/- 15,00,000/- 20,00,000/- 25,00,000/- 50,00,000/- 75,00,000/- 1,00,00,000/- 18 A YUSH T reatment Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 20,000/- Up to 20,000/- Up to 30,000/- Up to 30,000/- Up to 30,000/- 19 W ellness Program A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable 20 Buy Back Pre-Existing Diseases (Optional Cover) A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale Or Visit our website www Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21263V062021 Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation μ Withdrawal of the policy i. In the likelihood of this product being withdrawn in future, the Company will intimate the insured person about the same 90 days prior to expiry of the policy ii. lnsured Person will have the option to migrate to similar health insurance product available with the Company at the time of renewal with all the accrued continuity benefits such as cumulative bonus, waiver of waiting period as per IRDAI guidelines, provided the policy has been maintained without a break μ Automatic Expiry: The insurance under this policy with respect to each relevant Insured Person shall expire immediately on the earlier of the following events; ü Upon the death of the Insured Person. This also means that in case of family floater policy , cover for the other surviving members of the family will continue, subject to other terms of the policy ü Upon exhaustion of the Limit of Coverage μ Claim Procedure a. Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance - 1800 425 2255/1800 102 4477 b. Inform the ID number for easy reference c. On admission in the hospital, produce the ID Card issued by the Company at the Hospital Helpdesk d. Obtain the Pre-authorisation Form from the Hospital Help Desk, complete the Patient Information and resubmit to the Hospital Help Desk. e. In case of emergency hospitalization, information to be given within 24 hours after hospitalization f. In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement will be ef fected on submission of documents μ The Company: Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., commenced its operations in 2006 as India's first Standalone Health Insurance provider . As an exclusive Health Insurer , the Company is providing sterling services in Health, Personal Accident & Overseas T ravel Insurance and is committed to setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring. C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 1 Y e a r w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 1 Y e a r w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 2 Y ears without instalment option Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium Exceeding one month up to 3 months 25% of the policy premium Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 47.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 67.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months Full of the policy premium C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 2 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 2 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months 100% of the total premium received Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 3 Y ears without instalment option Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium Exceeding one month up to 3 months 22.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 30% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 42.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 50% of the policy premium Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 65% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 72.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 85% of the policy premium Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 33 months Full of the policy premium C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 3 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 3 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 25 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 25 months up to 27 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 28 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 28 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 30 months up to 31 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 31 months up to 33 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months up to 34 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 34 months 100% of the total premium received μ Star Advantages · No Third Party Administrator , direct in-house claims settlement · Faster and hassle – free claim settlement · Cashless hospitalization μ T ax Benefits: Payment of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible for relief under Section 80D of the Income T ax Act 1961. μ Prohibition of rebates: (Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938): No person shall allow or of fer to allow , either directly or indirectly , as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy , nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakhs rupees. “ I R D A I O R I T S O F F I C I A L S D O N O T I N V O L V E I N A C T I V I T I E S L I K E S A L E OF ANY KIND OF INSURANCE OR F I N A N C I A L P R O D U C T S N O R I N V E S T P R E M I U M S . I R D A I D O E S N O T A N N O U N C E A N Y B O N U S . P U B L I C R E C E I V I N G S U C H P H O N E C A L L S A R E REQUESTED TO LODGE A POLICE C O M P L A I N T A L O N G W I T H D E T A I L S O F P H O N E C A L L , N U M B E R . ” B u y t h i s I n s u r a n c e O n l i n e a t w w w . s t a r h e a l t h . i n a n d a v a i l 5 % D i s c o u n t T h i s d i s c o u n t i s a v a i l a b l e f o r f i r s t p u r c h a s e o n l y . C a l l T o l l - f r e e : 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 2 2 5 5 / 1 8 0 0 - 1 0 2 - 4 4 7 7 , s m s S T A R t o 5 6 6 7 7 F a x T o l l F r e e N o : 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 5 5 2 2 « E m a i l : s u p p o r t @ s t a r h e a l t h . i n C I N : U 6 6 0 1 0 T N 2 0 0 5 P L C 0 5 6 6 4 9 « I R D A I R e g n . N o : 1 2 9 7 8 10 9 210.00 mm 735.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 127.50 mm 127.50 mm

1. Note: If the premium is paid Monthly , cancellation of policy will be on “No Refund Basis”. N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g a n y t h i n g c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n o r o t h e r w i s e , n o r e f u n d s o f p r e m i u m s h a l l b e m a d e i n r e s p e c t o f C a n c e l l a t i o n w h e r e , a n y c l a i m h a s b e e n a d m i t t e d o r h a s b e e n l o d g e d o r a n y b e n e f i t h a s b e e n a v a i l e d b y t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n u n d e r t h e p o l i c y . ii. The Company may cancel the policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by the insured person by giving 15 days written notice. There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts or fraud μ Instalment Premium Options: lf the insured person has opted for Payment of Premium on an instalment basis i.e.Half Y early , Quarterly or Monthly , as mentioned in the policy Schedule/Certificate of lnsurance, the following Conditions shall apply (notwithstanding any terms contrary elsewhere in the policy); i. Grace Period of 7 days would be given to pay the instalment premium due for the policy ii. During such grace period, coverage will not be available from the due date of instalment premium till the date of receipt of premium by Company iii. The insured person will get the accrued continuity benefit in respect of the "W aiting Periods", "Specific W aiting Periods" in the event of payment of premium within the stipulated grace Period iv . No interest will be charged lf the instalment premium is not paid on due date v. ln case of instalment premium due not received within the grace period, the policy will get cancelled vi. ln the event of a claim, all subsequent premium instalments shall immediately become due and payable v i i . T h e c o m p a n y h a s t h e r i g h t t o r e c o v e r a n d d e d u c t a l l t h e p e n d i n g i n s t a l l m e n t s f r o m t h e c l a i m a m o u n t d u e u n d e r t h e p o l i c y μ Migration: The insured person will have the option to migrate the policy to other health insurance products/plans of fered by the company by applying for migration of the Policy atleast 30 days before the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines on Migration. lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance product/plan of fered by the company , the insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on migration . For Detailed Guidelines on migration, kindly refer the link https://www .in/ADMINCMS/cms/frmGuidelines_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo3987 μ Portability: The insured person will have the option to port the policy to other insurers by applying to such insurer to port the entire policy along with all the members of the family , if any , at least 45 days before, but not earlier than 60 days from the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines related to portability . lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance policy with an lndian General/Health insurer , the proposed insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on portability . For details contact “” or call T elephone No +91-044-28288869. For Detailed Guidelines on portability , kindly refer the link https://www .in/ADMINCMS/cms/frmGuidelines_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo3987 BRO / COMP/ V .9 / 2020 SCHEDULE OF BENEFTIS S.No. Sum Insured (INR) 5 lacs 7.5 lacs 10 lacs 15 lacs 20 lacs 25 lacs 50 lacs 75 lacs 100 lacs 1 Room, Boarding and Nursing charges Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C 2 ICU/Operation Theatre Charges Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 3 Road Ambulance Charges (per policy period) Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 4 Air Ambulance (per policy period) Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period 5 Pre Hospitalisation Expenses incurred Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days 6 Post Hospitalisation Expenses incurred Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days 7a. Delivery Charges – Normal Delivery 15,000/- 25,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 7b. Delivery Charges – Caesarean Section 20,000/- 40,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 8 W aiting Period for Delivery 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 9 Coverage for New Born Child (Subject to a valid claim under 7a or 7b above) Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- 10 V accination Expenses for New Born (Subject to a valid claim under 7a or 7b above) 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 1 1 Out Patient Dental/Ophthal Coverage- Once in a block of every 3 years of continuous renewal Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- 12 Out Patient Medical Consultation Coverage other than Out Patient Dental/ Ophthal Up to 1,200/- (per Consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 1,500/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 2,100/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 2,400/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 3,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 3,3 00/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) 13 Hospital Cash upto 7 days per occurrence & upto 120 days per policy period. (1 day time excess) 500/- per day 750/- per day 750/- per day 1000/- per day 1000/- per day 1500/- per day 2500/- per day 2500/- per day 2500/- per day 14 Health Check Up once in a block of every claim free years of continuous renewal Up to 2,000/- Up to 2,500/- Up to 3,000/- Up to 4,000/- Up to 4,500/- Up to 4,500/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- 15 Restoration benefit after exhaustion of sum insured(Applicable for Section 1 only) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 16 Bariatric Surgery (per policy period) 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 17 Cover for Accidental Death and Permanent T otal Disablement 5,00,000/- 7,50,000/- 10,00,000/- 15,00,000/- 20,00,000/- 25,00,000/- 50,00,000/- 75,00,000/- 1,00,00,000/- 18 A YUSH T reatment Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 20,000/- Up to 20,000/- Up to 30,000/- Up to 30,000/- Up to 30,000/- 19 W ellness Program A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable 20 Buy Back Pre-Existing Diseases (Optional Cover) A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale Or Visit our website www Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21263V062021 Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation μ Withdrawal of the policy i. In the likelihood of this product being withdrawn in future, the Company will intimate the insured person about the same 90 days prior to expiry of the policy ii. lnsured Person will have the option to migrate to similar health insurance product available with the Company at the time of renewal with all the accrued continuity benefits such as cumulative bonus, waiver of waiting period as per IRDAI guidelines, provided the policy has been maintained without a break μ Automatic Expiry: The insurance under this policy with respect to each relevant Insured Person shall expire immediately on the earlier of the following events; ü Upon the death of the Insured Person. This also means that in case of family floater policy , cover for the other surviving members of the family will continue, subject to other terms of the policy ü Upon exhaustion of the Limit of Coverage μ Claim Procedure a. Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance - 1800 425 2255/1800 102 4477 b. Inform the ID number for easy reference c. On admission in the hospital, produce the ID Card issued by the Company at the Hospital Helpdesk d. Obtain the Pre-authorisation Form from the Hospital Help Desk, complete the Patient Information and resubmit to the Hospital Help Desk. e. In case of emergency hospitalization, information to be given within 24 hours after hospitalization f. In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement will be ef fected on submission of documents μ The Company: Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., commenced its operations in 2006 as India's first Standalone Health Insurance provider . As an exclusive Health Insurer , the Company is providing sterling services in Health, Personal Accident & Overseas T ravel Insurance and is committed to setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring. C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 1 Y e a r w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 1 Y e a r w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 2 Y ears without instalment option Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium Exceeding one month up to 3 months 25% of the policy premium Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 47.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 67.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months Full of the policy premium C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 2 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 2 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months 100% of the total premium received Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 3 Y ears without instalment option Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium Exceeding one month up to 3 months 22.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 30% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 42.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 50% of the policy premium Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 65% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 72.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 85% of the policy premium Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 33 months Full of the policy premium C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 3 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 3 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 25 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 25 months up to 27 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 28 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 28 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 30 months up to 31 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 31 months up to 33 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months up to 34 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 34 months 100% of the total premium received μ Star Advantages · No Third Party Administrator , direct in-house claims settlement · Faster and hassle – free claim settlement · Cashless hospitalization μ T ax Benefits: Payment of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible for relief under Section 80D of the Income T ax Act 1961. μ Prohibition of rebates: (Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938): No person shall allow or of fer to allow , either directly or indirectly , as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy , nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakhs rupees. “ I R D A I O R I T S O F F I C I A L S D O N O T I N V O L V E I N A C T I V I T I E S L I K E S A L E OF ANY KIND OF INSURANCE OR F I N A N C I A L P R O D U C T S N O R I N V E S T P R E M I U M S . I R D A I D O E S N O T A N N O U N C E A N Y B O N U S . P U B L I C R E C E I V I N G S U C H P H O N E C A L L S A R E REQUESTED TO LODGE A POLICE C O M P L A I N T A L O N G W I T H D E T A I L S O F P H O N E C A L L , N U M B E R . ” B u y t h i s I n s u r a n c e O n l i n e a t w w w . s t a r h e a l t h . i n a n d a v a i l 5 % D i s c o u n t T h i s d i s c o u n t i s a v a i l a b l e f o r f i r s t p u r c h a s e o n l y . C a l l T o l l - f r e e : 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 2 2 5 5 / 1 8 0 0 - 1 0 2 - 4 4 7 7 , s m s S T A R t o 5 6 6 7 7 F a x T o l l F r e e N o : 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 5 5 2 2 « E m a i l : s u p p o r t @ s t a r h e a l t h . i n C I N : U 6 6 0 1 0 T N 2 0 0 5 P L C 0 5 6 6 4 9 « I R D A I R e g n . N o : 1 2 9 7 8 10 9 210.00 mm 735.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 127.50 mm 127.50 mm

6. Note: If the premium is paid Monthly , cancellation of policy will be on “No Refund Basis”. N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g a n y t h i n g c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n o r o t h e r w i s e , n o r e f u n d s o f p r e m i u m s h a l l b e m a d e i n r e s p e c t o f C a n c e l l a t i o n w h e r e , a n y c l a i m h a s b e e n a d m i t t e d o r h a s b e e n l o d g e d o r a n y b e n e f i t h a s b e e n a v a i l e d b y t h e i n s u r e d p e r s o n u n d e r t h e p o l i c y . ii. The Company may cancel the policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by the insured person by giving 15 days written notice. There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts or fraud μ Instalment Premium Options: lf the insured person has opted for Payment of Premium on an instalment basis i.e.Half Y early , Quarterly or Monthly , as mentioned in the policy Schedule/Certificate of lnsurance, the following Conditions shall apply (notwithstanding any terms contrary elsewhere in the policy); i. Grace Period of 7 days would be given to pay the instalment premium due for the policy ii. During such grace period, coverage will not be available from the due date of instalment premium till the date of receipt of premium by Company iii. The insured person will get the accrued continuity benefit in respect of the "W aiting Periods", "Specific W aiting Periods" in the event of payment of premium within the stipulated grace Period iv . No interest will be charged lf the instalment premium is not paid on due date v. ln case of instalment premium due not received within the grace period, the policy will get cancelled vi. ln the event of a claim, all subsequent premium instalments shall immediately become due and payable v i i . T h e c o m p a n y h a s t h e r i g h t t o r e c o v e r a n d d e d u c t a l l t h e p e n d i n g i n s t a l l m e n t s f r o m t h e c l a i m a m o u n t d u e u n d e r t h e p o l i c y μ Migration: The insured person will have the option to migrate the policy to other health insurance products/plans of fered by the company by applying for migration of the Policy atleast 30 days before the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines on Migration. lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance product/plan of fered by the company , the insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on migration . For Detailed Guidelines on migration, kindly refer the link https://www .in/ADMINCMS/cms/frmGuidelines_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo3987 μ Portability: The insured person will have the option to port the policy to other insurers by applying to such insurer to port the entire policy along with all the members of the family , if any , at least 45 days before, but not earlier than 60 days from the policy renewal date as per IRDAI guidelines related to portability . lf such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any lapses under any health insurance policy with an lndian General/Health insurer , the proposed insured person will get the accrued continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on portability . For details contact “” or call T elephone No +91-044-28288869. For Detailed Guidelines on portability , kindly refer the link https://www .in/ADMINCMS/cms/frmGuidelines_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo3987 BRO / COMP/ V .9 / 2020 SCHEDULE OF BENEFTIS S.No. Sum Insured (INR) 5 lacs 7.5 lacs 10 lacs 15 lacs 20 lacs 25 lacs 50 lacs 75 lacs 100 lacs 1 Room, Boarding and Nursing charges Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C Private Single A/C 2 ICU/Operation Theatre Charges Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 3 Road Ambulance Charges (per policy period) Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 4 Air Ambulance (per policy period) Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period Up to Rs.2,50,000 per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period 5 Pre Hospitalisation Expenses incurred Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days Up to 60 days 6 Post Hospitalisation Expenses incurred Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days Up to 90 days 7a. Delivery Charges – Normal Delivery 15,000/- 25,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 30,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 7b. Delivery Charges – Caesarean Section 20,000/- 40,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 1,00,000/- 8 W aiting Period for Delivery 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months for first delivery from first inception of the policy 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 24 months from claim under 7a or 7b for next delivery 9 Coverage for New Born Child (Subject to a valid claim under 7a or 7b above) Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 1,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- Up to 2,00,000/- 10 V accination Expenses for New Born (Subject to a valid claim under 7a or 7b above) 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 5,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 10,000/- 1 1 Out Patient Dental/Ophthal Coverage- Once in a block of every 3 years of continuous renewal Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 10,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- 12 Out Patient Medical Consultation Coverage other than Out Patient Dental/ Ophthal Up to 1,200/- (per Consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 1,500/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 2,100/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 2,400/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 3,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 3,3 00/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) Up to 5,000/- (per consultation limit Rs.300/-) 13 Hospital Cash upto 7 days per occurrence & upto 120 days per policy period. (1 day time excess) 500/- per day 750/- per day 750/- per day 1000/- per day 1000/- per day 1500/- per day 2500/- per day 2500/- per day 2500/- per day 14 Health Check Up once in a block of every claim free years of continuous renewal Up to 2,000/- Up to 2,500/- Up to 3,000/- Up to 4,000/- Up to 4,500/- Up to 4,500/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- Up to 5,000/- 15 Restoration benefit after exhaustion of sum insured(Applicable for Section 1 only) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 100% (once during policy period) 16 Bariatric Surgery (per policy period) 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/- 17 Cover for Accidental Death and Permanent T otal Disablement 5,00,000/- 7,50,000/- 10,00,000/- 15,00,000/- 20,00,000/- 25,00,000/- 50,00,000/- 75,00,000/- 1,00,00,000/- 18 A YUSH T reatment Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 15,000/- Up to 20,000/- Up to 20,000/- Up to 30,000/- Up to 30,000/- Up to 30,000/- 19 W ellness Program A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable A vailable 20 Buy Back Pre-Existing Diseases (Optional Cover) A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months A vailable Note: PED W aiting Period reduces from 36 months to 12 months The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale Or Visit our website www Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21263V062021 Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation μ Withdrawal of the policy i. In the likelihood of this product being withdrawn in future, the Company will intimate the insured person about the same 90 days prior to expiry of the policy ii. lnsured Person will have the option to migrate to similar health insurance product available with the Company at the time of renewal with all the accrued continuity benefits such as cumulative bonus, waiver of waiting period as per IRDAI guidelines, provided the policy has been maintained without a break μ Automatic Expiry: The insurance under this policy with respect to each relevant Insured Person shall expire immediately on the earlier of the following events; ü Upon the death of the Insured Person. This also means that in case of family floater policy , cover for the other surviving members of the family will continue, subject to other terms of the policy ü Upon exhaustion of the Limit of Coverage μ Claim Procedure a. Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance - 1800 425 2255/1800 102 4477 b. Inform the ID number for easy reference c. On admission in the hospital, produce the ID Card issued by the Company at the Hospital Helpdesk d. Obtain the Pre-authorisation Form from the Hospital Help Desk, complete the Patient Information and resubmit to the Hospital Help Desk. e. In case of emergency hospitalization, information to be given within 24 hours after hospitalization f. In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement will be ef fected on submission of documents μ The Company: Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., commenced its operations in 2006 as India's first Standalone Health Insurance provider . As an exclusive Health Insurer , the Company is providing sterling services in Health, Personal Accident & Overseas T ravel Insurance and is committed to setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring. C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 1 Y e a r w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 1 Y e a r w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months 100% of the total premium received Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 2 Y ears without instalment option Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium Exceeding one month up to 3 months 25% of the policy premium Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 47.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 67.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months Full of the policy premium C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 2 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 2 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months 100% of the total premium received Cancellation table applicable for Policy T erm 3 Y ears without instalment option Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 17.5% of the policy premium Exceeding one month up to 3 months 22.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 30% of the policy premium Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 37.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 9 months up to 12 months 42.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 50% of the policy premium Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 57.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 65% of the policy premium Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 72.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 80% of the policy premium Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 85% of the policy premium Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the policy premium Exceeding 33 months Full of the policy premium C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 3 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f H a l f - y e a r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 45% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 65% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 15 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 21 months 90% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 27 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 30 months up to 33 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months 100% of the total premium received C a n c e l l a t i o n t a b l e a p p l i c a b l e f o r P o l i c y T e r m 3 Y e a r s w i t h i n s t a l m e n t o p t i o n o f Q u a r t e r l y p r e m i u m p a y m e n t f r e q u e n c y Period on risk Rate of premium to be retained Up to one month 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding one month up to 3 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 3 months up to 4 months 87.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 4 months up to 6 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 6 months up to 7 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 7 months up to 9 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 9 months up to 10 months 85% of the total premium received Exceeding 10 months up to 12 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 12 months up to 13 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 13 months up to 15 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 15 months up to 16 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 16 months up to 18 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 18 months up to 19 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 19 months up to 21 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 21 months up to 22 months 92.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 22 months up to 24 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 24 months up to 25 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 25 months up to 27 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 27 months up to 28 months 97.5% of the total premium received Exceeding 28 months up to 30 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 30 months up to 31 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 31 months up to 33 months 100% of the total premium received Exceeding 33 months up to 34 months 95% of the total premium received Exceeding 34 months 100% of the total premium received μ Star Advantages · No Third Party Administrator , direct in-house claims settlement · Faster and hassle – free claim settlement · Cashless hospitalization μ T ax Benefits: Payment of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible for relief under Section 80D of the Income T ax Act 1961. μ Prohibition of rebates: (Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938): No person shall allow or of fer to allow , either directly or indirectly , as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy , nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which may extend to ten lakhs rupees. “ I R D A I O R I T S O F F I C I A L S D O N O T I N V O L V E I N A C T I V I T I E S L I K E S A L E OF ANY KIND OF INSURANCE OR F I N A N C I A L P R O D U C T S N O R I N V E S T P R E M I U M S . I R D A I D O E S N O T A N N O U N C E A N Y B O N U S . P U B L I C R E C E I V I N G S U C H P H O N E C A L L S A R E REQUESTED TO LODGE A POLICE C O M P L A I N T A L O N G W I T H D E T A I L S O F P H O N E C A L L , N U M B E R . ” B u y t h i s I n s u r a n c e O n l i n e a t w w w . s t a r h e a l t h . i n a n d a v a i l 5 % D i s c o u n t T h i s d i s c o u n t i s a v a i l a b l e f o r f i r s t p u r c h a s e o n l y . C a l l T o l l - f r e e : 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 2 2 5 5 / 1 8 0 0 - 1 0 2 - 4 4 7 7 , s m s S T A R t o 5 6 6 7 7 F a x T o l l F r e e N o : 1 8 0 0 - 4 2 5 - 5 5 2 2 « E m a i l : s u p p o r t @ s t a r h e a l t h . i n C I N : U 6 6 0 1 0 T N 2 0 0 5 P L C 0 5 6 6 4 9 « I R D A I R e g n . N o : 1 2 9 7 8 10 9 210.00 mm 735.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 120.00 mm 127.50 mm 127.50 mm

8. PREMIUM CHART FOR 2 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A +2C 3m-34 21,134 25,727 28,950 36,670 41,746 46,571 51,232 55,594 59,492 35 22,166 26,846 30,436 39,121 44,815 50,122 55,140 59,835 64,028 36-44 23,199 27,966 31,922 41,572 47,883 53,673 59,048 64,076 68,563 45 30,398 36,496 41,939 51,589 57,639 63,429 69,779 75,719 81,021 46-49 37,596 45,027 51,956 61,606 67,396 73,186 80,510 87,361 93,480 50 38,590 46,252 54,001 63,651 69,441 75,231 82,758 89,798 96,090 51-54 39,584 47,478 56,047 65,697 71,487 77,277 85,007 92,235 98,700 55 42,547 52,178 61,857 73,437 79,709 86,464 95,1 15 1,03,202 1,10,435 56-59 45,509 56,877 67,666 81,176 87,931 95,651 1,05,224 1,14,169 1,22,169 60 58,450 70,955 79,406 92,433 1,17,873 1,38,620 1,52,489 1,65,454 1,77,044 61-64 71,391 85,034 91,146 1,03,691 1,47,815 1,81,590 1,99,755 2,16,739 2,31,918 65 80,317 95,669 1,02,547 1,14,069 1,62,601 1,99,753 2,19,735 2,38,418 2,55,1 12 66-69 89,243 1,06,304 1,13,947 1,24,446 1,77,386 2,17,916 2,39,716 2,60,096 2,78,306 70 1,02,637 1,22,256 1,31,047 1,43,1 19 2,04,001 2,50,61 1 2,75,676 2,99,1 1 1 3,20,052 71-74 1,16,032 1,38,207 1,48,147 1,61,792 2,30,616 2,83,305 3,1 1,637 3,38,126 3,61,798 75 1,33,440 1,58,945 1,70,371 1,86,062 2,65,21 1 3,25,803 3,58,387 3,88,852 4,16,074 >75 1,50,849 1,79,683 1,92,595 2,10,331 2,99,806 3,68,302 4,05,136 4,39,577 4,70,351 1A+3C 3m-34 30,089 36,651 40,434 51,049 57,533 64,288 70,725 76,737 82,1 12 35 31,507 38,224 42,441 54,021 61,229 68,177 75,000 81,378 87,077 36-44 32,926 39,797 44,448 56,993 64,925 72,066 79,275 86,020 92,042 45 39,102 47,729 54,310 70,233 79,024 86,454 95,101 1,03,192 1,10,420 46-49 45,278 55,661 64,173 83,473 93,123 1,00,843 1,10,927 1,20,364 1,28,799 50 48,597 60,206 69,963 90,228 99,878 1,07,598 1,18,357 1,28,422 1,37,421 51-54 51,917 64,752 75,753 96,983 1,06,633 1,14,353 1,25,788 1,36,480 1,46,043 55 55,169 69,055 81,205 1,05,330 1,15,462 1,24,147 1,36,562 1,48,171 1,58,550 56-59 58,421 73,359 86,657 1,13,677 1,24,292 1,33,942 1,47,336 1,59,862 1,71,056 60 69,123 84,028 1,01,875 1,27,448 1,53,575 1,75,287 1,92,817 2,09,207 2,23,856 61-64 79,825 94,697 1,17,093 1,41,218 1,82,858 2,16,633 2,38,297 2,58,552 2,76,656 65 89,803 1,06,542 1,31,732 1,55,346 2,01,149 2,38,302 2,62,133 2,84,414 3,04,327 66-69 99,781 1,18,386 1,46,371 1,69,473 2,19,441 2,59,971 2,85,968 3,10,276 3,31,999 70 1,14,748 1,36,152 1,68,335 1,94,901 2,52,357 2,98,967 3,28,867 3,56,823 3,81,802 71-74 1,29,715 1,53,918 1,90,298 2,20,329 2,85,273 3,37,962 3,71,766 4,03,370 4,31,606 75 1,49,179 1,77,010 2,18,843 2,53,380 3,28,071 3,88,663 4,27,534 4,63,880 4,96,353 >75 1,68,643 2,00,102 2,47,387 2,86,431 3,70,869 4,39,365 4,83,301 5,24,391 5,61,099 2A 3m-34 20,1 1 1 25,688 30,031 37,751 43,541 48,366 53,210 57,736 61,779 35 21,751 28,603 33,196 40,916 46,706 51,531 56,689 61,509 65,818 36-44 23,392 31,517 36,361 44,081 49,871 54,696 60,168 65,282 69,856 45 33,312 42,798 50,856 58,576 64,366 69,191 76,1 14 82,585 88,370 46-49 43,232 54,079 65,350 73,070 78,860 83,685 92,061 99,887 1,06,883 50 44,429 55,526 67,251 75,453 81,243 86,261 94,893 1,02,961 1,10,174 51-54 45,625 56,974 69,152 77,837 83,627 88,838 97,726 1,06,034 1,13,465 55 50,373 62,908 76,525 85,210 91,000 96,21 1 1,05,836 1,14,835 1,22,878 56-59 55,121 68,843 83,897 92,582 98,372 1,03,583 1,13,947 1,23,636 1,32,292 60 65,002 79,806 97,214 1,05,899 1,1 1,689 1,16,900 1,28,596 1,39,529 1,49,300 61-64 74,884 90,768 1,10,531 1,19,216 1,25,006 1,30,217 1,43,245 1,55,423 1,66,308 65 84,245 1,02,1 16 1,24,350 1,31,144 1,37,513 1,43,245 1,57,575 1,70,974 1,82,950 66-69 93,605 1,13,465 1,38,169 1,43,071 1,50,019 1,56,272 1,71,905 1,86,525 1,99,591 70 1,07,646 1,30,487 1,58,897 1,64,533 1,72,523 1,79,722 1,97,700 2,14,510 2,29,535 71-74 1,21,687 1,47,510 1,79,625 1,85,994 1,95,027 2,03,171 2,23,494 2,42,495 2,59,479 75 1,39,944 1,69,637 2,06,578 2,13,902 2,24,285 2,33,655 2,57,028 2,78,880 2,98,407 >75 1,58,202 1,91,765 2,33,530 2,41,810 2,53,544 2,64,140 2,90,562 3,15,266 3,37,335 2A+1C 3m-34 25,418 32,154 36,882 45,857 51,647 56,472 62,127 67,415 72,143 35 26,547 33,881 39,198 48,51 1 54,301 59,126 65,046 70,580 75,526 36-44 27,676 35,609 41,514 51,164 56,954 61,779 67,965 73,745 78,908 45 36,554 46,098 54,445 64,095 69,885 74,710 82,189 89,180 95,424 46-49 45,432 56,588 67,376 77,026 82,816 87,641 96,413 1,04,616 1,1 1,940 50 47,623 59,444 71,082 81,214 87,197 92,215 1,01,441 1,10,068 1,17,773 51-54 49,813 62,300 74,788 85,403 91,579 96,790 1,06,468 1,15,520 1,23,607 55 54,889 68,1 19 81,340 91,955 98,420 1,03,631 1,13,995 1,23,689 1,32,350 56-59 59,965 73,938 87,892 98,507 1,05,262 1,10,473 1,21,522 1,31,858 1,41,093 60 78,040 94,131 1,14,379 1,28,130 1,46,465 1,65,958 1,82,559 1,98,081 2,1 1,953 61-64 96,1 14 1,14,324 1,40,865 1,57,752 1,87,667 2,21,442 2,43,595 2,64,304 2,82,813 65 1,08,128 1,28,620 1,58,479 1,73,533 2,06,440 2,43,592 2,67,956 2,90,735 3,1 1,092 66-69 1,20,143 1,42,917 1,76,093 1,89,314 2,25,212 2,65,742 2,92,318 3,17,167 3,39,371 70 1,38,169 1,64,359 2,02,515 2,17,714 2,58,996 3,05,606 3,36,167 3,64,746 3,90,280 71-74 1,56,195 1,85,801 2,28,937 2,46,1 14 2,92,781 3,45,470 3,80,017 4,12,325 4,41,188 75 1,79,625 2,13,680 2,63,281 2,83,035 3,36,698 3,97,291 4,37,020 4,74,172 5,07,368 >75 2,03,055 2,41,559 2,97,625 3,19,955 3,80,615 4,49,1 1 1 4,94,022 5,36,019 5,73,548 2A+2C 3m-34 28,564 35,666 40,376 49,331 55,121 60,332 66,373 72,018 77,065 35 30,1 18 37,384 42,885 52,187 57,977 63,188 69,514 75,424 80,708 36-44 31,671 39,102 45,394 55,044 60,834 66,045 72,655 78,831 84,351 45 40,337 49,948 58,489 68,139 73,929 79,140 87,057 94,459 1,01,074 46-49 49,003 60,795 71,584 81,234 87,024 92,235 1,01,460 1,10,087 1,17,798 50 51,685 64,124 75,946 85,596 91,868 97,369 1,07,1 10 1,16,220 1,24,360 51-54 54,368 67,454 80,307 89,957 96,712 1,02,502 1,12,760 1,22,352 1,30,922 55 59,348 73,630 87,989 98,121 1,04,876 1,10,666 1,21,740 1,32,094 1,41,344 56-59 64,327 79,806 95,670 1,06,285 1,13,040 1,18,830 1,30,719 1,41,836 1,51,766 60 83,694 1,02,033 1,22,540 1,36,291 1,54,626 1,74,408 1,91,856 2,08,170 2,22,746 61-64 1,03,062 1,24,261 1,49,409 1,66,297 1,96,212 2,29,987 2,52,994 2,74,504 2,93,727 65 1,15,945 1,39,794 1,68,088 1,82,929 2,15,836 2,52,988 2,78,292 3,01,953 3,23,096 66-69 1,28,828 1,55,326 1,86,766 1,99,562 2,35,460 2,75,990 3,03,589 3,29,403 3,52,466 70 1,48,156 1,78,631 2,14,790 2,29,496 2,70,779 3,17,389 3,49,127 3,78,81 1 4,05,334 71-74 1,67,485 2,01,936 2,42,813 2,59,431 3,06,098 3,58,787 3,94,666 4,28,219 4,58,201 75 1,92,614 2,32,227 2,79,242 2,98,349 3,52,013 4,12,605 4,53,868 4,92,454 5,26,933 >75 2,17,743 2,62,519 3,15,671 3,37,268 3,97,927 4,66,423 5,13,071 5,56,689 5,95,666 2A+3C 3m-34 32,810 40,569 45,606 59,1 16 67,724 75,482 83,038 90,102 96,413 35 34,885 42,460 48,096 61,606 70,252 77,991 85,798 93,098 99,622 36-44 36,960 44,351 50,585 64,095 72,780 80,500 88,558 96,095 1,02,830 45 45,992 55,439 63,391 76,901 85,586 93,306 1,02,642 1,1 1,375 1,19,178 46-49 55,024 66,527 76,196 89,706 98,391 1,06,1 1 1 1,16,726 1,26,656 1,35,525 50 57,620 70,300 80,558 94,551 1,03,236 1,1 1,438 1,22,584 1,33,01 1 1,42,323 51-54 60,216 74,073 84,920 99,395 1,08,080 1,16,765 1,28,442 1,39,365 1,49,121 55 65,263 80,877 94,715 1,12,567 1,22,217 1,31,867 1,45,054 1,57,392 1,68,412 56-59 70,310 87,680 1,04,510 1,25,740 1,36,355 1,46,970 1,61,666 1,75,418 1,87,702 60 89,195 1,08,235 1,30,519 1,53,197 1,73,462 1,95,657 2,15,224 2,33,525 2,49,877 61-64 1,08,080 1,28,791 1,56,529 1,80,654 2,10,569 2,44,344 2,68,781 2,91,633 3,12,052 65 1,21,590 1,44,896 1,76,096 1,98,725 2,31,632 2,68,784 2,95,666 3,20,805 3,43,265 66-69 1,35,100 1,61,001 1,95,663 2,16,797 2,52,695 2,93,225 3,22,551 3,49,977 3,74,478 70 1,55,365 1,85,155 2,25,019 2,49,317 2,90,600 3,37,210 3,70,936 4,02,473 4,30,651 71-74 1,75,630 2,09,309 2,54,374 2,81,838 3,28,505 3,81,194 4,19,321 4,54,969 4,86,823 75 2,01,975 2,40,710 2,92,530 3,24,1 15 3,77,788 4,38,380 4,82,225 5,23,218 5,59,850 >75 2,28,319 2,72,1 1 1 3,30,686 3,66,391 4,27,070 4,95,566 5,45,129 5,91,468 6,32,876 PREMIUM CHART FOR 3 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A 3m-33 19,677 23,955 27,279 34,291 39,551 42,818 47,1 10 51,121 54,712 34 20,668 25,437 29,195 36,208 41,467 45,016 49,527 53,744 57,517 35 21,659 26,919 31,1 12 38,125 43,384 47,213 51,944 56,366 60,322 36-43 22,650 28,401 33,029 40,041 45,301 49,410 54,361 58,989 63,127 44 27,442 34,703 40,593 47,606 53,047 57,451 63,206 68,587 73,398 45 32,234 41,004 48,157 55,170 60,794 65,492 72,051 78,185 83,668 46-48 37,026 47,306 55,721 62,734 68,540 73,533 80,896 87,782 93,939 49 39,738 49,896 58,087 66,516 73,627 79,073 86,988 94,393 1,01,013 50 42,449 52,486 60,452 70,298 78,713 84,613 93,079 1,01,003 1,08,086 51-53 45,161 55,076 62,818 74,080 83,799 90,153 99,171 1,07,614 1,15,159 54 47,592 58,1 15 66,348 78,358 88,516 95,319 1,04,856 1,13,780 1,21,756 55 50,023 61,154 69,877 82,635 93,234 1,00,484 1,10,540 1,19,946 1,28,352 56-58 52,454 64,192 73,407 86,913 97,951 1,05,650 1,16,225 1,26,1 13 1,34,949 59 59,045 71,429 81,004 95,912 1,07,170 1,14,897 1,26,398 1,37,150 1,46,758 60 65,637 78,666 88,601 1,04,912 1,16,389 1,24,145 1,36,571 1,48,188 1,58,567 61-63 72,229 85,903 96,197 1,13,91 1 1,25,608 1,33,392 1,46,744 1,59,226 1,70,376 64 81,172 95,445 1,05,968 1,22,069 1,32,106 1,39,310 1,53,251 1,66,285 1,77,931 65 90,1 15 1,04,986 1,15,739 1,30,227 1,38,604 1,45,229 1,59,759 1,73,344 1,85,485 66-68 99,059 1,14,528 1,25,510 1,38,385 1,45,103 1,51,147 1,66,266 1,80,404 1,93,040 69 1,04,757 1,22,406 1,35,257 1,50,166 1,57,454 1,64,022 1,80,432 1,95,775 2,09,487 70 1,10,456 1,30,283 1,45,004 1,61,947 1,69,805 1,76,897 1,94,597 2,1 1,146 2,25,933 71-73 1,16,155 1,38,160 1,54,752 1,73,728 1,82,157 1,89,772 2,08,762 2,26,518 2,42,380 74 1,28,146 1,52,125 1,70,137 1,90,441 1,99,679 2,08,028 2,28,841 2,48,303 2,65,690 75 1,40,138 1,66,089 1,85,523 2,07,154 2,17,201 2,26,284 2,48,920 2,70,089 2,88,999 >75 1,52,129 1,80,053 2,00,908 2,23,867 2,34,722 2,44,540 2,69,000 2,91,874 3,12,309 1A+1C 3m-33 25,750 31,809 37,166 45,525 52,538 59,270 65,202 70,756 75,721 34 26,629 32,744 38,494 47,554 54,567 61,860 68,049 73,842 79,022 35 27,508 33,679 39,822 49,583 56,596 64,450 70,896 76,927 82,322 36-43 28,387 34,614 41,149 51,612 58,625 67,040 73,743 80,013 85,623 44 32,239 39,130 46,797 58,447 65,459 73,874 81,266 88,175 94,356 45 36,091 43,646 52,444 65,282 72,294 80,709 88,788 96,338 1,03,088 46-48 39,943 48,162 58,092 72,1 17 79,129 87,544 96,310 1,04,500 1,1 1,821 49 41,766 51,369 61,719 75,744 83,224 91,639 1,00,812 1,09,386 1,17,048 50 43,590 54,576 65,347 79,372 87,320 95,735 1,05,314 1,14,271 1,22,275 51-53 45,413 57,783 68,975 83,000 91,415 99,830 1,09,816 1,19,156 1,27,501 54 48,695 63,655 76,184 90,209 98,624 1,07,039 1,17,745 1,27,758 1,36,706 55 51,977 69,527 83,393 97,418 1,05,833 1,14,248 1,25,673 1,36,360 1,45,91 1 56-58 55,259 75,398 90,602 1,04,627 1,13,042 1,21,457 1,33,602 1,44,962 1,55,1 17 59 66,217 85,478 102,450 1,17,877 1,29,994 1,50,096 1,65,107 1,79,146 1,91,694 60 77,175 95,557 1,14,298 1,31,128 1,46,946 1,78,736 1,96,612 2,13,330 2,28,271 61-63 88,133 1,05,636 1,26,146 1,44,379 1,63,899 2,07,376 2,28,1 17 2,47,513 2,64,848 64 95,482 1,14,444 1,36,663 1,54,008 1,74,828 2,21,204 2,43,329 2,64,021 2,82,510 65 1,02,831 1,23,252 1,47,180 1,63,636 1,85,757 2,35,032 2,58,542 2,80,528 3,00,172 66-68 1,10,180 1,32,059 1,57,697 1,73,265 1,96,687 2,48,860 2,73,754 2,97,035 3,17,835 69 1,21,204 1,45,271 1,73,471 1,90,600 2,16,359 2,73,749 3,01,131 3,26,736 3,49,615 70 1,32,228 1,58,483 1,89,244 2,07,935 2,36,031 2,98,639 3,28,508 3,56,436 3,81,396 71-73 1,43,251 1,71,694 2,05,017 2,25,270 2,55,704 3,23,529 3,55,884 3,86,136 4,13,177 74 1,57,585 1,88,870 2,25,522 2,47,803 2,81,276 3,55,889 3,91,480 4,24,761 4,54,504 75 1,71,918 2,06,046 2,46,027 2,70,337 3,06,848 3,88,249 4,27,075 4,63,386 4,95,831 >75 1,86,252 2,23,222 2,66,531 2,92,870 3,32,421 4,20,610 4,62,671 5,02,01 1 5,37,158 1A+2C 3m-33 30,715 37,391 42,075 53,295 60,672 67,685 74,459 80,798 86,464 34 31,715 38,475 43,515 55,670 63,645 71,125 78,245 84,907 90,859 35 32,716 39,560 44,955 58,045 66,619 74,566 82,032 89,017 95,253 36-43 33,716 40,644 46,395 60,420 69,592 78,007 85,819 93,126 99,648 44 40,691 48,910 56,100 70,125 79,045 87,460 96,216 1,04,407 1,1 1,718 45 47,666 57,175 65,805 79,830 88,498 96,913 1,06,613 1,15,688 1,23,789 46-48 54,641 65,441 75,51 1 89,536 97,951 1,06,366 1,17,01 1 1,26,968 1,35,860 49 55,604 66,628 77,493 91,518 99,933 1,08,348 1,19,189 1,29,329 1,38,389 50 56,568 67,816 79,475 93,500 1,01,915 1,10,330 1,21,368 1,31,690 1,40,919 51-53 57,531 69,003 81,457 95,482 1,03,897 1,12,312 1,23,546 1,34,051 1,43,448 54 60,401 73,556 87,086 1,02,981 1,1 1,863 1,21,213 1,33,340 1,44,677 1,54,817 55 63,271 78,1 10 92,715 1,10,480 1,19,830 1,30,1 15 1,43,134 1,55,304 1,66,187 56-58 66,142 82,663 98,343 1,17,978 1,27,796 1,39,016 1,52,929 1,65,930 1,77,557 59 78,680 96,304 1,09,719 1,28,886 1,56,807 1,80,649 1,98,725 2,15,620 2,30,725 60 91,219 1,09,945 1,21,094 1,39,794 1,85,818 2,22,283 2,44,521 2,65,31 1 2,83,894 61-63 1,03,757 1,23,585 1,32,469 1,50,701 2,14,829 2,63,917 2,90,318 3,15,002 3,37,063 64 1,12,406 1,33,890 1,43,515 1,60,756 2,29,155 2,81,515 3,09,677 3,36,006 3,59,536 65 1,21,054 1,44,195 1,54,561 1,70,81 1 2,43,481 2,99,1 14 3,29,036 3,57,01 1 3,82,008 66-68 1,29,703 1,54,499 1,65,607 1,80,866 2,57,808 3,16,713 3,48,395 3,78,016 4,04,481 69 1,42,681 1,69,955 1,82,175 1,98,959 2,83,595 3,48,390 3,83,238 4,15,818 4,44,929 70 1,55,659 1,85,41 1 1,98,744 2,17,051 3,09,382 3,80,068 4,18,081 4,53,620 4,85,377 71-73 1,68,637 2,00,866 2,15,312 2,35,143 3,35,169 4,1 1,746 4,52,923 4,91,422 5,25,825 74 1,85,504 2,20,959 2,36,845 2,58,658 3,68,689 4,52,923 4,98,219 5,40,570 5,78,414 75 2,02,371 2,41,052 2,58,378 2,82,174 4,02,209 4,94,101 5,43,516 5,89,719 6,31,003 >75 2,19,239 2,61,146 2,79,91 1 3,05,689 4,35,729 5,35,278 5,88,812 6,38,867 6,83,593 1A+3C 3m-33 43,730 53,267 58,765 74,192 83,617 93,435 1,02,789 1,1 1,527 1,19,339 34 45,104 54,791 60,710 77,072 87,198 97,203 1,06,931 1,16,024 1,24,149 35 46,479 56,315 62,654 79,952 90,779 1,00,971 1,1 1,073 1,20,522 1,28,960 36-43 47,853 57,839 64,599 82,832 94,360 1,04,739 1,15,215 1,25,019 1,33,770 44 53,837 65,525 74,155 95,660 1,08,021 1,18,680 1,30,549 1,41,657 1,51,578 45 59,821 73,21 1 83,71 1 1,08,488 1,21,681 1,32,620 1,45,883 1,58,296 1,69,385 46-48 65,805 80,896 93,266 1,21,316 1,35,341 1,46,561 1,61,217 1,74,934 1,87,192 49 69,022 85,300 98,876 1,27,861 1,41,886 1,53,106 1,68,417 1,82,741 1,95,546 50 72,238 89,704 1,04,486 1,34,406 1,48,431 1,59,651 1,75,616 1,90,548 2,03,900 51-53 75,455 94,108 1,10,096 1,40,951 1,54,976 1,66,196 1,82,816 1,98,356 2,12,254 54 78,605 98,278 1,15,379 1,49,039 1,63,532 1,75,687 1,93,255 2,09,683 2,24,372 55 81,756 1,02,448 1,20,662 1,57,127 1,72,087 1,85,177 2,03,694 2,21,01 1 2,36,490 56-58 84,907 1,06,618 1,25,945 1,65,215 1,80,642 1,94,667 2,14,134 2,32,338 2,48,607 59 95,277 1,16,955 1,40,689 1,78,557 2,09,015 2,34,727 2,58,200 2,80,149 2,99,766 60 1,05,646 1,27,293 1,55,434 1,91,899 2,37,387 2,74,787 3,02,267 3,27,961 3,50,924 61-63 1,16,015 1,37,630 1,70,179 2,05,242 2,65,760 3,14,847 3,46,333 3,75,772 4,02,083 64 1,25,683 1,49,106 1,84,363 2,18,930 2,83,483 3,35,843 3,69,428 4,00,830 4,28,894 65 1,35,351 1,60,583 1,98,547 2,32,619 3,01,206 3,56,838 3,92,522 4,25,888 4,55,705 66-68 1,45,019 1,72,059 2,12,731 2,46,307 3,18,929 3,77,834 4,15,617 4,50,946 4,82,516 69 1,59,520 1,89,272 2,34,012 2,70,944 3,50,821 4,15,617 4,57,182 4,96,046 5,30,771 70 1,74,022 2,06,485 2,55,292 2,95,582 3,82,714 4,53,400 4,98,748 5,41,145 5,79,027 71-73 1,88,524 2,23,699 2,76,573 3,20,219 4,14,607 4,91,184 5,40,313 5,86,245 6,27,282 74 2,07,383 2,46,073 3,04,230 3,52,243 4,56,074 5,40,308 5,94,347 6,44,874 6,90,016 75 2,26,242 2,68,448 3,31,888 3,84,266 4,97,542 5,89,433 6,48,380 7,03,503 7,52,750 >75 2,45,101 2,90,822 3,59,545 4,16,290 5,39,009 6,38,558 7,02,414 7,62,133 8,15,484 PREMIUM FOR MIDTERM INCLUSION – POLICY TERM 2 YEARS Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 12 mths 15 mths 18 mths 21 mths >21 mths Refund on existing plan 82.5% 75.0% 62.5% 52.5% 42.5% 32.5% 20.0% 10.0% NA % to be charged on proposed plan 82.5% 75.0% 62.5% 52.5% 42.5% 32.5% 20.0% 10.0% 3 2 A - Adult | C - Child A - Adult | C - Child

9. PREMIUM CHART FOR 2 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A +2C 3m-34 21,134 25,727 28,950 36,670 41,746 46,571 51,232 55,594 59,492 35 22,166 26,846 30,436 39,121 44,815 50,122 55,140 59,835 64,028 36-44 23,199 27,966 31,922 41,572 47,883 53,673 59,048 64,076 68,563 45 30,398 36,496 41,939 51,589 57,639 63,429 69,779 75,719 81,021 46-49 37,596 45,027 51,956 61,606 67,396 73,186 80,510 87,361 93,480 50 38,590 46,252 54,001 63,651 69,441 75,231 82,758 89,798 96,090 51-54 39,584 47,478 56,047 65,697 71,487 77,277 85,007 92,235 98,700 55 42,547 52,178 61,857 73,437 79,709 86,464 95,1 15 1,03,202 1,10,435 56-59 45,509 56,877 67,666 81,176 87,931 95,651 1,05,224 1,14,169 1,22,169 60 58,450 70,955 79,406 92,433 1,17,873 1,38,620 1,52,489 1,65,454 1,77,044 61-64 71,391 85,034 91,146 1,03,691 1,47,815 1,81,590 1,99,755 2,16,739 2,31,918 65 80,317 95,669 1,02,547 1,14,069 1,62,601 1,99,753 2,19,735 2,38,418 2,55,1 12 66-69 89,243 1,06,304 1,13,947 1,24,446 1,77,386 2,17,916 2,39,716 2,60,096 2,78,306 70 1,02,637 1,22,256 1,31,047 1,43,1 19 2,04,001 2,50,61 1 2,75,676 2,99,1 1 1 3,20,052 71-74 1,16,032 1,38,207 1,48,147 1,61,792 2,30,616 2,83,305 3,1 1,637 3,38,126 3,61,798 75 1,33,440 1,58,945 1,70,371 1,86,062 2,65,21 1 3,25,803 3,58,387 3,88,852 4,16,074 >75 1,50,849 1,79,683 1,92,595 2,10,331 2,99,806 3,68,302 4,05,136 4,39,577 4,70,351 1A+3C 3m-34 30,089 36,651 40,434 51,049 57,533 64,288 70,725 76,737 82,1 12 35 31,507 38,224 42,441 54,021 61,229 68,177 75,000 81,378 87,077 36-44 32,926 39,797 44,448 56,993 64,925 72,066 79,275 86,020 92,042 45 39,102 47,729 54,310 70,233 79,024 86,454 95,101 1,03,192 1,10,420 46-49 45,278 55,661 64,173 83,473 93,123 1,00,843 1,10,927 1,20,364 1,28,799 50 48,597 60,206 69,963 90,228 99,878 1,07,598 1,18,357 1,28,422 1,37,421 51-54 51,917 64,752 75,753 96,983 1,06,633 1,14,353 1,25,788 1,36,480 1,46,043 55 55,169 69,055 81,205 1,05,330 1,15,462 1,24,147 1,36,562 1,48,171 1,58,550 56-59 58,421 73,359 86,657 1,13,677 1,24,292 1,33,942 1,47,336 1,59,862 1,71,056 60 69,123 84,028 1,01,875 1,27,448 1,53,575 1,75,287 1,92,817 2,09,207 2,23,856 61-64 79,825 94,697 1,17,093 1,41,218 1,82,858 2,16,633 2,38,297 2,58,552 2,76,656 65 89,803 1,06,542 1,31,732 1,55,346 2,01,149 2,38,302 2,62,133 2,84,414 3,04,327 66-69 99,781 1,18,386 1,46,371 1,69,473 2,19,441 2,59,971 2,85,968 3,10,276 3,31,999 70 1,14,748 1,36,152 1,68,335 1,94,901 2,52,357 2,98,967 3,28,867 3,56,823 3,81,802 71-74 1,29,715 1,53,918 1,90,298 2,20,329 2,85,273 3,37,962 3,71,766 4,03,370 4,31,606 75 1,49,179 1,77,010 2,18,843 2,53,380 3,28,071 3,88,663 4,27,534 4,63,880 4,96,353 >75 1,68,643 2,00,102 2,47,387 2,86,431 3,70,869 4,39,365 4,83,301 5,24,391 5,61,099 2A 3m-34 20,1 1 1 25,688 30,031 37,751 43,541 48,366 53,210 57,736 61,779 35 21,751 28,603 33,196 40,916 46,706 51,531 56,689 61,509 65,818 36-44 23,392 31,517 36,361 44,081 49,871 54,696 60,168 65,282 69,856 45 33,312 42,798 50,856 58,576 64,366 69,191 76,1 14 82,585 88,370 46-49 43,232 54,079 65,350 73,070 78,860 83,685 92,061 99,887 1,06,883 50 44,429 55,526 67,251 75,453 81,243 86,261 94,893 1,02,961 1,10,174 51-54 45,625 56,974 69,152 77,837 83,627 88,838 97,726 1,06,034 1,13,465 55 50,373 62,908 76,525 85,210 91,000 96,21 1 1,05,836 1,14,835 1,22,878 56-59 55,121 68,843 83,897 92,582 98,372 1,03,583 1,13,947 1,23,636 1,32,292 60 65,002 79,806 97,214 1,05,899 1,1 1,689 1,16,900 1,28,596 1,39,529 1,49,300 61-64 74,884 90,768 1,10,531 1,19,216 1,25,006 1,30,217 1,43,245 1,55,423 1,66,308 65 84,245 1,02,1 16 1,24,350 1,31,144 1,37,513 1,43,245 1,57,575 1,70,974 1,82,950 66-69 93,605 1,13,465 1,38,169 1,43,071 1,50,019 1,56,272 1,71,905 1,86,525 1,99,591 70 1,07,646 1,30,487 1,58,897 1,64,533 1,72,523 1,79,722 1,97,700 2,14,510 2,29,535 71-74 1,21,687 1,47,510 1,79,625 1,85,994 1,95,027 2,03,171 2,23,494 2,42,495 2,59,479 75 1,39,944 1,69,637 2,06,578 2,13,902 2,24,285 2,33,655 2,57,028 2,78,880 2,98,407 >75 1,58,202 1,91,765 2,33,530 2,41,810 2,53,544 2,64,140 2,90,562 3,15,266 3,37,335 2A+1C 3m-34 25,418 32,154 36,882 45,857 51,647 56,472 62,127 67,415 72,143 35 26,547 33,881 39,198 48,51 1 54,301 59,126 65,046 70,580 75,526 36-44 27,676 35,609 41,514 51,164 56,954 61,779 67,965 73,745 78,908 45 36,554 46,098 54,445 64,095 69,885 74,710 82,189 89,180 95,424 46-49 45,432 56,588 67,376 77,026 82,816 87,641 96,413 1,04,616 1,1 1,940 50 47,623 59,444 71,082 81,214 87,197 92,215 1,01,441 1,10,068 1,17,773 51-54 49,813 62,300 74,788 85,403 91,579 96,790 1,06,468 1,15,520 1,23,607 55 54,889 68,1 19 81,340 91,955 98,420 1,03,631 1,13,995 1,23,689 1,32,350 56-59 59,965 73,938 87,892 98,507 1,05,262 1,10,473 1,21,522 1,31,858 1,41,093 60 78,040 94,131 1,14,379 1,28,130 1,46,465 1,65,958 1,82,559 1,98,081 2,1 1,953 61-64 96,1 14 1,14,324 1,40,865 1,57,752 1,87,667 2,21,442 2,43,595 2,64,304 2,82,813 65 1,08,128 1,28,620 1,58,479 1,73,533 2,06,440 2,43,592 2,67,956 2,90,735 3,1 1,092 66-69 1,20,143 1,42,917 1,76,093 1,89,314 2,25,212 2,65,742 2,92,318 3,17,167 3,39,371 70 1,38,169 1,64,359 2,02,515 2,17,714 2,58,996 3,05,606 3,36,167 3,64,746 3,90,280 71-74 1,56,195 1,85,801 2,28,937 2,46,1 14 2,92,781 3,45,470 3,80,017 4,12,325 4,41,188 75 1,79,625 2,13,680 2,63,281 2,83,035 3,36,698 3,97,291 4,37,020 4,74,172 5,07,368 >75 2,03,055 2,41,559 2,97,625 3,19,955 3,80,615 4,49,1 1 1 4,94,022 5,36,019 5,73,548 2A+2C 3m-34 28,564 35,666 40,376 49,331 55,121 60,332 66,373 72,018 77,065 35 30,1 18 37,384 42,885 52,187 57,977 63,188 69,514 75,424 80,708 36-44 31,671 39,102 45,394 55,044 60,834 66,045 72,655 78,831 84,351 45 40,337 49,948 58,489 68,139 73,929 79,140 87,057 94,459 1,01,074 46-49 49,003 60,795 71,584 81,234 87,024 92,235 1,01,460 1,10,087 1,17,798 50 51,685 64,124 75,946 85,596 91,868 97,369 1,07,1 10 1,16,220 1,24,360 51-54 54,368 67,454 80,307 89,957 96,712 1,02,502 1,12,760 1,22,352 1,30,922 55 59,348 73,630 87,989 98,121 1,04,876 1,10,666 1,21,740 1,32,094 1,41,344 56-59 64,327 79,806 95,670 1,06,285 1,13,040 1,18,830 1,30,719 1,41,836 1,51,766 60 83,694 1,02,033 1,22,540 1,36,291 1,54,626 1,74,408 1,91,856 2,08,170 2,22,746 61-64 1,03,062 1,24,261 1,49,409 1,66,297 1,96,212 2,29,987 2,52,994 2,74,504 2,93,727 65 1,15,945 1,39,794 1,68,088 1,82,929 2,15,836 2,52,988 2,78,292 3,01,953 3,23,096 66-69 1,28,828 1,55,326 1,86,766 1,99,562 2,35,460 2,75,990 3,03,589 3,29,403 3,52,466 70 1,48,156 1,78,631 2,14,790 2,29,496 2,70,779 3,17,389 3,49,127 3,78,81 1 4,05,334 71-74 1,67,485 2,01,936 2,42,813 2,59,431 3,06,098 3,58,787 3,94,666 4,28,219 4,58,201 75 1,92,614 2,32,227 2,79,242 2,98,349 3,52,013 4,12,605 4,53,868 4,92,454 5,26,933 >75 2,17,743 2,62,519 3,15,671 3,37,268 3,97,927 4,66,423 5,13,071 5,56,689 5,95,666 2A+3C 3m-34 32,810 40,569 45,606 59,1 16 67,724 75,482 83,038 90,102 96,413 35 34,885 42,460 48,096 61,606 70,252 77,991 85,798 93,098 99,622 36-44 36,960 44,351 50,585 64,095 72,780 80,500 88,558 96,095 1,02,830 45 45,992 55,439 63,391 76,901 85,586 93,306 1,02,642 1,1 1,375 1,19,178 46-49 55,024 66,527 76,196 89,706 98,391 1,06,1 1 1 1,16,726 1,26,656 1,35,525 50 57,620 70,300 80,558 94,551 1,03,236 1,1 1,438 1,22,584 1,33,01 1 1,42,323 51-54 60,216 74,073 84,920 99,395 1,08,080 1,16,765 1,28,442 1,39,365 1,49,121 55 65,263 80,877 94,715 1,12,567 1,22,217 1,31,867 1,45,054 1,57,392 1,68,412 56-59 70,310 87,680 1,04,510 1,25,740 1,36,355 1,46,970 1,61,666 1,75,418 1,87,702 60 89,195 1,08,235 1,30,519 1,53,197 1,73,462 1,95,657 2,15,224 2,33,525 2,49,877 61-64 1,08,080 1,28,791 1,56,529 1,80,654 2,10,569 2,44,344 2,68,781 2,91,633 3,12,052 65 1,21,590 1,44,896 1,76,096 1,98,725 2,31,632 2,68,784 2,95,666 3,20,805 3,43,265 66-69 1,35,100 1,61,001 1,95,663 2,16,797 2,52,695 2,93,225 3,22,551 3,49,977 3,74,478 70 1,55,365 1,85,155 2,25,019 2,49,317 2,90,600 3,37,210 3,70,936 4,02,473 4,30,651 71-74 1,75,630 2,09,309 2,54,374 2,81,838 3,28,505 3,81,194 4,19,321 4,54,969 4,86,823 75 2,01,975 2,40,710 2,92,530 3,24,1 15 3,77,788 4,38,380 4,82,225 5,23,218 5,59,850 >75 2,28,319 2,72,1 1 1 3,30,686 3,66,391 4,27,070 4,95,566 5,45,129 5,91,468 6,32,876 PREMIUM CHART FOR 3 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A 3m-33 19,677 23,955 27,279 34,291 39,551 42,818 47,1 10 51,121 54,712 34 20,668 25,437 29,195 36,208 41,467 45,016 49,527 53,744 57,517 35 21,659 26,919 31,1 12 38,125 43,384 47,213 51,944 56,366 60,322 36-43 22,650 28,401 33,029 40,041 45,301 49,410 54,361 58,989 63,127 44 27,442 34,703 40,593 47,606 53,047 57,451 63,206 68,587 73,398 45 32,234 41,004 48,157 55,170 60,794 65,492 72,051 78,185 83,668 46-48 37,026 47,306 55,721 62,734 68,540 73,533 80,896 87,782 93,939 49 39,738 49,896 58,087 66,516 73,627 79,073 86,988 94,393 1,01,013 50 42,449 52,486 60,452 70,298 78,713 84,613 93,079 1,01,003 1,08,086 51-53 45,161 55,076 62,818 74,080 83,799 90,153 99,171 1,07,614 1,15,159 54 47,592 58,1 15 66,348 78,358 88,516 95,319 1,04,856 1,13,780 1,21,756 55 50,023 61,154 69,877 82,635 93,234 1,00,484 1,10,540 1,19,946 1,28,352 56-58 52,454 64,192 73,407 86,913 97,951 1,05,650 1,16,225 1,26,1 13 1,34,949 59 59,045 71,429 81,004 95,912 1,07,170 1,14,897 1,26,398 1,37,150 1,46,758 60 65,637 78,666 88,601 1,04,912 1,16,389 1,24,145 1,36,571 1,48,188 1,58,567 61-63 72,229 85,903 96,197 1,13,91 1 1,25,608 1,33,392 1,46,744 1,59,226 1,70,376 64 81,172 95,445 1,05,968 1,22,069 1,32,106 1,39,310 1,53,251 1,66,285 1,77,931 65 90,1 15 1,04,986 1,15,739 1,30,227 1,38,604 1,45,229 1,59,759 1,73,344 1,85,485 66-68 99,059 1,14,528 1,25,510 1,38,385 1,45,103 1,51,147 1,66,266 1,80,404 1,93,040 69 1,04,757 1,22,406 1,35,257 1,50,166 1,57,454 1,64,022 1,80,432 1,95,775 2,09,487 70 1,10,456 1,30,283 1,45,004 1,61,947 1,69,805 1,76,897 1,94,597 2,1 1,146 2,25,933 71-73 1,16,155 1,38,160 1,54,752 1,73,728 1,82,157 1,89,772 2,08,762 2,26,518 2,42,380 74 1,28,146 1,52,125 1,70,137 1,90,441 1,99,679 2,08,028 2,28,841 2,48,303 2,65,690 75 1,40,138 1,66,089 1,85,523 2,07,154 2,17,201 2,26,284 2,48,920 2,70,089 2,88,999 >75 1,52,129 1,80,053 2,00,908 2,23,867 2,34,722 2,44,540 2,69,000 2,91,874 3,12,309 1A+1C 3m-33 25,750 31,809 37,166 45,525 52,538 59,270 65,202 70,756 75,721 34 26,629 32,744 38,494 47,554 54,567 61,860 68,049 73,842 79,022 35 27,508 33,679 39,822 49,583 56,596 64,450 70,896 76,927 82,322 36-43 28,387 34,614 41,149 51,612 58,625 67,040 73,743 80,013 85,623 44 32,239 39,130 46,797 58,447 65,459 73,874 81,266 88,175 94,356 45 36,091 43,646 52,444 65,282 72,294 80,709 88,788 96,338 1,03,088 46-48 39,943 48,162 58,092 72,1 17 79,129 87,544 96,310 1,04,500 1,1 1,821 49 41,766 51,369 61,719 75,744 83,224 91,639 1,00,812 1,09,386 1,17,048 50 43,590 54,576 65,347 79,372 87,320 95,735 1,05,314 1,14,271 1,22,275 51-53 45,413 57,783 68,975 83,000 91,415 99,830 1,09,816 1,19,156 1,27,501 54 48,695 63,655 76,184 90,209 98,624 1,07,039 1,17,745 1,27,758 1,36,706 55 51,977 69,527 83,393 97,418 1,05,833 1,14,248 1,25,673 1,36,360 1,45,91 1 56-58 55,259 75,398 90,602 1,04,627 1,13,042 1,21,457 1,33,602 1,44,962 1,55,1 17 59 66,217 85,478 102,450 1,17,877 1,29,994 1,50,096 1,65,107 1,79,146 1,91,694 60 77,175 95,557 1,14,298 1,31,128 1,46,946 1,78,736 1,96,612 2,13,330 2,28,271 61-63 88,133 1,05,636 1,26,146 1,44,379 1,63,899 2,07,376 2,28,1 17 2,47,513 2,64,848 64 95,482 1,14,444 1,36,663 1,54,008 1,74,828 2,21,204 2,43,329 2,64,021 2,82,510 65 1,02,831 1,23,252 1,47,180 1,63,636 1,85,757 2,35,032 2,58,542 2,80,528 3,00,172 66-68 1,10,180 1,32,059 1,57,697 1,73,265 1,96,687 2,48,860 2,73,754 2,97,035 3,17,835 69 1,21,204 1,45,271 1,73,471 1,90,600 2,16,359 2,73,749 3,01,131 3,26,736 3,49,615 70 1,32,228 1,58,483 1,89,244 2,07,935 2,36,031 2,98,639 3,28,508 3,56,436 3,81,396 71-73 1,43,251 1,71,694 2,05,017 2,25,270 2,55,704 3,23,529 3,55,884 3,86,136 4,13,177 74 1,57,585 1,88,870 2,25,522 2,47,803 2,81,276 3,55,889 3,91,480 4,24,761 4,54,504 75 1,71,918 2,06,046 2,46,027 2,70,337 3,06,848 3,88,249 4,27,075 4,63,386 4,95,831 >75 1,86,252 2,23,222 2,66,531 2,92,870 3,32,421 4,20,610 4,62,671 5,02,01 1 5,37,158 1A+2C 3m-33 30,715 37,391 42,075 53,295 60,672 67,685 74,459 80,798 86,464 34 31,715 38,475 43,515 55,670 63,645 71,125 78,245 84,907 90,859 35 32,716 39,560 44,955 58,045 66,619 74,566 82,032 89,017 95,253 36-43 33,716 40,644 46,395 60,420 69,592 78,007 85,819 93,126 99,648 44 40,691 48,910 56,100 70,125 79,045 87,460 96,216 1,04,407 1,1 1,718 45 47,666 57,175 65,805 79,830 88,498 96,913 1,06,613 1,15,688 1,23,789 46-48 54,641 65,441 75,51 1 89,536 97,951 1,06,366 1,17,01 1 1,26,968 1,35,860 49 55,604 66,628 77,493 91,518 99,933 1,08,348 1,19,189 1,29,329 1,38,389 50 56,568 67,816 79,475 93,500 1,01,915 1,10,330 1,21,368 1,31,690 1,40,919 51-53 57,531 69,003 81,457 95,482 1,03,897 1,12,312 1,23,546 1,34,051 1,43,448 54 60,401 73,556 87,086 1,02,981 1,1 1,863 1,21,213 1,33,340 1,44,677 1,54,817 55 63,271 78,1 10 92,715 1,10,480 1,19,830 1,30,1 15 1,43,134 1,55,304 1,66,187 56-58 66,142 82,663 98,343 1,17,978 1,27,796 1,39,016 1,52,929 1,65,930 1,77,557 59 78,680 96,304 1,09,719 1,28,886 1,56,807 1,80,649 1,98,725 2,15,620 2,30,725 60 91,219 1,09,945 1,21,094 1,39,794 1,85,818 2,22,283 2,44,521 2,65,31 1 2,83,894 61-63 1,03,757 1,23,585 1,32,469 1,50,701 2,14,829 2,63,917 2,90,318 3,15,002 3,37,063 64 1,12,406 1,33,890 1,43,515 1,60,756 2,29,155 2,81,515 3,09,677 3,36,006 3,59,536 65 1,21,054 1,44,195 1,54,561 1,70,81 1 2,43,481 2,99,1 14 3,29,036 3,57,01 1 3,82,008 66-68 1,29,703 1,54,499 1,65,607 1,80,866 2,57,808 3,16,713 3,48,395 3,78,016 4,04,481 69 1,42,681 1,69,955 1,82,175 1,98,959 2,83,595 3,48,390 3,83,238 4,15,818 4,44,929 70 1,55,659 1,85,41 1 1,98,744 2,17,051 3,09,382 3,80,068 4,18,081 4,53,620 4,85,377 71-73 1,68,637 2,00,866 2,15,312 2,35,143 3,35,169 4,1 1,746 4,52,923 4,91,422 5,25,825 74 1,85,504 2,20,959 2,36,845 2,58,658 3,68,689 4,52,923 4,98,219 5,40,570 5,78,414 75 2,02,371 2,41,052 2,58,378 2,82,174 4,02,209 4,94,101 5,43,516 5,89,719 6,31,003 >75 2,19,239 2,61,146 2,79,91 1 3,05,689 4,35,729 5,35,278 5,88,812 6,38,867 6,83,593 1A+3C 3m-33 43,730 53,267 58,765 74,192 83,617 93,435 1,02,789 1,1 1,527 1,19,339 34 45,104 54,791 60,710 77,072 87,198 97,203 1,06,931 1,16,024 1,24,149 35 46,479 56,315 62,654 79,952 90,779 1,00,971 1,1 1,073 1,20,522 1,28,960 36-43 47,853 57,839 64,599 82,832 94,360 1,04,739 1,15,215 1,25,019 1,33,770 44 53,837 65,525 74,155 95,660 1,08,021 1,18,680 1,30,549 1,41,657 1,51,578 45 59,821 73,21 1 83,71 1 1,08,488 1,21,681 1,32,620 1,45,883 1,58,296 1,69,385 46-48 65,805 80,896 93,266 1,21,316 1,35,341 1,46,561 1,61,217 1,74,934 1,87,192 49 69,022 85,300 98,876 1,27,861 1,41,886 1,53,106 1,68,417 1,82,741 1,95,546 50 72,238 89,704 1,04,486 1,34,406 1,48,431 1,59,651 1,75,616 1,90,548 2,03,900 51-53 75,455 94,108 1,10,096 1,40,951 1,54,976 1,66,196 1,82,816 1,98,356 2,12,254 54 78,605 98,278 1,15,379 1,49,039 1,63,532 1,75,687 1,93,255 2,09,683 2,24,372 55 81,756 1,02,448 1,20,662 1,57,127 1,72,087 1,85,177 2,03,694 2,21,01 1 2,36,490 56-58 84,907 1,06,618 1,25,945 1,65,215 1,80,642 1,94,667 2,14,134 2,32,338 2,48,607 59 95,277 1,16,955 1,40,689 1,78,557 2,09,015 2,34,727 2,58,200 2,80,149 2,99,766 60 1,05,646 1,27,293 1,55,434 1,91,899 2,37,387 2,74,787 3,02,267 3,27,961 3,50,924 61-63 1,16,015 1,37,630 1,70,179 2,05,242 2,65,760 3,14,847 3,46,333 3,75,772 4,02,083 64 1,25,683 1,49,106 1,84,363 2,18,930 2,83,483 3,35,843 3,69,428 4,00,830 4,28,894 65 1,35,351 1,60,583 1,98,547 2,32,619 3,01,206 3,56,838 3,92,522 4,25,888 4,55,705 66-68 1,45,019 1,72,059 2,12,731 2,46,307 3,18,929 3,77,834 4,15,617 4,50,946 4,82,516 69 1,59,520 1,89,272 2,34,012 2,70,944 3,50,821 4,15,617 4,57,182 4,96,046 5,30,771 70 1,74,022 2,06,485 2,55,292 2,95,582 3,82,714 4,53,400 4,98,748 5,41,145 5,79,027 71-73 1,88,524 2,23,699 2,76,573 3,20,219 4,14,607 4,91,184 5,40,313 5,86,245 6,27,282 74 2,07,383 2,46,073 3,04,230 3,52,243 4,56,074 5,40,308 5,94,347 6,44,874 6,90,016 75 2,26,242 2,68,448 3,31,888 3,84,266 4,97,542 5,89,433 6,48,380 7,03,503 7,52,750 >75 2,45,101 2,90,822 3,59,545 4,16,290 5,39,009 6,38,558 7,02,414 7,62,133 8,15,484 PREMIUM FOR MIDTERM INCLUSION – POLICY TERM 2 YEARS Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 12 mths 15 mths 18 mths 21 mths >21 mths Refund on existing plan 82.5% 75.0% 62.5% 52.5% 42.5% 32.5% 20.0% 10.0% NA % to be charged on proposed plan 82.5% 75.0% 62.5% 52.5% 42.5% 32.5% 20.0% 10.0% 3 2 A - Adult | C - Child A - Adult | C - Child

7. Premium Chart – Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy – UIN No. SHAHLIP21263V062021 PREMIUM CHART FOR 1 YEAR (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A 3m-35 7,015 8,540 9,725 12,225 14,100 15,265 16,795 18,225 19,505 36-45 8,075 10,125 1 1,775 14,275 16,150 17,615 19,380 21,030 22,505 46-50 13,200 16,865 19,865 22,365 24,435 26,215 28,840 31,295 33,490 51-55 16,100 19,635 22,395 26,410 29,875 32,140 35,355 38,365 41,055 56-60 18,700 22,885 26,170 30,985 34,920 37,665 41,435 44,960 48,1 10 61-65 25,750 30,625 34,295 40,610 44,780 47,555 52,315 56,765 60,740 66-70 35,315 40,830 44,745 49,335 51,730 53,885 59,275 64,315 68,820 71-75 41,410 49,255 55,170 61,935 64,940 67,655 74,425 80,755 86,410 >75 54,235 64,190 71,625 79,810 83,680 87,180 95,900 1,04,055 1,1 1,340 1A+1C 3m-35 9,180 1 1,340 13,250 16,230 18,730 21,130 23,245 25,225 26,995 36-45 10,120 12,340 14,670 18,400 20,900 23,900 26,290 28,525 30,525 46-50 14,240 17,170 20,710 25,710 28,210 31,210 34,335 37,255 39,865 51-55 16,190 20,600 24,590 29,590 32,590 35,590 39,150 42,480 45,455 56-60 19,700 26,880 32,300 37,300 40,300 43,300 47,630 51,680 55,300 61-65 31,420 37,660 44,972 51,472 58,431 73,931 81,325 88,240 94,420 66-70 39,280 47,080 56,220 61,770 70,120 88,720 97,595 1,05,895 1,13,310 71-75 51,070 61,210 73,090 80,310 91,160 1,15,340 1,26,875 1,37,660 1,47,300 >75 66,400 79,580 95,020 1,04,410 1,18,510 1,49,950 1,64,945 1,78,970 1,91,500 1A+2C 3m-35 10,950 13,330 15,000 19,000 21,630 24,130 26,545 28,805 30,825 36-45 12,020 14,490 16,540 21,540 24,810 27,810 30,595 33,200 35,525 46-50 19,480 23,330 26,920 31,920 34,920 37,920 41,715 45,265 48,435 51-55 20,510 24,600 29,040 34,040 37,040 40,040 44,045 47,790 51,140 56-60 23,580 29,470 35,060 42,060 45,560 49,560 54,520 59,155 63,300 61-65 36,990 44,059 47,226 53,726 76,588 94,088 1,03,500 1,12,300 1,20,165 66-70 46,240 55,080 59,040 64,480 91,910 1,12,910 1,24,205 1,34,765 1,44,200 71-75 60,120 71,610 76,760 83,830 1,19,490 1,46,790 1,61,470 1,75,195 1,87,460 >75 78,160 93,100 99,790 1,08,980 1,55,340 1,90,830 2,09,915 2,27,760 2,43,705 1A+3C 3m-35 15,590 18,990 20,950 26,450 29,810 33,310 36,645 39,760 42,545 36-45 17,060 20,620 23,030 29,530 33,640 37,340 41,075 44,570 47,690 46-50 23,460 28,840 33,250 43,250 48,250 52,250 57,475 62,365 66,735 51-55 26,900 33,550 39,250 50,250 55,250 59,250 65,175 70,715 75,670 56-60 30,270 38,010 44,900 58,900 64,400 69,400 76,340 82,830 88,630 61-65 41,360 49,066 60,670 73,170 94,745 1,12,245 1,23,470 1,33,965 1,43,345 66-70 51,700 61,340 75,840 87,810 1,13,700 1,34,700 1,48,170 1,60,765 1,72,020 71-75 67,210 79,750 98,600 1,14,160 1,47,810 1,75,1 10 1,92,625 2,09,000 2,23,630 >75 87,380 1,03,680 1,28,180 1,48,410 1,92,160 2,27,650 2,50,415 2,71,705 2,90,725 2A 3m-35 10,420 13,310 15,560 19,560 22,560 25,060 27,570 29,915 32,010 36-45 12,120 16,330 18,840 22,840 25,840 28,340 31,175 33,825 36,195 46-50 22,400 28,020 33,860 37,860 40,860 43,360 47,700 51,755 55,380 51-55 23,640 29,520 35,830 40,330 43,330 46,030 50,635 54,940 58,790 56-60 28,560 35,670 43,470 47,970 50,970 53,670 59,040 64,060 68,545 61-65 38,800 47,030 57,270 61,770 64,770 67,470 74,220 80,530 86,170 66-70 48,500 58,790 71,590 74,130 77,730 80,970 89,070 96,645 1,03,415 71-75 63,050 76,430 93,070 96,370 1,01,050 1,05,270 1,15,800 1,25,645 1,34,445 >75 81,970 99,360 1,21,000 1,25,290 1,31,370 1,36,860 1,50,550 1,63,350 1,74,785 2A+1C 3m-35 13,170 16,660 19,1 10 23,760 26,760 29,260 32,190 34,930 37,380 36-45 14,340 18,450 21,510 26,510 29,510 32,010 35,215 38,210 40,885 46-50 23,540 29,320 34,910 39,910 42,910 45,410 49,955 54,205 58,000 51-55 25,810 32,280 38,750 44,250 47,450 50,150 55,165 59,855 64,045 56-60 31,070 38,310 45,540 51,040 54,540 57,240 62,965 68,320 73,105 61-65 49,800 59,235 72,987 81,737 97,237 1,14,737 1,26,215 1,36,945 1,46,535 66-70 62,250 74,050 91,240 98,090 1,16,690 1,37,690 1,51,460 1,64,335 1,75,840 71-75 80,930 96,270 1,18,620 1,27,520 1,51,700 1,79,000 1,96,900 2,13,640 2,28,595 >75 1,05,210 1,25,160 1,54,210 1,65,780 1,97,210 2,32,700 2,55,970 2,77,730 2,97,175 2A+2C 3m-35 14,800 18,480 20,920 25,560 28,560 31,260 34,390 37,315 39,930 36-45 16,410 20,260 23,520 28,520 31,520 34,220 37,645 40,845 43,705 46-50 25,390 31,500 37,090 42,090 45,090 47,790 52,570 57,040 61,035 51-55 28,170 34,950 41,610 46,610 50,1 10 53,1 10 58,425 63,395 67,835 56-60 33,330 41,350 49,570 55,070 58,570 61,570 67,730 73,490 78,635 61-65 53,400 64,384 77,414 86,164 1,01,664 1,19,164 1,31,085 1,42,230 1,52,190 66-70 66,750 80,480 96,770 1,03,400 1,22,000 1,43,000 1,57,300 1,70,675 1,82,625 71-75 86,780 1,04,630 1,25,810 1,34,420 1,58,600 1,85,900 2,04,490 2,21,875 2,37,410 >75 1,12,820 1,36,020 1,63,560 1,74,750 2,06,180 2,41,670 2,65,840 2,88,440 3,08,635 2A+3C 3m-35 17,000 21,020 23,630 30,630 35,090 39,1 10 43,025 46,685 49,955 36-45 19,150 22,980 26,210 33,210 37,710 41,710 45,885 49,790 53,280 46-50 28,510 34,470 39,480 46,480 50,980 54,980 60,480 65,625 70,220 51-55 31,200 38,380 44,000 51,500 56,000 60,500 66,550 72,210 77,265 56-60 36,430 45,430 54,150 65,150 70,650 76,150 83,765 90,890 97,255 61-65 56,000 66,731 81,103 93,603 1,09,103 1,26,603 1,39,265 1,51,105 1,61,685 66-70 70,000 83,420 1,01,380 1,12,330 1,30,930 1,51,930 1,67,125 1,81,335 1,94,030 71-75 91,000 1,08,450 1,31,800 1,46,030 1,70,210 1,97,510 2,17,265 2,35,735 2,52,240 >75 1,18,300 1,40,990 1,71,340 1,89,840 2,21,280 2,56,770 2,82,450 3,06,460 3,27,915 PREMIUM CHART FOR 2 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A 3m-34 13,539 16,482 18,769 23,594 27,213 29,461 32,414 35,174 37,645 35 14,562 18,012 20,748 25,573 29,191 31,729 34,909 37,881 40,540 36-44 15,585 19,541 22,726 27,551 31,170 33,997 37,403 40,588 43,435 45 20,530 26,045 30,533 35,358 39,165 42,296 46,532 50,494 54,035 46-49 25,476 32,549 38,339 43,164 47,160 50,595 55,661 60,399 64,636 50 28,275 35,223 40,781 47,068 52,409 56,313 61,948 67,222 71,936 51-54 31,073 37,896 43,222 50,971 57,659 62,030 68,235 74,044 79,236 55 33,582 41,032 46,865 55,386 62,527 67,362 74,102 80,409 86,044 56-59 36,091 44,168 50,508 59,801 67,396 72,693 79,970 86,773 92,852 60 42,894 51,637 58,349 69,089 76,91 1 82,237 90,469 98,165 1,05,040 61-64 49,698 59,106 66,189 78,377 86,425 91,781 1,00,968 1,09,556 1,17,228 65 58,928 68,954 76,274 86,797 93,132 97,890 1,07,684 1,16,842 1,25,025 66-69 68,158 78,802 86,358 95,217 99,839 1,03,998 1,14,401 1,24,128 1,32,823 70 74,040 86,932 96,418 1,07,376 1,12,587 1,17,286 1,29,021 1,39,993 1,49,797 71-74 79,921 95,062 1,06,478 1,19,535 1,25,334 1,30,574 1,43,640 1,55,857 1,66,771 75 92,297 1,09,474 1,22,357 1,36,784 1,43,418 1,49,416 1,64,364 1,78,342 1,90,829 >75 1,04,674 1,23,887 1,38,236 1,54,033 1,61,502 1,68,257 1,85,087 2,00,826 2,14,886 1A +1C 3m-34 17,717 21,886 25,573 31,324 36,149 40,781 44,863 48,684 52,100 35 18,625 22,851 26,943 33,418 38,243 43,454 47,801 51,869 55,507 36-44 19,532 23,816 28,313 35,512 40,337 46,127 50,740 55,053 58,913 45 23,507 28,477 34,142 42,566 47,391 53,181 58,503 63,478 67,926 46-49 27,483 33,138 39,970 49,620 54,445 60,235 66,267 71,902 76,939 50 29,365 36,448 43,715 53,365 58,672 64,462 70,913 76,944 82,334 51-54 31,247 39,758 47,459 57,109 62,899 68,689 75,560 81,986 87,728 55 34,634 45,818 54,899 64,549 70,339 76,129 83,743 90,864 97,229 56-59 38,021 51,878 62,339 71,989 77,779 83,569 91,926 99,742 1,06,729 60 49,331 62,281 74,567 85,665 95,275 1,13,128 1,24,442 1,35,023 1,44,480 61-64 60,641 72,684 86,796 99,341 1,12,772 1,42,687 1,56,957 1,70,303 1,82,231 65 68,226 81,774 97,650 1,09,279 1,24,052 1,56,958 1,72,658 1,87,340 2,00,459 66-69 75,810 90,864 1,08,505 1,19,216 1,35,332 1,71,230 1,88,358 2,04,377 2,18,688 70 87,188 1,04,500 1,24,784 1,37,107 1,55,635 1,96,918 2,16,614 2,35,031 2,51,489 71-74 98,565 1,18,135 1,41,064 1,54,998 1,75,939 2,22,606 2,44,869 2,65,684 2,84,289 75 1,13,359 1,35,862 1,62,226 1,78,255 2,02,332 2,56,005 2,81,606 3,05,548 3,26,942 >75 1,28,152 1,53,589 1,83,389 2,01,51 1 2,28,724 2,89,404 3,18,344 3,45,412 3,69,595 PREMIUM CHART FOR 3 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 2A 3m-33 29,228 37,335 43,646 54,866 63,281 70,293 77,334 83,912 89,788 34 30,818 40,158 46,713 57,933 66,348 73,360 80,705 87,567 93,701 35 32,407 42,982 49,779 60,999 69,414 76,427 84,075 91,223 97,614 36-43 33,997 45,806 52,846 64,066 72,481 79,494 87,446 94,879 1,01,527 44 43,608 56,736 66,890 78,1 10 86,525 93,537 1,02,897 1,1 1,644 1,19,465 45 53,220 67,666 80,934 92,154 1,00,569 1,07,581 1,18,348 1,28,408 1,37,403 46-48 62,832 78,596 94,977 1,06,197 1,14,612 1,21,625 1,33,799 1,45,173 1,55,341 49 63,991 79,999 96,819 1,08,507 1,16,922 1,24,121 1,36,543 1,48,151 1,58,529 50 65,151 81,401 98,661 1,10,816 1,19,231 1,26,618 1,39,287 1,51,129 1,61,718 51-53 66,310 82,804 1,00,503 1,13,126 1,21,541 1,29,1 14 1,42,031 1,54,107 1,64,906 54 70,910 88,554 1,07,647 1,20,269 1,28,684 1,36,258 1,49,890 1,62,634 1,74,027 55 75,51 1 94,304 1,14,790 1,27,412 1,35,827 1,43,401 1,57,749 1,71,161 1,83,148 56-58 80,1 1 1 1,00,054 1,21,933 1,34,556 1,42,971 1,50,544 1,65,607 1,79,688 1,92,269 59 89,685 1,10,676 1,34,836 1,47,459 1,55,874 1,63,447 1,79,801 1,95,088 2,08,748 60 99,260 1,21,298 1,47,739 1,60,362 1,68,777 1,76,350 1,93,994 2,10,487 2,25,227 61-63 1,08,834 1,31,919 1,60,642 1,73,265 1,81,680 1,89,253 2,08,187 2,25,887 2,41,707 64 1,17,904 1,42,915 1,74,032 1,84,821 1,93,797 2,01,876 2,22,072 2,40,954 2,57,831 65 1,26,973 1,53,910 1,87,421 1,96,378 2,05,915 2,14,498 2,35,957 2,56,022 2,73,955 66-68 1,36,043 1,64,906 2,00,810 2,07,935 2,18,033 2,27,121 2,49,841 2,71,089 2,90,079 69 1,49,647 1,81,399 2,20,894 2,28,729 2,39,837 2,49,841 2,74,834 2,98,204 3,19,092 70 1,63,251 1,97,893 2,40,978 2,49,523 2,61,641 2,72,562 2,99,826 3,25,319 3,48,105 71-73 1,76,855 2,14,386 2,61,061 2,70,318 2,83,445 2,95,282 3,24,819 3,52,434 3,77,1 18 74 1,94,545 2,35,826 2,87,176 2,97,358 3 1 1,794 3 24,819 3,57,310 3,87,688 4,14,836 75 2,12,236 2,57,265 3,13,290 3,24,398 3,40,144 3,54,356 3,89,802 4,22,943 4,52,554 >75 2,29,926 2,78,705 3,39,405 3,51,438 3,68,493 3,83,892 4,22,293 4,58,197 4,90,272 2A+1C 3m-33 36,942 46,731 53,604 66,647 75,062 82,074 90,293 97,979 1,04,851 34 38,036 48,405 55,848 69,218 77,633 84,646 93,121 1,01,045 1,08,128 35 39,130 50,079 58,092 71,789 80,204 87,217 95,950 1,04,1 12 1,1 1,405 36-43 40,224 51,752 60,336 74,361 82,776 89,788 98,778 1,07,179 1,14,682 44 48,826 61,916 72,865 86,890 95,305 1,02,317 1,12,560 1,22,134 1,30,685 45 57,428 72,079 85,394 99,419 1,07,834 1,14,846 1,26,342 1,37,090 1,46,687 46-48 66,030 82,243 97,923 1,1 1,948 1,20,363 1,27,375 1,40,124 1,52,045 1,62,690 49 68,152 85,010 1,01,513 1,16,005 1,24,607 1,31,807 1,44,995 1,57,328 1,68,342 50 70,275 87,778 1,05,103 1,20,063 1,28,852 1,36,239 1,49,866 1,62,61 1 1,73,994 51-53 72,397 90,545 1,08,694 1,24,121 1,33,097 1,40,671 1,54,738 1,67,893 1,79,646 54 77,315 96,183 1,15,042 1,30,470 1,39,726 1,47,300 1,62,031 1,75,808 1,88,1 17 55 82,233 1,01,822 1,21,391 1,36,819 1,46,356 1,53,929 1,69,324 1,83,723 1,96,588 56-58 87,151 1,07,460 1,27,740 1,43,167 1,52,985 1,60,558 1,76,617 1,91,638 2,05,060 59 1,04,664 1,27,024 1,53,403 1,71,869 1,92,906 2,14,318 2,35,756 2,55,802 2,73,717 60 1,22,176 1,46,589 1,79,066 2,00,571 2,32,828 2,68,078 2,94,894 3,19,966 3,42,374 61-63 1,39,689 1,66,154 2,04,729 2,29,272 2,72,750 3,21,837 3,54,033 3,84,131 4,1 1,031 64 1,51,330 1,80,006 2,21,795 2,44,562 2,90,938 3,43,298 3,77,637 4,09,740 4,38,431 65 1,62,971 1,93,858 2,38,862 2,59,852 3,09,127 3,64,759 4,01,241 4,35,350 4,65,831 66-68 1,74,61 1 2,07,710 2,55,928 2,75,142 3,27,315 3,86,220 4,24,845 4,60,960 4,93,231 69 1,92,077 2,28,486 2,81,529 3,02,660 3,60,050 4,24,845 4,67,332 5,07,060 5,42,557 70 2,09,543 2,49,262 3,07,129 3,30,177 3,92,784 4,63,470 5,09,818 5,53,160 5,91,883 71-73 2,27,009 2,70,037 3,32,729 3,57,694 4,25,519 5,02,095 5,52,305 5,99,260 6,41,209 74 2,49,710 2,97,050 3,66,006 3,93,467 4,68,070 5,52,305 6,07,535 6,59,184 7,05,331 75 2,72,412 3,24,062 3,99,282 4,29,240 5,10,622 6,02,514 6,62,765 7,19,109 7,69,454 >75 2,95,1 14 3,51,074 4,32,559 4,65,013 5,53,174 6,52,724 7,17,996 7,79,033 8,33,576 2A+2C 3m-33 41,514 51,836 58,681 71,696 80,1 1 1 87,684 96,464 1,04,669 1,12,004 34 43,019 53,501 61,1 12 74,463 82,878 90,452 99,507 1,07,969 1,15,533 35 44,525 55,165 63,543 77,231 85,646 93,220 1,02,551 1,1 1,270 1,19,063 36-43 46,030 56,829 65,974 79,999 88,414 95,987 1,05,594 1,14,570 1,22,593 44 54,426 67,339 78,662 92,687 1,01,102 1,08,675 1,19,549 1,29,713 1,38,796 45 62,823 77,848 91,350 1,05,375 1,13,790 1,21,363 1,33,504 1,44,855 1,55,000 46-48 71,219 88,358 1,04,037 1,18,062 1,26,477 1,34,051 1,47,459 1,59,997 1,71,203 49 73,818 91,583 1,08,264 1,22,289 1,31,171 1,39,025 1,52,933 1,65,939 1,77,561 50 76,418 94,809 1,12,490 1,26,515 1,35,865 1,43,999 1,58,408 1,71,881 1,83,919 51-53 79,017 98,035 1,16,716 1,30,741 1,40,559 1,48,974 1,63,882 1,77,823 1,90,277 54 83,841 1,04,019 1,24,159 1,38,651 1,48,469 1,56,884 1,72,582 1,87,262 2,00,375 55 88,666 1,10,003 1,31,601 1,46,561 1,56,379 1,64,794 1,81,282 1,96,701 2,10,473 56-58 93,491 1,15,987 1,39,044 1,54,471 1,64,289 1,72,704 1,89,983 2,06,139 2,20,571 59 1,12,256 1,37,524 1,65,078 1,83,544 2,04,582 2,26,554 2,49,220 2,70,41 1 2,89,345 60 1,31,022 1,59,060 1,91,1 12 2,12,617 2,44,875 2,80,405 3,08,457 3,34,683 3,58,1 19 61-63 1,49,787 1,80,597 2,17,146 2,41,690 2,85,168 3,34,255 3,67,693 3,98,955 4,26,893 64 1,62,269 1,95,647 2,35,244 2,57,806 3,04,182 3,56,542 3,92,204 4,25,551 4,55,350 65 1,74,752 2,10,697 2,53,342 2,73,921 3,23,196 3,78,828 4,16,715 4,52,147 4,83,806 66-68 1,87,234 2,25,746 2,71,440 2,90,037 3,42,210 4,01,1 15 4,41,227 4,78,743 5,12,263 69 2,05,962 2,48,327 2,98,592 3,19,041 3,76,431 4,41,227 4,85,349 5,26,615 5,63,487 70 2,24,690 2,70,907 3,25,745 3,48,044 4,10,652 4,81,338 5,29,472 5,74,487 6,14,71 1 71-73 2,43,418 2,93,487 3,52,897 3,77,048 4,44,873 5,21,450 5,73,594 6,22,359 6,65,935 74 2,67,765 3,22,837 3,88,193 4,14,757 4,89,360 5,73,594 6,30,957 6,84,598 7,32,530 75 2,92,1 13 3,52,186 4,23,490 4,52,465 5,33,848 6,25,739 6,88,319 7,46,836 7,99,126 >75 3,16,460 3,81,536 4,58,786 4,90,174 5,78,335 6,77,884 7,45,681 8,09,074 8,65,721 2A+3C 3m-33 47,685 58,961 66,282 85,917 98,427 1,09,704 1,20,685 1,30,951 1,40,124 34 49,695 60,794 68,694 88,329 1,00,877 1,12,135 1,23,359 1,33,855 1,43,233 35 51,706 62,626 71,107 90,742 1,03,327 1,14,566 1,26,033 1,36,758 1,46,342 36-43 53,716 64,459 73,519 93,154 1,05,777 1,16,997 1,28,707 1,39,661 1,49,450 44 62,467 75,202 85,927 1,05,562 1,18,184 1,29,404 1,42,354 1,54,467 1,65,289 45 71,219 85,945 98,334 1,17,969 1,30,591 1,41,81 1 1,56,000 1,69,272 1,81,128 46-48 79,971 96,688 1,10,741 1,30,376 1,42,999 1,54,219 1,69,646 1,84,078 1,96,967 49 82,486 1,00,344 1,14,968 1,35,070 1,47,693 1,59,380 1,75,322 1,90,235 2,03,554 50 85,001 1,04,000 1,19,194 1,39,764 1,52,386 1,64,541 1,80,997 1,96,392 2,10,141 51-53 87,516 1,07,656 1,23,420 1,44,458 1,57,080 1,69,703 1,86,673 2,02,549 2,16,728 54 92,406 1,14,248 1,32,910 1,57,220 1,70,778 1,84,335 2,02,769 2,20,015 2,35,419 55 97,296 1,20,839 1,42,401 1,69,983 1,84,476 1,98,968 2,18,865 2,37,481 2,54,1 10 56-58 1,02,186 1,27,431 1,51,891 1,82,746 1,98,173 2,13,601 2,34,961 2,54,946 2,72,800 59 1,20,484 1,47,348 1,77,092 2,09,349 2,34,127 2,60,774 2,86,853 3,1 1,247 3,33,042 60 1,38,782 1,67,264 2,02,293 2,35,953 2,70,080 3,07,948 3,38,746 3,67,549 3,93,284 61-63 1,57,080 1,87,180 2,27,494 2,62,556 3,06,034 3,55,121 3,90,638 4,23,850 4,53,526 64 1,70,170 2,02,785 2,46,453 2,80,066 3,26,442 3,78,802 4,16,687 4,52,1 15 4,83,769 65 1,83,260 2,18,389 2,65,412 2,97,576 3,46,850 4,02,483 4,42,737 4,80,380 5,14,012 66-68 1,96,350 2,33,993 2,84,371 3,15,086 3,67,259 4,26,164 4,68,786 5,08,645 5,44,254 69 2,15,985 2,57,396 3,12,814 3,46,595 4,03,985 4,68,781 5,15,667 5,59,509 5,98,681 70 2,35,620 2,80,799 3,41,256 3,78,105 4,40,712 5,1 1,398 5,62,547 6,10,373 6,53,107 71-73 2,55,255 3,04,202 3,69,699 4,09,614 4,77,439 5,54,016 6,09,428 6,61,237 7,07,533 74 2,80,781 3,34,627 4,06,669 4,50,577 5,25,190 6,09,424 6,70,376 7,27,365 7,78,289 75 3,06,306 3,65,052 4,43,639 4,91,539 5,72,940 6,64,832 7,31,324 7,93,492 8,49,045 >75 3,31,832 3,95,477 4,80,609 5,32,501 6,20,690 7,20,240 7,92,272 8,59,620 9,19,802 Additional Premium for Buy Back of PED (Optional Cover) Policy T erm / Age band in years 1-year 2-years 3-years 3m-35 20% 10% 7% 36-45 30% 15% 10% 46-50 35% 18% 12% Above 50 50% 25% 17% PREMIUM FOR MIDTERM INCLUSION – POLICY TERM 1 YEAR Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths >9 mnths Refund on existing plan 77.5% 62.5% 42.5% 20.0% NA % to be charged on proposed plan 77.5% 62.5% 42.5% 20.0% PREMIUM FOR MIDTERM INCLUSION – POLICY TERM 3 YEARS Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 12 mths 15 mths 18 mths 21 mths 24 mths 27 mths 30 mths 33 mths >33 mths R e f u n d o n e x i s t i n g p l a n 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5% NA % to be charged on proposed plan 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5% 1 4 3 2 A - Adult | C - Child A - Adult | C - Child

10. Premium Chart – Star Comprehensive Insurance Policy – UIN No. SHAHLIP21263V062021 PREMIUM CHART FOR 1 YEAR (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A 3m-35 7,015 8,540 9,725 12,225 14,100 15,265 16,795 18,225 19,505 36-45 8,075 10,125 1 1,775 14,275 16,150 17,615 19,380 21,030 22,505 46-50 13,200 16,865 19,865 22,365 24,435 26,215 28,840 31,295 33,490 51-55 16,100 19,635 22,395 26,410 29,875 32,140 35,355 38,365 41,055 56-60 18,700 22,885 26,170 30,985 34,920 37,665 41,435 44,960 48,1 10 61-65 25,750 30,625 34,295 40,610 44,780 47,555 52,315 56,765 60,740 66-70 35,315 40,830 44,745 49,335 51,730 53,885 59,275 64,315 68,820 71-75 41,410 49,255 55,170 61,935 64,940 67,655 74,425 80,755 86,410 >75 54,235 64,190 71,625 79,810 83,680 87,180 95,900 1,04,055 1,1 1,340 1A+1C 3m-35 9,180 1 1,340 13,250 16,230 18,730 21,130 23,245 25,225 26,995 36-45 10,120 12,340 14,670 18,400 20,900 23,900 26,290 28,525 30,525 46-50 14,240 17,170 20,710 25,710 28,210 31,210 34,335 37,255 39,865 51-55 16,190 20,600 24,590 29,590 32,590 35,590 39,150 42,480 45,455 56-60 19,700 26,880 32,300 37,300 40,300 43,300 47,630 51,680 55,300 61-65 31,420 37,660 44,972 51,472 58,431 73,931 81,325 88,240 94,420 66-70 39,280 47,080 56,220 61,770 70,120 88,720 97,595 1,05,895 1,13,310 71-75 51,070 61,210 73,090 80,310 91,160 1,15,340 1,26,875 1,37,660 1,47,300 >75 66,400 79,580 95,020 1,04,410 1,18,510 1,49,950 1,64,945 1,78,970 1,91,500 1A+2C 3m-35 10,950 13,330 15,000 19,000 21,630 24,130 26,545 28,805 30,825 36-45 12,020 14,490 16,540 21,540 24,810 27,810 30,595 33,200 35,525 46-50 19,480 23,330 26,920 31,920 34,920 37,920 41,715 45,265 48,435 51-55 20,510 24,600 29,040 34,040 37,040 40,040 44,045 47,790 51,140 56-60 23,580 29,470 35,060 42,060 45,560 49,560 54,520 59,155 63,300 61-65 36,990 44,059 47,226 53,726 76,588 94,088 1,03,500 1,12,300 1,20,165 66-70 46,240 55,080 59,040 64,480 91,910 1,12,910 1,24,205 1,34,765 1,44,200 71-75 60,120 71,610 76,760 83,830 1,19,490 1,46,790 1,61,470 1,75,195 1,87,460 >75 78,160 93,100 99,790 1,08,980 1,55,340 1,90,830 2,09,915 2,27,760 2,43,705 1A+3C 3m-35 15,590 18,990 20,950 26,450 29,810 33,310 36,645 39,760 42,545 36-45 17,060 20,620 23,030 29,530 33,640 37,340 41,075 44,570 47,690 46-50 23,460 28,840 33,250 43,250 48,250 52,250 57,475 62,365 66,735 51-55 26,900 33,550 39,250 50,250 55,250 59,250 65,175 70,715 75,670 56-60 30,270 38,010 44,900 58,900 64,400 69,400 76,340 82,830 88,630 61-65 41,360 49,066 60,670 73,170 94,745 1,12,245 1,23,470 1,33,965 1,43,345 66-70 51,700 61,340 75,840 87,810 1,13,700 1,34,700 1,48,170 1,60,765 1,72,020 71-75 67,210 79,750 98,600 1,14,160 1,47,810 1,75,1 10 1,92,625 2,09,000 2,23,630 >75 87,380 1,03,680 1,28,180 1,48,410 1,92,160 2,27,650 2,50,415 2,71,705 2,90,725 2A 3m-35 10,420 13,310 15,560 19,560 22,560 25,060 27,570 29,915 32,010 36-45 12,120 16,330 18,840 22,840 25,840 28,340 31,175 33,825 36,195 46-50 22,400 28,020 33,860 37,860 40,860 43,360 47,700 51,755 55,380 51-55 23,640 29,520 35,830 40,330 43,330 46,030 50,635 54,940 58,790 56-60 28,560 35,670 43,470 47,970 50,970 53,670 59,040 64,060 68,545 61-65 38,800 47,030 57,270 61,770 64,770 67,470 74,220 80,530 86,170 66-70 48,500 58,790 71,590 74,130 77,730 80,970 89,070 96,645 1,03,415 71-75 63,050 76,430 93,070 96,370 1,01,050 1,05,270 1,15,800 1,25,645 1,34,445 >75 81,970 99,360 1,21,000 1,25,290 1,31,370 1,36,860 1,50,550 1,63,350 1,74,785 2A+1C 3m-35 13,170 16,660 19,1 10 23,760 26,760 29,260 32,190 34,930 37,380 36-45 14,340 18,450 21,510 26,510 29,510 32,010 35,215 38,210 40,885 46-50 23,540 29,320 34,910 39,910 42,910 45,410 49,955 54,205 58,000 51-55 25,810 32,280 38,750 44,250 47,450 50,150 55,165 59,855 64,045 56-60 31,070 38,310 45,540 51,040 54,540 57,240 62,965 68,320 73,105 61-65 49,800 59,235 72,987 81,737 97,237 1,14,737 1,26,215 1,36,945 1,46,535 66-70 62,250 74,050 91,240 98,090 1,16,690 1,37,690 1,51,460 1,64,335 1,75,840 71-75 80,930 96,270 1,18,620 1,27,520 1,51,700 1,79,000 1,96,900 2,13,640 2,28,595 >75 1,05,210 1,25,160 1,54,210 1,65,780 1,97,210 2,32,700 2,55,970 2,77,730 2,97,175 2A+2C 3m-35 14,800 18,480 20,920 25,560 28,560 31,260 34,390 37,315 39,930 36-45 16,410 20,260 23,520 28,520 31,520 34,220 37,645 40,845 43,705 46-50 25,390 31,500 37,090 42,090 45,090 47,790 52,570 57,040 61,035 51-55 28,170 34,950 41,610 46,610 50,1 10 53,1 10 58,425 63,395 67,835 56-60 33,330 41,350 49,570 55,070 58,570 61,570 67,730 73,490 78,635 61-65 53,400 64,384 77,414 86,164 1,01,664 1,19,164 1,31,085 1,42,230 1,52,190 66-70 66,750 80,480 96,770 1,03,400 1,22,000 1,43,000 1,57,300 1,70,675 1,82,625 71-75 86,780 1,04,630 1,25,810 1,34,420 1,58,600 1,85,900 2,04,490 2,21,875 2,37,410 >75 1,12,820 1,36,020 1,63,560 1,74,750 2,06,180 2,41,670 2,65,840 2,88,440 3,08,635 2A+3C 3m-35 17,000 21,020 23,630 30,630 35,090 39,1 10 43,025 46,685 49,955 36-45 19,150 22,980 26,210 33,210 37,710 41,710 45,885 49,790 53,280 46-50 28,510 34,470 39,480 46,480 50,980 54,980 60,480 65,625 70,220 51-55 31,200 38,380 44,000 51,500 56,000 60,500 66,550 72,210 77,265 56-60 36,430 45,430 54,150 65,150 70,650 76,150 83,765 90,890 97,255 61-65 56,000 66,731 81,103 93,603 1,09,103 1,26,603 1,39,265 1,51,105 1,61,685 66-70 70,000 83,420 1,01,380 1,12,330 1,30,930 1,51,930 1,67,125 1,81,335 1,94,030 71-75 91,000 1,08,450 1,31,800 1,46,030 1,70,210 1,97,510 2,17,265 2,35,735 2,52,240 >75 1,18,300 1,40,990 1,71,340 1,89,840 2,21,280 2,56,770 2,82,450 3,06,460 3,27,915 PREMIUM CHART FOR 2 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 1A 3m-34 13,539 16,482 18,769 23,594 27,213 29,461 32,414 35,174 37,645 35 14,562 18,012 20,748 25,573 29,191 31,729 34,909 37,881 40,540 36-44 15,585 19,541 22,726 27,551 31,170 33,997 37,403 40,588 43,435 45 20,530 26,045 30,533 35,358 39,165 42,296 46,532 50,494 54,035 46-49 25,476 32,549 38,339 43,164 47,160 50,595 55,661 60,399 64,636 50 28,275 35,223 40,781 47,068 52,409 56,313 61,948 67,222 71,936 51-54 31,073 37,896 43,222 50,971 57,659 62,030 68,235 74,044 79,236 55 33,582 41,032 46,865 55,386 62,527 67,362 74,102 80,409 86,044 56-59 36,091 44,168 50,508 59,801 67,396 72,693 79,970 86,773 92,852 60 42,894 51,637 58,349 69,089 76,91 1 82,237 90,469 98,165 1,05,040 61-64 49,698 59,106 66,189 78,377 86,425 91,781 1,00,968 1,09,556 1,17,228 65 58,928 68,954 76,274 86,797 93,132 97,890 1,07,684 1,16,842 1,25,025 66-69 68,158 78,802 86,358 95,217 99,839 1,03,998 1,14,401 1,24,128 1,32,823 70 74,040 86,932 96,418 1,07,376 1,12,587 1,17,286 1,29,021 1,39,993 1,49,797 71-74 79,921 95,062 1,06,478 1,19,535 1,25,334 1,30,574 1,43,640 1,55,857 1,66,771 75 92,297 1,09,474 1,22,357 1,36,784 1,43,418 1,49,416 1,64,364 1,78,342 1,90,829 >75 1,04,674 1,23,887 1,38,236 1,54,033 1,61,502 1,68,257 1,85,087 2,00,826 2,14,886 1A +1C 3m-34 17,717 21,886 25,573 31,324 36,149 40,781 44,863 48,684 52,100 35 18,625 22,851 26,943 33,418 38,243 43,454 47,801 51,869 55,507 36-44 19,532 23,816 28,313 35,512 40,337 46,127 50,740 55,053 58,913 45 23,507 28,477 34,142 42,566 47,391 53,181 58,503 63,478 67,926 46-49 27,483 33,138 39,970 49,620 54,445 60,235 66,267 71,902 76,939 50 29,365 36,448 43,715 53,365 58,672 64,462 70,913 76,944 82,334 51-54 31,247 39,758 47,459 57,109 62,899 68,689 75,560 81,986 87,728 55 34,634 45,818 54,899 64,549 70,339 76,129 83,743 90,864 97,229 56-59 38,021 51,878 62,339 71,989 77,779 83,569 91,926 99,742 1,06,729 60 49,331 62,281 74,567 85,665 95,275 1,13,128 1,24,442 1,35,023 1,44,480 61-64 60,641 72,684 86,796 99,341 1,12,772 1,42,687 1,56,957 1,70,303 1,82,231 65 68,226 81,774 97,650 1,09,279 1,24,052 1,56,958 1,72,658 1,87,340 2,00,459 66-69 75,810 90,864 1,08,505 1,19,216 1,35,332 1,71,230 1,88,358 2,04,377 2,18,688 70 87,188 1,04,500 1,24,784 1,37,107 1,55,635 1,96,918 2,16,614 2,35,031 2,51,489 71-74 98,565 1,18,135 1,41,064 1,54,998 1,75,939 2,22,606 2,44,869 2,65,684 2,84,289 75 1,13,359 1,35,862 1,62,226 1,78,255 2,02,332 2,56,005 2,81,606 3,05,548 3,26,942 >75 1,28,152 1,53,589 1,83,389 2,01,51 1 2,28,724 2,89,404 3,18,344 3,45,412 3,69,595 PREMIUM CHART FOR 3 YEARS (EXCLUDING T AX) (IN RS.) Plan type Age band 5,00,000 7,50,000 10,00,000 15,00,000 20,00,000 25,00,000 50,00,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 2A 3m-33 29,228 37,335 43,646 54,866 63,281 70,293 77,334 83,912 89,788 34 30,818 40,158 46,713 57,933 66,348 73,360 80,705 87,567 93,701 35 32,407 42,982 49,779 60,999 69,414 76,427 84,075 91,223 97,614 36-43 33,997 45,806 52,846 64,066 72,481 79,494 87,446 94,879 1,01,527 44 43,608 56,736 66,890 78,1 10 86,525 93,537 1,02,897 1,1 1,644 1,19,465 45 53,220 67,666 80,934 92,154 1,00,569 1,07,581 1,18,348 1,28,408 1,37,403 46-48 62,832 78,596 94,977 1,06,197 1,14,612 1,21,625 1,33,799 1,45,173 1,55,341 49 63,991 79,999 96,819 1,08,507 1,16,922 1,24,121 1,36,543 1,48,151 1,58,529 50 65,151 81,401 98,661 1,10,816 1,19,231 1,26,618 1,39,287 1,51,129 1,61,718 51-53 66,310 82,804 1,00,503 1,13,126 1,21,541 1,29,1 14 1,42,031 1,54,107 1,64,906 54 70,910 88,554 1,07,647 1,20,269 1,28,684 1,36,258 1,49,890 1,62,634 1,74,027 55 75,51 1 94,304 1,14,790 1,27,412 1,35,827 1,43,401 1,57,749 1,71,161 1,83,148 56-58 80,1 1 1 1,00,054 1,21,933 1,34,556 1,42,971 1,50,544 1,65,607 1,79,688 1,92,269 59 89,685 1,10,676 1,34,836 1,47,459 1,55,874 1,63,447 1,79,801 1,95,088 2,08,748 60 99,260 1,21,298 1,47,739 1,60,362 1,68,777 1,76,350 1,93,994 2,10,487 2,25,227 61-63 1,08,834 1,31,919 1,60,642 1,73,265 1,81,680 1,89,253 2,08,187 2,25,887 2,41,707 64 1,17,904 1,42,915 1,74,032 1,84,821 1,93,797 2,01,876 2,22,072 2,40,954 2,57,831 65 1,26,973 1,53,910 1,87,421 1,96,378 2,05,915 2,14,498 2,35,957 2,56,022 2,73,955 66-68 1,36,043 1,64,906 2,00,810 2,07,935 2,18,033 2,27,121 2,49,841 2,71,089 2,90,079 69 1,49,647 1,81,399 2,20,894 2,28,729 2,39,837 2,49,841 2,74,834 2,98,204 3,19,092 70 1,63,251 1,97,893 2,40,978 2,49,523 2,61,641 2,72,562 2,99,826 3,25,319 3,48,105 71-73 1,76,855 2,14,386 2,61,061 2,70,318 2,83,445 2,95,282 3,24,819 3,52,434 3,77,1 18 74 1,94,545 2,35,826 2,87,176 2,97,358 3 1 1,794 3 24,819 3,57,310 3,87,688 4,14,836 75 2,12,236 2,57,265 3,13,290 3,24,398 3,40,144 3,54,356 3,89,802 4,22,943 4,52,554 >75 2,29,926 2,78,705 3,39,405 3,51,438 3,68,493 3,83,892 4,22,293 4,58,197 4,90,272 2A+1C 3m-33 36,942 46,731 53,604 66,647 75,062 82,074 90,293 97,979 1,04,851 34 38,036 48,405 55,848 69,218 77,633 84,646 93,121 1,01,045 1,08,128 35 39,130 50,079 58,092 71,789 80,204 87,217 95,950 1,04,1 12 1,1 1,405 36-43 40,224 51,752 60,336 74,361 82,776 89,788 98,778 1,07,179 1,14,682 44 48,826 61,916 72,865 86,890 95,305 1,02,317 1,12,560 1,22,134 1,30,685 45 57,428 72,079 85,394 99,419 1,07,834 1,14,846 1,26,342 1,37,090 1,46,687 46-48 66,030 82,243 97,923 1,1 1,948 1,20,363 1,27,375 1,40,124 1,52,045 1,62,690 49 68,152 85,010 1,01,513 1,16,005 1,24,607 1,31,807 1,44,995 1,57,328 1,68,342 50 70,275 87,778 1,05,103 1,20,063 1,28,852 1,36,239 1,49,866 1,62,61 1 1,73,994 51-53 72,397 90,545 1,08,694 1,24,121 1,33,097 1,40,671 1,54,738 1,67,893 1,79,646 54 77,315 96,183 1,15,042 1,30,470 1,39,726 1,47,300 1,62,031 1,75,808 1,88,1 17 55 82,233 1,01,822 1,21,391 1,36,819 1,46,356 1,53,929 1,69,324 1,83,723 1,96,588 56-58 87,151 1,07,460 1,27,740 1,43,167 1,52,985 1,60,558 1,76,617 1,91,638 2,05,060 59 1,04,664 1,27,024 1,53,403 1,71,869 1,92,906 2,14,318 2,35,756 2,55,802 2,73,717 60 1,22,176 1,46,589 1,79,066 2,00,571 2,32,828 2,68,078 2,94,894 3,19,966 3,42,374 61-63 1,39,689 1,66,154 2,04,729 2,29,272 2,72,750 3,21,837 3,54,033 3,84,131 4,1 1,031 64 1,51,330 1,80,006 2,21,795 2,44,562 2,90,938 3,43,298 3,77,637 4,09,740 4,38,431 65 1,62,971 1,93,858 2,38,862 2,59,852 3,09,127 3,64,759 4,01,241 4,35,350 4,65,831 66-68 1,74,61 1 2,07,710 2,55,928 2,75,142 3,27,315 3,86,220 4,24,845 4,60,960 4,93,231 69 1,92,077 2,28,486 2,81,529 3,02,660 3,60,050 4,24,845 4,67,332 5,07,060 5,42,557 70 2,09,543 2,49,262 3,07,129 3,30,177 3,92,784 4,63,470 5,09,818 5,53,160 5,91,883 71-73 2,27,009 2,70,037 3,32,729 3,57,694 4,25,519 5,02,095 5,52,305 5,99,260 6,41,209 74 2,49,710 2,97,050 3,66,006 3,93,467 4,68,070 5,52,305 6,07,535 6,59,184 7,05,331 75 2,72,412 3,24,062 3,99,282 4,29,240 5,10,622 6,02,514 6,62,765 7,19,109 7,69,454 >75 2,95,1 14 3,51,074 4,32,559 4,65,013 5,53,174 6,52,724 7,17,996 7,79,033 8,33,576 2A+2C 3m-33 41,514 51,836 58,681 71,696 80,1 1 1 87,684 96,464 1,04,669 1,12,004 34 43,019 53,501 61,1 12 74,463 82,878 90,452 99,507 1,07,969 1,15,533 35 44,525 55,165 63,543 77,231 85,646 93,220 1,02,551 1,1 1,270 1,19,063 36-43 46,030 56,829 65,974 79,999 88,414 95,987 1,05,594 1,14,570 1,22,593 44 54,426 67,339 78,662 92,687 1,01,102 1,08,675 1,19,549 1,29,713 1,38,796 45 62,823 77,848 91,350 1,05,375 1,13,790 1,21,363 1,33,504 1,44,855 1,55,000 46-48 71,219 88,358 1,04,037 1,18,062 1,26,477 1,34,051 1,47,459 1,59,997 1,71,203 49 73,818 91,583 1,08,264 1,22,289 1,31,171 1,39,025 1,52,933 1,65,939 1,77,561 50 76,418 94,809 1,12,490 1,26,515 1,35,865 1,43,999 1,58,408 1,71,881 1,83,919 51-53 79,017 98,035 1,16,716 1,30,741 1,40,559 1,48,974 1,63,882 1,77,823 1,90,277 54 83,841 1,04,019 1,24,159 1,38,651 1,48,469 1,56,884 1,72,582 1,87,262 2,00,375 55 88,666 1,10,003 1,31,601 1,46,561 1,56,379 1,64,794 1,81,282 1,96,701 2,10,473 56-58 93,491 1,15,987 1,39,044 1,54,471 1,64,289 1,72,704 1,89,983 2,06,139 2,20,571 59 1,12,256 1,37,524 1,65,078 1,83,544 2,04,582 2,26,554 2,49,220 2,70,41 1 2,89,345 60 1,31,022 1,59,060 1,91,1 12 2,12,617 2,44,875 2,80,405 3,08,457 3,34,683 3,58,1 19 61-63 1,49,787 1,80,597 2,17,146 2,41,690 2,85,168 3,34,255 3,67,693 3,98,955 4,26,893 64 1,62,269 1,95,647 2,35,244 2,57,806 3,04,182 3,56,542 3,92,204 4,25,551 4,55,350 65 1,74,752 2,10,697 2,53,342 2,73,921 3,23,196 3,78,828 4,16,715 4,52,147 4,83,806 66-68 1,87,234 2,25,746 2,71,440 2,90,037 3,42,210 4,01,1 15 4,41,227 4,78,743 5,12,263 69 2,05,962 2,48,327 2,98,592 3,19,041 3,76,431 4,41,227 4,85,349 5,26,615 5,63,487 70 2,24,690 2,70,907 3,25,745 3,48,044 4,10,652 4,81,338 5,29,472 5,74,487 6,14,71 1 71-73 2,43,418 2,93,487 3,52,897 3,77,048 4,44,873 5,21,450 5,73,594 6,22,359 6,65,935 74 2,67,765 3,22,837 3,88,193 4,14,757 4,89,360 5,73,594 6,30,957 6,84,598 7,32,530 75 2,92,1 13 3,52,186 4,23,490 4,52,465 5,33,848 6,25,739 6,88,319 7,46,836 7,99,126 >75 3,16,460 3,81,536 4,58,786 4,90,174 5,78,335 6,77,884 7,45,681 8,09,074 8,65,721 2A+3C 3m-33 47,685 58,961 66,282 85,917 98,427 1,09,704 1,20,685 1,30,951 1,40,124 34 49,695 60,794 68,694 88,329 1,00,877 1,12,135 1,23,359 1,33,855 1,43,233 35 51,706 62,626 71,107 90,742 1,03,327 1,14,566 1,26,033 1,36,758 1,46,342 36-43 53,716 64,459 73,519 93,154 1,05,777 1,16,997 1,28,707 1,39,661 1,49,450 44 62,467 75,202 85,927 1,05,562 1,18,184 1,29,404 1,42,354 1,54,467 1,65,289 45 71,219 85,945 98,334 1,17,969 1,30,591 1,41,81 1 1,56,000 1,69,272 1,81,128 46-48 79,971 96,688 1,10,741 1,30,376 1,42,999 1,54,219 1,69,646 1,84,078 1,96,967 49 82,486 1,00,344 1,14,968 1,35,070 1,47,693 1,59,380 1,75,322 1,90,235 2,03,554 50 85,001 1,04,000 1,19,194 1,39,764 1,52,386 1,64,541 1,80,997 1,96,392 2,10,141 51-53 87,516 1,07,656 1,23,420 1,44,458 1,57,080 1,69,703 1,86,673 2,02,549 2,16,728 54 92,406 1,14,248 1,32,910 1,57,220 1,70,778 1,84,335 2,02,769 2,20,015 2,35,419 55 97,296 1,20,839 1,42,401 1,69,983 1,84,476 1,98,968 2,18,865 2,37,481 2,54,1 10 56-58 1,02,186 1,27,431 1,51,891 1,82,746 1,98,173 2,13,601 2,34,961 2,54,946 2,72,800 59 1,20,484 1,47,348 1,77,092 2,09,349 2,34,127 2,60,774 2,86,853 3,1 1,247 3,33,042 60 1,38,782 1,67,264 2,02,293 2,35,953 2,70,080 3,07,948 3,38,746 3,67,549 3,93,284 61-63 1,57,080 1,87,180 2,27,494 2,62,556 3,06,034 3,55,121 3,90,638 4,23,850 4,53,526 64 1,70,170 2,02,785 2,46,453 2,80,066 3,26,442 3,78,802 4,16,687 4,52,1 15 4,83,769 65 1,83,260 2,18,389 2,65,412 2,97,576 3,46,850 4,02,483 4,42,737 4,80,380 5,14,012 66-68 1,96,350 2,33,993 2,84,371 3,15,086 3,67,259 4,26,164 4,68,786 5,08,645 5,44,254 69 2,15,985 2,57,396 3,12,814 3,46,595 4,03,985 4,68,781 5,15,667 5,59,509 5,98,681 70 2,35,620 2,80,799 3,41,256 3,78,105 4,40,712 5,1 1,398 5,62,547 6,10,373 6,53,107 71-73 2,55,255 3,04,202 3,69,699 4,09,614 4,77,439 5,54,016 6,09,428 6,61,237 7,07,533 74 2,80,781 3,34,627 4,06,669 4,50,577 5,25,190 6,09,424 6,70,376 7,27,365 7,78,289 75 3,06,306 3,65,052 4,43,639 4,91,539 5,72,940 6,64,832 7,31,324 7,93,492 8,49,045 >75 3,31,832 3,95,477 4,80,609 5,32,501 6,20,690 7,20,240 7,92,272 8,59,620 9,19,802 Additional Premium for Buy Back of PED (Optional Cover) Policy T erm / Age band in years 1-year 2-years 3-years 3m-35 20% 10% 7% 36-45 30% 15% 10% 46-50 35% 18% 12% Above 50 50% 25% 17% PREMIUM FOR MIDTERM INCLUSION – POLICY TERM 1 YEAR Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths >9 mnths Refund on existing plan 77.5% 62.5% 42.5% 20.0% NA % to be charged on proposed plan 77.5% 62.5% 42.5% 20.0% PREMIUM FOR MIDTERM INCLUSION – POLICY TERM 3 YEARS Risk period 1 mth 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 12 mths 15 mths 18 mths 21 mths 24 mths 27 mths 30 mths 33 mths >33 mths R e f u n d o n e x i s t i n g p l a n 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5% NA % to be charged on proposed plan 82.5% 77.5% 70.0% 62.5% 57.5% 50.0% 42.5% 35.0% 27.5% 20.0% 15.0% 7.5% 1 4 3 2 A - Adult | C - Child A - Adult | C - Child


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